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Jay Webber got his online STM from a group that is UOJ/ELCA - and supports the ordination of women. |
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Webber's online school is inordinately proud of the woman they trained for ordination. Here she is preaching to them. |
Smalcald Articles - Written by Luther
Treats of the Articles which Refer to the Office and Work of Jesus Christ, or Our Redemption.
Part II, Article I: The first and chief article.
1] That Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins, and was raised again for our justification, Rom. 4:25.
2] And He alone is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world, John 1:29; and God has laid upon Him the iniquities of us all, Is. 53:6.
3] Likewise: All have sinned and are justified without merit [freely, and without their own works or merits] by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, in His blood, Rom. 3:23f
4] Now, since it is necessary to believe this, and it cannot be otherwise acquired or apprehended by any work, law, or merit, it is clear and certain that this faith alone justifies us as St. Paul says, Rom. 3:28: For we conclude that a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the Law. Likewise 3:26: That He might be just, and the Justifier of him which believeth in Christ.
5] Of this article nothing can be yielded or surrendered [nor can anything be granted or permitted contrary to the same], even though heaven and earth, and whatever will not abide, should sink to ruin. For there is none other name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved, says Peter, Acts 4:12. And with His stripes we are healed, Is. 53:5. And upon this article all things depend which we teach and practice in opposition to the Pope, the devil, and the [whole] world. Therefore, we must be sure concerning this doctrine, and not doubt; for otherwise all is lost, and the Pope and devil and all things gain the victory and suit over us.
On Facebook, I was reviewing the endless promotion of UOJ - the really dumb ideas planted in the minds of members and seminarians to make Justification by Faith so odious.
Jay Webber cited his own miserable trollop of a paper in promoting UOJ during this Facebook discussion. My current theory is that these people cling to their UOJ because they imagine it makes them elite, special, and uniquely qualified to boss others around. The leaders also use their own faction to divide any group that might give them hives - like the "In"trepid Lutherans. That worked very well, because the UOJists swarm like fire ants whenever Justification by Faith comes up.
Since Jay cited his own anti-faith work, just as Walther and Waldo Werning cited their own errors, I looked up his Emmaus paper once again. Webber mentioned the passage above (not quoting it of course) and took off on his own Icarian flight of fancy about Luther and Justification without Faith.
To find it, use control-f and use "chief" in the window. The second chief is the Chief Article, which he passes over conveniently.
As I pointed out on LutherQuest more than once, their error is in quoting all Atonement passages (Paul, Luther, the Book of Concord) as Objective Justification proof. But, as many have shown, including their own Robert Preus, the Atonement is not Justification.
But they make the Atonement into a Universal Absolution and And Salvation of the World - Without Faith.
The UOJists tell two big fat lies:
- They falsely accuse Justification by Faith - that the term or teachers deny that Jesus died for the sins of the world. They cannot stop saying this. They are OCD on meth, jabbering about this night and day, but perhaps method in their madness. They poison the well with glee, on purpose.
- They deny they are putting everyone in Heaven, so they are not Universalists. No, they are cowardly, slithering, incense-sniffing, sinuflecting Universalists, proclaiming the foundation of the UUA while disclaiming its effect - "Your Adventure in Faith Starts Here". Yes, the UUA says that on their main page, so do not doubt what the UOJists are doing with their fables.
How can someone name-drop the term "Chief Article" from the very theologian (Luther) and Book of Concord he scorns? This only proves the efficacy of the Word. When people obstinately oppose what the Scripture teaches, they become even blinder and more hardened in their opposition.
The Chief Article is not Objective Justification. That OJ term is not found or even expressed in Luther, the Book of Concord, or the Bible. Like Walther, Webber has very little knowledge of the Biblical languages, so he relies on "Theses." We should stand back and gape at them with our mouths hanging open, but that is difficult in the face of such blatant, persistent error.
Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, The Righteousness of Faith
6] This article concerning justification by faith (as the Apology says) is the chief article in the entire Christian doctrine, without which no poor conscience can have any firm consolation, or can truly know the riches of the grace of Christ, as Dr. Luther also has written: If this only article remains pure on the battlefield, the Christian Church also remains pure, and in goodly harmony and without any sects; but if it does not remain pure, it is not possible that any error or fanatical spirit can be resisted. (Tom. 5, Jena, p. 159.) 7] And concerning this article especially Paul says that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Therefore, in this article he urges with so much zeal and earnestness the particulas exclusivas, that is, the words whereby the works of men are excluded (namely, without Law, without works, by grace [freely], Rom. 3:28; 4:5; Eph. 2:8-9), in order to indicate how highly necessary it is that in this article, aside from [the presentation of] the pure doctrine, the antithesis, that is, all contrary dogmas, be stated separately, exposed, and rejected by this means.
For laughs, see Mark Zarling and Frosty Bivens call Objective Justification the "Chief Article," yea even "a diamond." And who is available to refute them within their own sect?
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Webber's partner in confessional crime is a Universalist: everyone is saved, past tense, finished, certain. |