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"Who's the dude? Cool hat!" Concordia St. Louis Seminary students at the Waldo Werning Evangelism Center. |
A reader asked about reactions to Compare and Contrast - A Catechism for Universal Forgiveness without Faith - UOJ.
As stated earlier, and borrowed from a forgotten, wise person - There are three stages of reaction:
- Loud cheering means the effort was a waste of time, because everyone already agrees.
- Anger means the ideas have awakened animosity, not because they are wrong, but because they are correct.
- Silence signifies the most disturbed reaction. That means the ideas are so threatening that a debate is not going to be started, lest others catch on.
Exposing Robert Preus' horrible theology and worse exegesis, 1987, prompted no reactions at all. Likewise, no one deals with his vastly improved position in Justification and Rome. Apparently, the Preus Family Enterprises imagines they own all rights to Robert Preus. But published scholarship - whether sound or toxic - is not like the sacred relics of Elvis Presley. Anyone can and should debate ideas.
Update - I did get some positive responses, from two lay readers who really understand the doctrinal issues. Clergy seldom respond.
Update - I did get some positive responses, from two lay readers who really understand the doctrinal issues. Clergy seldom respond.
Tis funny how often I have been banned, blacklisted, and silenced. One would think they would welcome the chance to debate someone so misguided, so horrible that cockroaches recoil in horror. Paul McCain made some of his feeble attempts, helped by his alcoholic friends in Fox Valley. Who says WELS and Missouri cannot get along?
Of course, the Booze Brothers picking up friends like Kudu Don Patterson and Paul McCain is nothing to brag about. Why are UOJ Stormtroopers always so angry and bitter? I have yet to see any spiritual fruits from the lot of them. Rancid Pietism only produces rationalism, Talmudic rules for shunning, and empty seminaries. Those UOJ friendships break up when one can no longer use the other - Otten and McCain, McCain and just about everyone, not to mention the snarling and hissing denizens of LutherQuest (sic) and the CLC (sic). Meanwhile, a few Lutherans annually gather at the Emmaus to have their eyes blinded rather than opened.
We should remember what Luther said about the Holy Spirit. He is so powerful that He can turn the greatest evil into the greatest good, as He did at the crucifixion of Christ.
The present apostate leaders of the Little Sect, Missouri, and WELS are not the greatest evil. They are simply riding out the landslide as Lutherdom collapses in America. The extremes are so comical that they seem dreamlike. The executives pay themselves like princes and Cardinals, but they starve those who do the work - and I do not mean the seminary professors. The professors do as little work as possible, as few hours as possible, and produce no worthwhile scholarship. The boards, commissions, and ladies aid societies simply march on in obedience, everyone listening for the latest shun orders, the newest fad, the ray of hope in the midst of so much carefully managed mediocrity. ELCA beckons because ELCA has won while losing.
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The baton passes from Bohlmann to Barry to Harrison, and everything only gets worse. All winning candidates have been certified and approved by Herman Otten. |