Stormtroopers are known for what characteristic in the first Star Wars movie?
Answer - They fire dozens of rounds but always miss. They do not even wound Luke, Princess Leia, or Chewbacca.
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Paul McCain quoted this with approval on his now extinct Cyberbrethren blog, where he shamelessly plagiarized The Catholic Encyclopedia. |
The troop was alerted last night on Facebook, when Father Weedon, Court Preacher at the Purple Palace, offered a theological question about why some were saved and others were not. I responded that he should consult Paul McCain or Jack Cascione, who claim the entire world was already forgiven and saved.
Weedon did not respond, but ELS Pastor Ron Pederson and LCMS Pastor Tim Roth did.
Ron Pederson began with the old UOJ argument that "I cannot believe I am forgiven unless it is already true."
LCMS Pastor Timothy Roth immediately ordered me to erase my comments, as if Adriane Heins, managing editor of the LCMS magazine, could not bear the thought of people writing about a question she began as a discussion question.
Soon LCMS Pastor Dave Preus began lobbing questions at me. It was like being stoned by death by popcorn. I suggested reading his grandfather's book, since he called me an OJ Denier and even worse - a "quoter of other people."
As I was quick to point out, Dr. Robert Preus denied the forgiveness and salvation of the entire world in his book. He made his own statements for Justification by Faith and against Objective Justification, but he also quoted other people.
Confidential to the Preus siblings, who frequently object to my quotations from Justification and Rome - The whole idea of publishing books and essays is to elicit discussion about new or controversial ideas. The concept of a Preus Franchise - that objects to anyone using Robert Preus quotations - is foreign to higher education. theological discourse, and the Geneva Conventions.
Young Preus invited himself to begin questioning me, because the Preus Franchise considers itself divinely called to attack and silence Justification by Faith. But they never respond to germane answers about the Chief Article of Christianity.
Since I am a quoter of other people, I mentioned Paul teaching we are justified by the faith of Jesus in Romans, Galatians, and Philippians, a clear statement muddled by most modern translations, but not by the KJV.
Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
May I quote Luther on this subject?
Not All Are
87. And I cannot reject this
interpretation; for St. Paul also speaks in like manner in Romans 5:18: “As
through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so
through one act of righteousness the free gift came unto all men unto
justification of life.” Although all men are not justified through Christ, he
is, nevertheless, the only man through whom justification comes.
So it is also here. Although all men are not illumined, nevertheless this is the only light through which all illumination comes. The Evangelist has used this manner of speech freely, and had no fear that some might take offense because he says “all men.” He thought he would anticipate all such offense, and explains himself before and afterwards, and says: “The darkness apprehended him not, and his own received him not.” These words are sufficient proof to prevent anyone from saying that the Evangelist meant to say that all men are illumined; but he did wish to say that Christ is the only Light that lighteth all men, and without him no man is lighted.
So it is also here. Although all men are not illumined, nevertheless this is the only light through which all illumination comes. The Evangelist has used this manner of speech freely, and had no fear that some might take offense because he says “all men.” He thought he would anticipate all such offense, and explains himself before and afterwards, and says: “The darkness apprehended him not, and his own received him not.” These words are sufficient proof to prevent anyone from saying that the Evangelist meant to say that all men are illumined; but he did wish to say that Christ is the only Light that lighteth all men, and without him no man is lighted.
Third Christmas Day, or Principal Service, Sermons of Luther, Volume 1.