Wednesday, January 3, 2018

From 2013 - WELS Mission Board Waste of Funds

"I administer the Means of Grace."
Now she works at a DP's church.
This was the WELS Latte Church with the couches and "gourmet" coffee - featured in the WELS magazine, no less.

The WELS Mission Board gave St. Peter in Freedom
over $500,000 to buy this broken down bar,
just a hop from a WELS church.
But St. Peter has an annual budget of $1.4 million.

 Glende abandoned this property, which became a
healthy Eastern Orthodox congregation.

 Glende then abandoned this new building, designed to have a coffee bar, but the Babtists have already built onto it.
Glende should be on the mission board, because he started two successful congregations in Illinois. Too bad he closed the one entrusted to his care.

 Glende and Ski were inordinately proud to pose with potty-mouthed Katy Perry. Both superannuated teens published these photos on Facebook.