First of all, Webber and Rolf show no evidence of exegetical ability but choose to circle around their SynCon heroes and throw quotes at each other. The quest for the historical Kidnapper - CFW Walther - continues.
Although both consider themselves UOJ experts for sticking to the same false dogma, they really loathe each other. And they are both loathed in their respective sects - Webber in the Little Sect on the Prairie, Rolf in the LCMS (at the moment). Webber was LCMS and Rolf was ELS. Such harmony! - and they both went to Ft. Wayne when Robert Preus was president of Ft. Wayne.
Loehe began that school and Walther asked for it as a gift to Missouri, plus continued cash. But Loehe is a bad guy to many in Missouri.
That reminds me of Madison in The Music Man. "He was a miser nobody liked." The Music Man, Harold Hill asked, "Madison Picnic Park? Madison Gymnasium? Madison Hospital? Who did he think he was?"
The Halle twins never seem to realize that the debate websty is named LutherQuest, not Walther-StephanQuest. They know less about Luther than they know about Scripture. To paraphrase the jibe about Shakespeare the actor - "Little Scripture and less Luther."
The Lutherans are wondering why their massive or tiny schools are emptying out. They should look to the Roman Catholics for the reasons why. Nothing is quite so unappealing as becoming a Catholic priest. The rare exceptions are those places where the school looks back to traditional Romanism. In those schools, candidates rush in from all over, and the bishops are offended. I read of one where the current Pope made it a point to close down a successful, traditional seminary that annoyed him.
Likewise, the "conservative" Lutheran leaders have fallen over each other to create copies of Fuller Seminary, even down to the prep school level. The boards and faculties are Fulleroids - pains in the neck who attended Fuller for some inane reason. The reading lists are Fulleroid. The assignments are Fulleroid. And the classroom are empty.
Luke 1:52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
Notice that Webber and Rolf have never assaulted the Church Growth Movement. Jay the Furtive used to tell me what articles I needed to publish in Christian News - not that he would ever do the same.
Rolf specializes in mentioning his father often, without comprehending what his father wrote.
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And there is Rolf Preus, on the left of Bishop Jim Heiser, Ft. Wayne graduate. What fun games to play, to UOJ or not to UOJ? That is the question. |
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More ELDONA-Rolf Synod meetings. |