Tuesday, March 27, 2018

From Alec Satin - On Election without Grace

At the time the controversy was going on, it seems clear that the Missouri had taken the stand that the Symbols either did not teach Intuitu Fidei, or that the fathers were confused in teaching it.
The author of Intuitu Fidei expects that Missouri will practically speaking eventually disregard the Confessions.
Here's my question:  What does the Synodical Conference teach and believe now in 2018?
(a) Election was made upon a limited group of unbelieving sinners without regard to their future faith. (election comes first), or
(b) Election was made with regard to those who would believe (God's knowledge of future faith comes first).
The first is of course pure Calvinism.


GJ - I was just reading a book by a Missouri Synod professor, on the Confessions. He declared that Walther's views on election virtually reproduced Article XI of the Formula of Concord. Thus the blindness is passed onto the next generation.