Friday, October 28, 2016

Someone Forwarded This New Evangelism Program from WELS.
Sic Added

WELS has an oversupply,
and their rich supply can be your school
carnivals and talent shows.

October 27, 2016 

Pastor Spencer:

It is true.

Outreach campaigns tend to be time consuming to prepare and draining to implement. As a result, it (sic - the antecedent, campaigns, is plural) ends up on the back burner.

Our ministry partners with you by handling the planning, training, and implementation of an outreach campaign for your congregation.

And it's making a difference.

Pastor (sic) are freed up to spend time with their people, drinking beer and cheering for the Packers.

And WELS members are trained to do something they have always wanted to do -- proclaim the gospel to a lost soul, such as the District President or their Love Letter pastor.

By utilizing a simple methodology and approach, your members will be trained to know what to do and say, then immediately be provided with a well-organized opportunity to put their training into action. They can turn the parish into one more generic, vaguely Protestant church with a praise band and a soloist named Brunhilda.


Could you take a few minutes to discover more about our ministry and see if it may be the right fit for you?

Click here to find out four benefits that WELS congregations are receiving from launching an outreach campaign with our ministry. A. WELS will not foreclose your property this year. B. No one named Oelhafen or Ski will preach at your church. C. The Pack will win the Superbowl. D. Paul Kelm will finally retire and move to India with Larry Olson.

By doing so, I will also share with you three important things we are learning from the campaigns we have already launched this year. 1) It takes a lot of money. 2) Thrivent will pony up with a grant. 3) Look busy and everyone will be pleased.


One final note

It has been a blessing to help new WELS churches launch their missions in Texas and Idaho, plus assist established churches in Washington, Minnesota, California, Texas, and Colorado. We are that good. Heute die Welt!

There is power in the proclamation of the gospel. When your members receive specific training and learn how to overcome fears, they become a valuable asset in all of your outreach activities. Turn your diaper-changing academy into a program of mass baptisms.

I hope I have the opportunity to visit with you to learn more about your ministry, obtain some needed donations, and answer any questions you may have about our campaigns.

God's Blessings,

Dave Malnes
President - Praise, Pub, and Proclaim Ministries