Saturday, June 30, 2018

Look for This in Any Christian Discussion

 The Museum of Dead Lutherdom, poisoned by Calvin, Halle Pietism,and the Sex Cult Leader Martin Stephan, STD. His universal forgiveness without faith
was so convenient for him and his harem.

We must discern the spirits and watch for red flags.

A. Who are their real authorities? - not always what they claim but what they normally use and reflect upon. The Bible is the only book God ever wrote, so anything else is subordinate.

B. Do they start with a thesis and argue from that thesis? That is the basic problem of Calvinism. Behind every glorious thought is an evil or mistaken thought. "God is sovereign so He works through the Gospel if he chooses. If the Spirit is not there on Sunday, no one is helped by the Gospel." (Calvin, Fuller, Pentecostals) "God wants His Church to grow." (McGavran and his idiot disciples)

God wants us to be faithful to His Word. (The Scriptures) God works His will through the Word, Isaiah 55, etc.

C. What are they against? There will always be antithetical statements, although false teachers say they only stand for peace, love, grace, and growth. Watch out for those who only want to improve things - so they claim, but they add and subtract to suit themselves.

D. Can they express themselves from the plain Word of God, without tying people up in philosophical jargon? The Book of Concord is a model of this kind of expression. Like veteran mountain climbers, the authors never venture far without a safety anchor secured by a bright, clear passage of Scripture.

E. Are they talking about the Word of God or chatting up the synod and the various institutions thereof? Does anyone remember how we had to get rid of the KJV, pews, pipe organs, hymns, sermons, and the liturgy, so the youth would stay in the church? And where are they now? I see bald geezers trying to be rock stars in the chancel but precious few youth listening to their me-centered songs.

F. Are they speaking plainly or equivocating? Justification by Faith is not UOJ, but the Luther sects are try to sell this hybrid combo with only one thing in mind - UOJ triumphant.

 How does one harmonize this with the UOJ fever in Christian News, the Purple Palace, and the LCMS-WELS-ELS seminaries?

G. Extremely important! - Consistency. Because the Bible is the Book of the Holy Spirit (Luther) - one unified Truth, sound doctrine will always be consistent. If one article of faith contradicts another, then something is wrong. We know a Rubik's Cube must match up, so how much more important is our confession of faith!

  • If we are born forgiven, as UOJ says, why baptize, or commune, or repent?
  • If the world was absolved the moment Christ died, why was the world absolved again when He rose from the dead? Both world absolutions are taught among the same Enthusiasts.
  • If the Scriptures are the ruling norm, the judge of all doctrine and practice, then why do we have no Scriptures that teach world absolution and salvation?
  • If Paul taught Justification without Faith (OUJ, UOJ, Justification of the World), why did Paul and the NT emphasize Abraham as the example of Justification by Faith in Romans 4?
  • If Paul taught Justification without Faith (OUJ, UOJ, Justification of the World), then why did he summarize Romans 4 with Romans 5:1-2?
  • Why is Abraham the most important Old Testament figure in the New Testament, if the New Testament teaches Justification without Faith?
  • If Paul taught Justification without Faith (OJ, UOJ, Justification of the World), then why did he also teach Justification by Faith? Who is the confused author - the inspired Paul or the uninspired UOJ Stormtrooper?
  • If Justification by Faith is Calvinistic, why are the terms Objective Justification and Subjective Justification found in the Calvinistic translation of a Halle Pietist's lectures?
  • If UOJ is so clear to Midestern Lutherans and the apostate mainline groups in America, why are people still talking about the Reformation in terms of Justification by Faith?

 The overly sensitive in the Little Sect on the Prairie are offended that these words are from the Calvinist translator, not from the  Halle Pietist Hisself. However, they make my point for me. Their dearly beloved OJ and SJ terms come from a Calvinist and were adopted by the Stephan-Walther sex cult and others - like the Norwegian Pietists. I would offer my apologies to the MLA, APA, and Mrs. Turabian herself, but I was born forgiven, according to them.