Sunday, February 4, 2018

Let us ever walk with Jesus | Comfort for Christians

Sigmund von Birken
Wrote 52 hymns, including “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now”
and “Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus.”
In 1629, Sig­is­mund’s fa­ther, along with other evan­gel­i­cal pas­tors, was forced to flee Bo­he­mia, and went to Nürn­berg. Af­ter at­tend­ing the Egi­dien-Gym­na­si­um at Nürn­berg, Sig­is­mund en­tered the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Je­na in 1643, where he stu­died law and the­ol­o­gy, the lat­ter at his fa­ther’s dy­ing re­quest. Be­fore fin­ish­ing ei­ther course of stu­dy, he re­turned to Nürn­berg in 1645, and due to his po­et­ic­al gifts was ad­mit­ted to the Peg­nitz Shep­herd and Flow­er Or­der. At the close of 1645, he was ap­point­ed tu­tor at Wol­fen­büt­tel to the Prin­cess of Bruns­wick-Lü­ne­burg, but af­ter a year (dur­ing which he was crowned as a po­et), he re­signed the post. Af­ter a tour, dur­ing which he was ad­mit­ted by Phil­ipp von Ze­sen as a mem­ber of the Ger­man So­ci­e­ty (or Pa­tri­o­tic Un­ion), he re­turned to Nürn­berg in 1648, and worked as a pri­vate tutor. In 1654, Em­per­or Fer­di­nand III en­o­bled him, on ac­count of his po­et­ic gifts. In 1658, he joined the Fruit­bear­ing So­ci­e­ty, and on the death of Hars­dörf­fer in 1662, be­came Chief Shep­herd of the Peg­nitz Order.

Let us ever walk with Jesus | Comfort for Christians:

"Let us ever walk with Jesus
Hymns on Sanctification

The lyrics to this Reformation hymn are gorgeous. Take for example this portion:

‘And the fears that now annoy,
Shall be laughter on the morrow.
Christ, I suffer here with Thee;
There, oh, share Thy joy with me!

“Sigismund von Birken was the son of an Evangelical pastor in Bohemia. His family was forced to flee to Nürnberg when he was three. Birken was an established poet and was appointed a tutor at the age of 16 to the Princes of Brunswick-Lünesburg. His poetic skills led to publication of 52 hymns. However, only three of them have been translated into English. The most prominent of these hymns is Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus."

'via Blog this'

"Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus"Handbook to the by Sigismund von Birken, 1626-1681
Translated by J. Adam Rimbach, 1871-1941

1. Let us ever walk with Jesus,
Follow His example pure,
Flee the world, which would deceive us
And to sin our souls allure.
Ever in His footsteps treading,
Body here, yet soul above,
Full of faith and hope and love,
Let us do the Father's bidding.
Faithful Lord, abide with me;
Savior, lead, I follow Thee.

2. Let us suffer here with Jesus,
To His image, e'er conform;
Heaven's glory soon will please us,
Sunshine follow on the storm.
Though we sow in tears of sorrow,
We shall reap with heavenly joy;
And the fears that now annoy
Shall be laughter on the morrow.
Christ, I suffer here with Thee;
There, oh, share Thy joy with me!

3. Let us also die with Jesus.
His death from the second death,
From our soul's destruction, frees us,
Quickens us with life's glad breath.
Let us mortify, while living,
Flesh and blood and die to sin;
And the grave that shuts us in
Shall but prove the gate to heaven.
Jesus, here I die to Thee
There to live eternally.

4. Let us gladly live with Jesus;
Since He's risen from the dead,
Death and grave must soon release us.
Jesus, Thou art now our Head,
We are truly Thine own members;
Where Thou livest, there live we.
Take and own us constantly,
Faithful Friend, as Thy dear brethren.
Jesus, here I live to Thee,
Also there eternally.

Hymn #409
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: John 11:16
Author: Sigismund von Birken, 1653
Translated by: J. Adam Rimbach, 1900
Titled: "Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen"
Composer: Georg G. Boltze, 1788
Tune: "Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen"