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This absurd pronouncement appeared on LutherQuest, Jack Cascione's gathering of yahoos, nogoodniks, and poorly educated apostates. "Everyone...have (sic)" everyone is singular. |
“Nunes in his preface has words of commendation for Cardinal Avery Dulles, a mentor of Father Richard Neuhaus. Both Dulles and Neuhaus denied the doctrine of Hell and justification by faith alone." Dave Becker
What is more ironic - Herman Otten or Jack Cascione hosting a doctrinal forum?
Otten seems outraged that the Missouri Synod, which kicked him out, is so kind to liberals and so willing to work with ELCA. Nunes (LCMS) is a choice example, because his vicar from ELCA murdered a woman in the congregation. When I told Otten's stealth friend - Paul McCain, at the Purple Palace - that Missouri obtained ELCA vicars for their congregations, Paul the Plagiarist flipped his wig and denied it. I saw the evidence in writing at the ELCA seminary in Columbus, where vicars wrote up their vicarage adventures. ELCA women preached, baptized, and consecrated in LCMS congregations.
No one has expended more ink denying Justification by Faith than Herm Otten. And that is the elastic bond between ELCA and the LCMS. Because both church bodies teach Justification without Faith, they can get along, plan, worship, and do evangelism together without internal or external contradiction. They are living out their unfaith.
This is why James wrote -
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. (New NIV for the UOJ crowd) James 3:1
Here is a little church history for those who snoozed through their classes in college, seminary, and graduate school. The graduate school reference is gratuitous since so many want to teach without the education needed.
Universal Objective Justification - also OJ and General Justification - came from the Pietists at Halle University. The concept existed in Lutherdom only once before, when Huber was kicked out of Wittenberg for teaching UOJ and attacking Justification by Faith.
Halle taught UOJ, a milder form than the flotsam promoted in the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC-ELCA today, and the Calvinist translator of their major textbook used the terms Objective Justification and Subjective Justification in an explanatory note. Walther learned his UOJ from his Pietistic and syphilitic bishop, Martin Stephan, who learned it at Halle University.
Walther's Pietistic and rationalistic UOJ took some time to dominate the LCMS, and when it did, there was no room for Justification by Faith, which is barely tolerated in Missouri now and excommunicated from WELS, the ELS, and the CLC (sic).
Note that grace is the term used in all the mainline denominations and ELCA to state that everyone in the world is already forgiven and saved, the constant theme of WELS.
When they use the Reformation term Means of Grace, they mean telling the poor souls they are already forgiven and saved. Most laity have the Biblical knowledge to ignore this tripe, but the leaders and professors live it and love it. Their only condemnation is for those who deny their beloved and addicting UOJ.
Trinity in Bridgeton told Otten they would not give any more money to Christian News if Otten published my articles. Anathema sit!
WELS kicked Paul Rydecki out of their sect and tried to foreclose the church property. Anathema sit!
Jack Casione attacked me for quoting Robert Preus, who had many excellent classic quotations against UOJ in Justification and Rome. Anathema sit!
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I copied this from Justification and Rome, Robert Preus. Can we show some love for Calov, a favorite of Johann Sebastian Bach? |
Pope John the Malefactor responded to a letter about justification with this headline - "How Can Anyone Who Questions UOJ Call Himself a Christian?" - thus excommunicating a layman just for asking about the domga. Anathema sit!
ELCA, WELS, the LCMS, and ELS came from the bowels of Pietism, so they share a common history, a common school (Halle University) and a common heresy - UOJ. The mainline denominations are similarly from the mission initiatives of the Pietists, so they all have the "why can't we all get along" mentality that turned Halle into a center of rationalism in only one generation.
A denomination without a sincere confessional basis cannot resist the go-along-get-along philosophy of Pietism. As long as Missouri and WELS had some leaders who knew and loved the theology and Biblical insights of the Reformation, they thrived. The mighty oaks of the past have fallen and their books have been left forgotten in the archives of used book sales. I can obtain them for $1 plus $4 shipping.
The LCMS leaders are so poorly educated that they call Justification by Faith "Calvinism," showing they do not know Calvinism or the Reformation. Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. (New NIV for the UOJ crowd) James 3:1
Christian News clearly sells to a mixed audience of UOJ fanatics, loyal Babtists, and conservative Roman Catholics. Otten tolerates every dogma but not the Chief Article of the Christian Religion.