Monday, September 25, 2017

Waterloo Lutheran Seminary to be renamed Martin Luther University College |

 The old building? That's the new one!
Wait, it was new when I went there 48 years ago.

Waterloo Lutheran seminary to be renamed Martin Luther University College |

"A new logo for the renamed seminary is being designed to go along with the new name.

"The name Waterloo Lutheran Seminary — which once accurately described who we were when we were primarily a denominational school — no longer reflects who we have become," Harris said.

"We continue to have a (Master of Divinity) program training Lutheran clergy and clergy from a number of other Christian denominations as well. But, in fact, the M-Div is now the smallest program in the school. Our largest program, the one we feel very strongly about, is the Masters in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy.""

 I feel strongly about the doggy dropin
at the seminary chapel.

'via Blog this'

 The chapel then - 1970.

 The chapel now, viewed from the chancel.