Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Lutheran scholar Martin Marty on faith, Luther, the state of religion | Chicago Sun-Times

Marty and I attended the Martin Marty lectures at Notre Dame.
MM endorsed my book/dissertation on A. D. Mattson.
LCMS-WELS worthies would say MM is a liberal,
but he teaches the same UOJ as WELS-LCMS.
His son Peter is an ELCA pastor,
and his radio show was Grace Matters.

Lutheran scholar Martin Marty on faith, Luther, the state of religion | Chicago Sun-Times:

"Martin Marty, Lutheran pastor, retired University of Chicago professor, author, has a new a book on Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” as 500th anniversary approaches, believes that a new Reformation, spanning denominations, would have to focus on “a recovery of love and justice.”

Ordained a Lutheran minister 65 years ago, Marty taught for 35 years at the U. of C. Was once editor at The Christian Century magazine and won a 1972 National Book Award for “Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America.”

He’s retired but still writing, including a new book on Martin Luther called “October 31, 1517 — Martin Luther and the Day that Changed the World.”"

 Bishop Martin Marty, St. Meinrad's Seminary.
Martin Marty gave lectures there and posed with the
portrait of Martin Marty.

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