Best Bibles
- King James Version, aka the English Luther Bible
- KJV 21 - slightly modernized, just as our current KJV is...
- Third Millennium Bible - ditto. All three Bibles above use the traditional text and precise translations rather than anything goes text and paraphrasing (NIV, ESV, Surfer Dude, The Message, Good News).
- Note how the apostate "conservative" Lutherans will not let any KJV Bible even be named in any discussion about translations.
The KJV is the Tyndale Bible, and the Tyndale Bible is Luther's Bible in English. So why do the SynCon seminaries and synod poobahs hate the KJV? Answer - they loathe Luther. |
Best of Luther
- Luther's Sermons, Lenker Edition
- Galatians Lectures, either the shorter version or the longer one.
- The Large Catechism
- The Small Catechism, by itself.
Best of Melanchthon
- The Augsburg Confession
- Apology, on Justification
Best of Chemnitz
- The Formula of Concord, especially the Righteousness of Faith and the article on Election.
- Read carefully through Examination of the Council of Trent, any single volume, or
- The Two Natures in Christ is beautifully written and can be considered as a devotional work of the highest caliber.
Best American Lutherans - Learn These Authors To Realize Who Is Discarded Today
- Henry Eyster Jacobs - Doctrinal Outlines. Clear treatment of the Efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace.
- Theodore Schmauk - Confessional Principles. He battled for Lutheran doctrine and had many wise things to say about issues we face today. So also with...
- C. P. Krauth. The Conservative Reformation.
- Johann Michael Reu. Lectures on Unionism. Read about your unionistic synod leaders. Reu knew the score. He was a little bit liberal at first and became conservative.
- RCH Lenski was rejected by his own Ohio (ALC) Synod and seminary, but he is read today - NT commentaries and also other books.