Friday, September 7, 2018

From Simon Peter Long - "The philosophers of old knew that the soul is immortal without the Word of God, but they never could find the way."

Go forth, then my dear hearers, God-ward. Our text tonight begins with the words: “And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward.” There is something in every man’s heart that says after all, there is a hereafter; there is something in every man’s heart that says, there is a better way of living than I have lived; there is a better home somewhere than I have got; there is more comfort than I have received so far; there is a God and there is a way to come to Him and that way is through Jesus Christ, who said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no man cometh to the Father but by Me. There is in every man’s soul and in every man’s heart a something that says, I am immortal; I am not dead when my body lies in the coffin; the old man, my body, is giving away, but there is something in me that is young; there is something in me that cannot die. The soul of an old man is as young as the soul of a child. The philosophers of old knew that the soul is immortal without the Word of God, but they never could find the way. Christ has shown us the way. God has pointed it out to us in this letter of recommendation, showing us how to serve God and go God-ward. Walk in His path and follow Him, and be faithful to Him until death that you may receive the crown of eternal life. And this very night God comes to us in His Holy Supper and says, I will come to you, and stand at the door of your heart and knock, and I will sup with you and you with Me; I will come to you that you may come to Me. There may be some here tonight whose hearts are heavy, who are troubled with this and that, and this same merciful God comes in this beautiful letter of commendation to you and says, “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me.” This is is the good news, the Gospel, the glorious news of the letter of recommendation. May God bless you all, is my prayer. Amen.
from Simon Peter Long. The Eternal Epistle. “Twelfth Sunday After Trinity. Letters Of Recommendation. 2 Cor. 3:4-11.”