Sunday, April 2, 2017

Retro Post from LaughQuest aka LutherQuest -
A Websty Group Dedicated To Teaching Against Justification by Faith

False teachers are sharing this advice.

Question: A Lutheran friend is considering joining an Orthodox congregation. What are the most significant differences between Lutheranism and Orthodoxy?

Pastor Rolf David Preus: 
The Eastern Orthodox deny justification by faith alone. There are other differences, but this is the most signifant one.


GJ - Ba-da-bing.

 The Rolf Preus Synod broke with the ELDONUTs
because the ELS Pietists are opposed to Justification by Faith.
But at this point they got along great with ELDONA.

 "Does this beard look Eastern Orthodox?" -
Bishop James Heiser asked at the last ELDONUT conference.