Friday, August 31, 2018

A Bit More on Publishing

God willing, the first draft of John's Gospel will be done this weekend, ready for artwork late on Sunday. Reason - I got a big break on finishing some odious paperwork, and tent-making is calm but steady for the moment.

Luther's Sermons - Lenker Edition - In One File
Breaking news - If all goes well, I will soon have the entire Luther's Sermons set in one PDF, which means easy Internet sharing and searches. Example - where did Luther write about marriage? Control - F "marriage." Searching all 9 volumes. Then another word could be used to make it more complete.

That file, which includes the Gems, will be free for anyone to have and share.

I am trying to make up for the disgraceful response of the WELS-ELS-LCMS to the Reformation's 500th Anniversary.

Definite Schedule
Lutheran Dictionary
More Luther

Potential Titles
Creation as Taught by Jesus