Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wisconsin Lutheran College Name Change?

Dr. Jackson

A little bird told me that WLC is considering changing it's name from Wisconsin Lutheran College to Wisconsin Christian University.  According to my source (a employee of WLC) this proposal is being considered because the Admin claims that WLC is difficult to find when one searches "Christian Colleges in Wisconsin" in Google. Now, I tried that Google search, and that claim proved patently false.  Big surprise.   My source also states that this proposal is causing furor among the small contingent of remaining faculty that actually care about Lutheranism.  (I won't comment on the theological fortitude of those who would remain at WLC, but I suppose it is possible that there are a few Lutherans remaining...)  This small contingent of professors are, apparently, the same who've been unsuccessfully trying to keep WLC a liberal arts college.  Obviously, these are the profs with zero political clout, and my source is certain that the name-change will go through.

Now, I happen to know that WLC has yearly shortfalls of tens of millions of dollars.  Consider this along with the looming bursting of the Student-debt bubble and we can discern the thinking behind the name change.   "Let's give up any pretense of Lutheranism and we'll attract more people.  Survive at any cost."

Oh wait.  This has been the MO of the entire WELS for 20 years.  Ok.   Nothing to see here...  Same ol', same ol'...


 Call in the Jelly-Tele-Tubbie Team.
They will fix things:
Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, and Patterson.


GJ - Small private colleges are on the brink, with so many charging too much money for degrees that do not earn enough to pay down the student debt. That is why all the seminaries are becoming empty, and yet the fixed costs are almost the same without the students to fill them.

All the schools thought that they students could borrow forever to pay the fantastic salaries of lazy, do-nothing professors. Bernie Sanders' wife bankrupted her little college by borrowing money to expand when the gifts were not coming in to service the loan. Even socialists have to face the music.