The cheap trinkets sold in the name of the Reformation's 500th Anniversary now make sense. The LCMS wants to make money from Luther's name and image - just like WELS/ELS - but they clearly despise the Reformer, especially his Biblical doctrine.
Concordia Publishing House dog shirt, showing what they think of the Reformation. We are embarrassed for you - Paul, Bruce, and Matt the Fatt. |
This is why I have no use for the declared stances of the synods - they are meaningless.
Inerrancy? - The synods follow Walther, the disciple of an obvious, known abuser of young women - Martin Stephan.
Quia subscription to the Book of Concord? They have a
quia subscription to Karl Barth and Paul Tillich, the adulterous false teachers of the 20th century.
CPH - more evidence of their attitude toward Luther |
A CPH drink coaster, when trying to absolve oneself through alcohol |
McCain was proud to post this nonsense on his late, pathetic blog.When he wasn't plagiarizing his friends, he was copying from the Roman Catholic Church. He is Matt the Fatt's junkyard dog, so it is fitting that he sells doggy equipment in the name of the Reformation. |