Saturday, July 14, 2018

Switching to a High-Speed Fiber Diet.
Morning Mulch, Sassy in Charge

Our electric co-op stopped by to tell us they were installing fiber to each home, which is to cable Internet what the Mississippi River is to Sugar Creek.

Best of all, that will lower our costs while improving Internet speed, TV, and phone connections. I should have been suspicious when Cox Cable took 33% off my bloated monthly bill. Putting it all together, we will pay less than what Cox offered.

I used to say, "I want fiber directly to our home." That was 10 years ago when people were moving from phone lines to TV cables for the Net. The advantage of fiber is that the equipment on each end will speed it up many times more, when it is developed and installed.

Sassy supervised our latest mulch party. She came out to the front sidewalk after greeting the helpers. That reminded me that the fiber optic guy asked about how ferocious she was, after hearing her bark.

Last night she sat on the bed with her back to us, glancing back with hurt feelings. I said, "What's wrong? You had crunchies for supper and Frosty Paws for dessert!" I thought a minute, since she had her evening walk too. "Do you need lovey time?" She barked and moved about three inches toward us. That is part of the drama when she does this. "Come on. Do I have to drag you?"
I reach over and place my hands on her. Then we laughed as I nudged her a bit. She cooperated and grinned, licking us both and guiding us in how to appease her.