Saturday, August 27, 2016

My Classmate - A Roman Catholic - Former Mayor of Stephan's Perryville, Missouri - Ordered a CLP for Herself and One for an LCMS Pastor

My Moline classmate, Debbie Gahan, served as the first lady Mayor of Perryville, Missouri, the town established by Bishop Martin Stephan's order - instead of starting with a much better deal in St. Louis, better land for a better price.

We are looking forward to seeing Debbie at the Moline reunion - our 50th anniversary class reunion - the Class the Stars Fell On.

She hastened to order two signed copies of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - one for her and one for LCMS Pastor Thomas Handrick.

 Debbie Mitchell Gahan and I were in band, chem-physics,
and who knows what at Coolidge Junior and Moline Senior High.
Our group was creative, fun, and funny.