Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Theology Is the Grammar of Faith - Why UOJ, OJ, and SJ Are Evil Terms Used To Promote or Hide False Doctrine

 Paul L. Holmer, Professor of Philosophical Theology
at Yale University,
posed with Little Ichabod on one trip to the campus.
Holmer used the expression - "Theology is the grammar of faith."
I tried to cover the main issues about Universal Objective Justification as a bad paroday of Justification by Faith.

UOJ terms - Objective Justification, Subjective Justification, General Justification - are the same as bad grammar and poor word usage in writing. The reason is - precise language conveys the correct concepts, or at the very least - the intended thoughts to be communicated.

Long ago, many of us assumed that Objective Justification was another word for the Atonement - Christ died for the sins of the world. In fact, before donning the bishop's mitre, Jim Heiser thought the same thing. Heiser was appalled by the actual use of Objective Justification, as quoted extensively and fairly in Thy Strong Word. Nevertheless, Heiser affiliated with the Rolf Synod, which escaped the Little Sect on the Prairie, but have returned to the ELS/LCMS, wagging their little tails behind them. They were and are gung-ho for UOJ.

Likewise, the Easter absolution of the world language, from Walther via Bishop Stephan and Halle University, is a dangerous flirtation with Universalism, whose teaching is almost the same. No better are the ridiculous Objective Justification and Subjective Justification terms, because OJ means "the entire world has been declared by God to be forgiven and saved  - without faith." See the LCMS 1932 Brief Statement on justification.

Likewise, Subjective Justification means agreeing that the absolution of the world - without faith - is Biblical. Subjective Justification does NOT mean Justification by Faith. So we have two sets of terms that are completely alien to:

  • The Scriptures
  • Luther
  • The Lutheran Reformation
  • The Book of Concord
  • The Post-Concord theologians - Gerhard, Leyser, Hunnius, Calov.
  • Modern examples in the LCMS and WELS.

How did the Reformation happen without those odious UOJ terms? and why must we constantly default to OJ and SJ?

The liberal mainline theologians simply dropped their SJ, just as Schleiermacher and Barth did - the entire world is forgiven and saved period. Requiring faith repudiates grace - yes, they really mean that and constantly warn against faith. The reason - they lack faith completely, so that is their subtle evasion, using the words of faith while repudiating faith in the Word of God. As my friend at Notre Dame said, "Faith without belief. They have a sentimental attachment to the Bible." (The sainted Charles Caldwell, Episcopalian conservative)

I used to grieve that I wasted so many hours studying modern theology and Roman Catholic theology at Notre Dame, but that is how I came to recognize UOJ as another form of apostate teaching.

Like the creatures of decay in the garden, the UOJ teachers hide under the rocks and logs whenever discovered. But they go back to their work.

Bivens and Valleskey taught UOJ an d Church Growth at Mordor Seminary in Mequon (WELS). Their deception or self-deception is so complete that Bivens called UOJ "the Chief Article of the Christian Faith."

The 10th Annual Emmaus Conference is Friday, April 28th, 2017, with a banquet the evening prior on Thursday, April 27th. The topic for the 2017 Emmaus Conference will be: “The Unsuspecting American Luthers”. The backgrounds, challenges, and impact of several Lutheran theologians in the 20th Century will be explored and discussed.
Daniel Preus
Daniel Preus
 John Brenner
John Brenner
Markos DeGarmeaux
Markos DeGarmeaux

2016 Emmaus Topic & Speakers

The 2016 topic for the Emmaus Conference is entitled, “Are We Experiencing the Lutheran Reformation Eve or Twilight?” We are excited to have the Rev. Dr. Lawrence Rast, Jr. from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, as our lecturer.
Rev. Dr. Lawrence Rast, Jr.
Lawrence Rast, Jr.
Dr. Lawrence Rast serves as the sixteenth president of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne and is a professor of American Christianity and American Lutheranism. Dr. Rast joined the Department of Historical Theology in the fall of 1996 after serving as pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, Madison, Tennessee (1992-96).
The following speakers will give the lecture and reactions.
2016 Emmaus Conference Speakers:
  • Lecturer: The Rev. Dr. Lawrence Rast (LC-MS)
  • Reactor: The Rev. Pres. Paul Wendland (WELS)
  • Reactor: The Rev. Prof. Erling Teigen (ELS)

Our Righteousness before God

The theme of the 2015 Emmaus Conference proved a timely topic. “Our Righteousness Before God…Is Revealed in the Gospel. On this Righteousness Faith Relies.”
The lecture was given by the Reverend David Jay Webber in two parts.
  • Part I: Why Objective Justification Mattered to the Reformers
  • Part II: Why Objective Justification Matters to Us


GJ - As one person said, if Lutheran doctrine can be explained without OJ/SJ - why use the terms?

If OJ/SJ must be used, why did Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz and the Reformers fail to use those terms?

I would add the new extra calvinisticusm - If the terms came from the Calvinist translator of a Pietist theologian, how can they be used in the Lutheran Church without shame and remorse?

 WELS-ELS-LCMS-CLC (sic) today.

 My professor at WLS, Otto Heick, a favorite of WELS pastors,
wrote that Spener was the first union theologian,
merging Lutheran and Calvinistic doctrine.
Almost all American denominations came out of Pietism. They all had a great affection for Spener, the first union theologian. The current WELS-ELS-LCMS allergy to the Book of Concord comes from the re-establishment of Pietism in those groups, as shown by their Pietistic cell groups (lay led share, care, Bible study, prayer, affinity, or prayer groups).

Those that use Pietistic methods also employ Pietistic doctrine.

Reviews of Thy Strong Word,
Which Addresses Modern Lutheran Errors

 Available in printed form, Kindle e-books,
and the earlier version free as a PDF.

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase
I am a layman, not a theologian, but I have read fairly widely in the literature of Lutheranism, my heritage faith, so I do not hesitate to praise with the highest encomia possible this very fine and much-needed book that refutes the errors of latter-day North American Lutheranism, alike the unbelieving "liberalism" of the E.L.C.A. and E.L.C.i.C. as well as the pseudo-conservatism (which falsely poses as Confessional) of the denominations deriving from the old Synodical Conference (most notably the L.C.M.S., W.E.L.S., E.L.S., and the L.C.M.S.' sister sect, the Lutheran Church Canada), which have betrayed genuine Confessional Lutheranism with their bizarre speculations embodied in the theological paradigm of "Universal Objective Justification and Subjective Justication" (U.O.J.), which Ptr. Dr. Gregory Lee Jackson anathematises and disproves, as well he should do, showing these heinous false speculative ideas to be being neither Scriptural nor Confessional, and, hence, not genuinely Lutheran at all. (Coming back to this review to revise it some, I would point out that Jackson has written and published a separate book, one that handles the matter suberbly, on the U.O.J. heresy, titled "Luther versus the U.O.J. Pietists: Justification by Faith".) Jackson also scathingly and realistically savages the venal "Church Growth Movement" tendencies in all forms of this hemisphere's Lutheranism, liberal and pseudo-confessional alike.

There are magnificent defenses of "genesio-Lutheran" Confessional teaching versus the claims of what Ptr. Dr. Jackson calls the "Reformed" (by which he includes all non-Lutheran Protestantism and sectarianism, rather than only, more properly, the teaching of other genuinely Protestant churches that follow the doctrinal teachings of Martin Bucer, especially, and of Jean Calvin, as well as the Three Forms of Unity and Westminster Standards that so principally, soundly, and moderately codify them confessionally). Jackson's defense of the Lutheran and hence Orthodox Christian "Means of Grace" is a stunning refutation of the claims of Baptists, Pentecostals/Charismatics, the loud-mouthed "Fundamentalists" who are so fundamentally wrong, the so-called "Neo-Evangelicals", Campbellites/"Restorationists", and other "cheap white [or black] theological trash") by explicating from the Scriptures (using, wisely, the Authorised "King James" Version, free of the sectarian bias that afflicts to one degree or another the modern versions in English of the Bible) the true Lutheran and biblical teaching about Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass). For the fine defense of Lutheran sacramental theology alone this book would be worth the purchase, but there is so much more as well!

A fault, a minor but nonetheless somewhat irritating one, is Jackson's intemperately vituperative assaults on other Lutherans and their squabbles and peccadillos over relatively minor matters of turf, petty corruption, and so forth which, really, are of only passing interest or importance compared to the major issues that this book addresses, something that inevitably will cause this book become a bit dated in that regard. (That said, though, Jackson`s comments on such matters are reasonable and, I believe, true.) Dr. Jackson's book is already a classic of Lutheran exegesis and sound doctrinal teaching.

A note of warning is in store for those who purchase the book second-hand; the earliest printing of this book had some pagination and binding irregularities, but even a copy with these defects is worth having, since they do not affect any of the most important passages of the book.


Format: Kindle Edition
This is one of the best modern Christian polemics books out there. Pastor Jackson does an excellent job of teaching God's Word and exposing the false teachings of men in the various Lutheran sects. It is very edifying to Christ's Church to have this publication to share with laity and Pastors alike. Most Lutheran laity I have met are uniformed that their Church leaders reject the efficacy of the Word and teach a damnable false gospel of Universal Objective Justification. Much like the polemic publications of the church fathers during the reformation, (1500's) Jackson's Thy Strong Word serves to the posterity of God's people in guarding against false doctrine.

Biblical Justification by Faith Alone vs. Pietism's Universal Objective Justification.
UOJ = OJ = General Justification

Someone has written me about Justification by Faith, and I am happy to answer. My email address is posted at the top of the blog page, so anyone else can do the same.

UOJ Is the Doctrine of ELCA and the National Council of Churches
The WELS-ELS-LCMS leaders imagine they are united by the dogma of Universal Objective Justification, so many clergy think anything else is an attack on the Gospel and a denial of certain Biblical truths. ELCA has truncated UOJ down to "God's grace means everyone is forgiven." That is also the basic assumption of all mainline denominations - members of the National Council of Churches.

UOJ-OJ-General Justification
WELS loves to say Universal Objective Justification, but the ELS and LCMS favor Objective Justification. Hoenecke wrote General Justification (in German - every single person is justified). All three terms have the same meaning - that God has declared everyone in the world forgiven - without faith.

Justification by Faith Is Definitely Not a Limited Atonement
Many Lutherans claim that teaching Justification by Faith is the same as advocating a Limited Atonement.

The concept of a Limited Atonement comes from Calvinism - and means that Christ died only for believers. The foundational error of Calvin is separating the Holy Spirit from the Word, which Lutherans call Enthusiasm. No one has the right to invent Christian teaching, whether the pope, the Calvinists, or the Pietists.

The reason many equate Justification by Faith with a Limited Atonement is clear - they merge the Atonement with Justification. That is why they seize on Atonement passages in Luther and the New Testament and say, "Oh, Jay, OJ! UOJ! You owe Jay!" All the chanting and exultation in the world will not merge the Atonement with Justification.

The Gospel message is clear - Christ died for the sins of the world, not only for minor and trivial sins, but also for great and terrible sins. His death for the sins of the world is testified throughout the Bible, Luther, and Book of Concord. That is not the same as saying the entire world has been absolved of all sin.

The Gospel Message Creates Faith, Sustains Faith, and Is Received in Faith
The Holy Spirit works through the Gospel Word to plant faith in the hearts of those who hear it, especially in infants. Faith is created, sustained, and strengthened by the invisible Word of teaching and preaching, the visible Word of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.

Luther constantly emphasized the importance of preaching the Gospel and emphasizing faith. One effect of UOJ is

  • to reduce preaching to plagiarizing the sermons of others and 
  • to reduce worship to entertaining the sheep. 

The results of UOJ are appalling.

Grace Only Comes from the Means of Grace, the Word and Sacraments

  • The Gospel begins with the first Gospel Promise to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15.
  • Justification by Faith is explained in Genesis 15 when Abraham believed the Promises of God, and it was counted as righteousness.
  • Two phrases are significant here - Abraham believed, and it was counted as righteousness. Sometimes the English term is imputation of righteousness, always used with faith or belief.
  • Abraham is the example of faith in Romans 4, Galatians, Hebrews 11, and James. The true children of Abraham are those who believe in Christ, as He taught so clearly in John 8.
  • Christ is conveyed to us either by the invisible Word of preaching and teaching or by the visible Word of the sacraments. That is why the Word and Sacraments are called the Means of Grace. To claim that the world enjoys the grace of God without the Means of Grace is pure Enthusiasm, separating grace from the Means of Grace.

 The Calvinist Woods used OJ and SJ
to explain the dogma of a Pietist at Halle - Knapp.
This book was a major Evangelical text in America
before Walther arrived.
UOJ Terminology and Claims Do Not Come from the Bible, Luther, or the Book of Concord, But from Pietism and Calvinism
One cannot find UOJ, OJ, or General Justification among Lutherans until the era of Pietism and Rationalism at Halle University.
The sole exception to this rule is Huber, a former Calvinist, who taught at Wittenberg University.
Huber was kicked out of Wittenberg and repudiated by P. Leyser and Hunnius.
OJ seems to be taught in two forms - 
  1. An imaginary Easter absolution of the entire world, based on a false reading of 1 Timothy 3:16.
  2. Creating two terms for justification - Objective Justification and Subjective Justification.
It is both wrong and dangerous to invent terms not found in the Bible. In a few cases, some terms have become common ways to encapsulate an entire controversy, such as Trinity for the the Biblical concept of the the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Another example is the Means of Grace, to condense the basic concepts of the Word and Sacraments.

Man-made analogies are also ridiculous, such as OJ/SJ being "two sides of the same coin." Not so. Subjective Justification is belief in universal absolution without faith.

Jesus Is the Primary Obstacle to UOJ/OJ
Jesus taught the foundational sin is "not believing on Me." How can the entire world, including unbelievers, be forgiven and saved, without the Word? John 16:

John 16:8 And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Of sin, because they believe not on Me;
More Obstacles from Jesus - But You Need a Good Bible for This, KJV
Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
The modern Bibles obscure this passage because they come from the delusions of an apostate, Nida, and his disciples. The KJV, Luther, and some modern KJVs get this right. 
If faith is so bad, as the UOJists claim, then why are we justified by the faith of Jesus? - not faith in Jesus (which follows from the Gospel, but the faith OF Jesus is primary).
But wait, there's more - in the key book on Justification by Faith.
Galatians 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Not only are we justified by the faith of Jesus, but that is contrasted with justification by works. There are only two alternatives - faith or works. Those who reject Justification by Faith are favoring justification by works, whether they admit it or not.
And there is still more.
Philippians 3:And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Justification by Faith is accused of being Decision Theology, which is ridiculous. Yes, the synergists say, "God has done all this, now you have to do something. You have to believe in Jesus and submit to Him." Of course, they have that wrong, because the Gospel plants faith in Jesus in those who hear and listen in sincere hearts. 
Ironically, Decision Theology comes directly from Walther and JP Meyer, two heroes of UOJ false doctrine. Read what they say below.

Do you accept world absolution without faith?
I thought the Babtists were off, with accepting Jesus as a decision,
but this is making a decision for absolution without faith,
far worse.

Will he accept or reject this cowardly quasi-Universalism?

The error of the synergists is a combination - 
  1. they direct people to pray Jesus into their hearts and 
  2. give that prayer the power to do that, 

But the power is already in the Word of God. No one prays to Jesus without faith in Him. Prayer is the fruit of faith in Jesus, not the way to generate faith in Him.
Your DPs will support this look in time.
Some of the "conservative" Lutheran pastors admire her.

Basic Errors of UOJ:
  1. They claim we are born without sin and yet baptize infants and practice the confession of sin.
  2. They cannot explain how Abraham was justified by faith in Genesis 15, before the death of Christ (one of their cockeyed claims) or before His resurrection (their other claim).
  3. Their Moment of World Absolution cannot be both the crucifixion and the resurrection. They cannot figure that out.
  4. They even teach that the angelic pronouncement to the shepherds was world absolution. Now we have three Moments of World Absolution.
  5. Because everyone is born forgiven, no matter what, they practice and teach Antinomianism. The Law is obsolete, the same error as Agricola, so they do whatever they want.
  6. The liturgy has no meaning because there is no trust in the efficacy of the Word.
  7. Fooling around with the worship service turns the Means of Grace into plagiarized coaching talks and low-brow pop entertainment: clowns leading the goats. No more shepherds and sheep because the latest Evangelical media stars are their heroes.
  8. Nothing keeps the LCMS-ELS-WELS from working with ELCA, because they teach the same thing as ELCA.
  9. The UOJ leaders bristle at the thought of faith, so they silence, shun,  persecute, and expel those who teach Justification by Faith.