Lammerts developed the Queen Elizabeth and Chrysler Imperial roses, and - in spite of his PhD in genetics - advocated the Six-Day Creation, without modern improvements. |
Christian News has been covering a fight about Creation in the Missouri Synod. The issue seems to be the Biblical account of Creation in Six Days (24-hour days) versus modifications that would remove a conflict between science and the LCMS. Concordia St. Louis was deeply offended at being questioned by two LCMS districts and fired off a faculty letter accusing those districts of slander, violating the Eighth Commandment, and torturing little kittens. OK, I added the last charge.
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We plant Queen Elizabeth roses everywhere we live, in memory of our daughters Bethany and Erin Joy. The rose is still so loved that people need to order early in the season. |
Here Is the Real Problem
The LCMS is saturated with UOJ advocates, though they seldom lead with their weakest argument. Starting with the sex cult leader Martin Stephan, they have taught the anti-Reformation dogma of an Easter absolution of the entire world: without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith.
They almost always call this dogma from Halle University Pietism - Justification. They consider themselves heirs of the Lutheran Reformation but they utterly reject Luther's Biblical doctrine - Justification by Faith. The Terrible Twelve deny the efficacy of the Word - from
- Charles Arand to
- Herman Otten to
- Jay Webber to
- Jon-Boy Buchholz to
- Frosty Bivens to
- David Valleskey
- Jack Cascione to
- Steve Flo to
- John W. Montgomery to
- Paul McCain to
- Rolf-Dan Preus to
- Matt the Fatt Hisself.
In fact, Mrs. Harrison explained to me on Facebook - "There is Objective Justification and Subjective Justification." That Halle-derived face-plant is now featured in the new LCMS catechism (one more insult against Luther's 500th).
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Lammerts developed the Chrysler Imperial rose, which outlasted the car it was supposed to promote. |
The efficacy and power of God's Word is foundational and central to the Biblical witness. Often, it is in the background as the Holy Spirit working through the Word, but that does not mean slighting or denying the Word's efficacy leaves the remaining articles of faith untouched.
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Please read all of Romans 4 before making such idiotic claims. |
Universal Objective Justification - in its various disguises (OJ/SJ; General Justification; the Justification of the World) - denies the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace. UOJ claims that in some mysterious moment, never agreed upon, God absolved every single person in the world, all the way back to Adam and into the future. This absolution also means salvation, as Buchholz has written and WELS has proclaimed in a banner "You Are Saved, Just Like Me."
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Norma A. Boeckler When will this Creation comparison sink in with the Neo-Quasi-Lutheran leaders? |
If we deny the efficacy of the Word in Justification by Faith, then we are implicitly denying the efficacy of the Word in every article of faith. There is no grocery cart - all the articles are part of the One Truth taught by the Holy Scriptures. The modernists pick what they want, but they are like children given their freedom at Walmart. Kids load the unguarded cart with sweets and toys. The UOJ synods do the same with clown entertainment "worship", quota evangelism, and the latest from Satan's cloaca.
Walther and the Piepers did not convert their synods to UOJ entirely, but they damaged them enough to let the weeds take over in the future:
- Modernism,
- Unionism,
- Pentecostalism, and
- The excretions of the holy men of Fuller Seminary, whose gross and disgusting output continues to be saved and worshiped as sacred relics.
The Terrible Twelve are all modernists? Take them at their words, their vocabulary, their objects of adoration:
- They say (Bivens/Zarling) that UOJ is the Chief Article of Christianity, not Justification by Faith.
- They teach (Harrison, LCMS) OJ and SJ, two peculiar ideas that completely avoid faith in Christ.
- They claim (Lazy Jay Webber, Kilcrease) that Luther taught OJ!
Although Otten and McCain loathe each each other now, despite a warm and secretive friendship long ago, they agree in banning and silencing any mention of Justification by Faith, any criticism of their precious UOJ.
The Book of Concord, Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, Article III, The Righteousness of Faith, #6
This article concerning justification by faith (as the Apology says) is the chief article in the entire Christian doctrine, without which no poor conscience can have any firm consolation, or can truly know the riches of the grace of Christ, as Dr. Luther also has written: If this only article remains pure on the battlefield, the Christian Church also remains pure, and in goodly harmony and without any sects; but if it does not remain pure, it is not possible that any error or fanatical spirit can be resisted. (Tom. 5, Jena, p. 159.)
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Aptly named - Concordia. |
All in the Same Sinking Ship
If the Six Day Creationists cannot teach Justification by Faith, they are no better - even worse for masking their deception - than the worst modernists they denounce.
The question is not, Did God create in Six Days?, but do you teach the efficacy of the Word in all matters of faith?
The efficacy of the Word answers:
- The Creation in Six Days,
- The Incarnation and Virgin Birth,
- The consecration of the elements of Holy Communion,
- Justification by Faith.