Saturday, January 27, 2018

New Testament Greek Will Start With the Introductory Right After Each MidWeek Service, Then Treat Romans 1-5 after Easter

Beginning Greek: A Functional Approach Steven W. Paine

ISBN-13: 9780195010138

ISBN-10: 0195010132

Paine is a long-standing favorite. People need this to know the basic endings and grammar. Copies cost from $22 up used.

Here Is the Plan
Starting with Ash Wednesday, I will complete the service and go into the Greek lesson based on the I AM sermons in the Gospel of John. They will also be the sermons.

Lent is the warm-up for Romans 1-5 and beyond. Easter week, we will have one hour sessions on Romans in Greek.

But take note - the class is mostly English and focused on learning what the English says, based on reading Greek. Several people joined the class for the exegesis.

We will emphasize reading Greek as opposed to grammar rules and vocabulary lists. The more you read, the better you will understand. Greek is very easy to learn.

The first lesson is being able to write out the Greek alphabet and recite it.

Gausewitz Original Catechisms
Kicking Him Under the Bus Was Part of the Plan To Have UOJ Apostasy and the Church Gropers Take Over

 I had a 1943 Catechism at one time - $10.

I am looking for the German Gausewitz Catechism and the original English one - not any of the improved versions.

Copies are probably around old church cupboards. In Canada I found German materials in the files of the new building. Congregations do not always clean up completely.

I think it would be useful to make them both available, at least as e-books.

Some Gausewitz history can be found here.

"Despite the heavy work load described previously, Gausewitz went to work and by 1917 the Catechism in both languages was available at the Northwestern Publishing House."

Notice how smoothly WELS improved and expanded Gausewitz,replaced with Kuske's UOJ Small Catechism for A Large Price, and kicked Gausewitz under the bus.

Give Sparky Brenner Credit - He Is the Perfect Spokesman
For WELS Mythology and UOJ.
However, He Is Mute about Hazing and Church Growth

 When two Mequon students went to Dean Brenner to express their opposition to the secretive hazing ritual at the seminary, Sparky defended GA/HB and said "The good outweighs the bad." The two students did not graduate from Mequon.

I am going to review Brenner's Jars of Clay fairly soon, but I found a couple of pages ideal for showing how the LCMS mythology slopped over into WELS. Brenner calls this a history of Mordor, aka Mequon aka Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. But it is really a public relations booklet for insiders, a hagiography, often ignoring the basic details and skipping the real issues.

Do not ever look for a critical history of the Synodical Conference. Only the insiders care about their history. Only an outsider would dare to tell the sordid truths.

But here is the good part. I looked through the index of Sparky's book for Church Growth, which is not even mentioned. How can that be! Mordor is 100% Church Growth. What about hazing, GA or HB? No, even though WELS hazes students at the prep, college, and seminary level. I looked for UOJ - nope. I searched for OJ - nope.

Then I found in the Index - Justification, objective, p. 64. As Kenda would say, "Now. I. Am. Interested." Of course, there was no entry for the Chief Article of Christianity - Justification by Faith. In time, the facts and Biblical study will eliminate the Wisconsin sect - or merge them with the United Church of Christ.

 August Pieper, Concordia St. Louis graduate, 1879.

 J. P. Kohler graduated from Concordia, St. Louis 1880.
Kohler was the WELS seminary president first, disagreed with A. Pieper, and Pieper became president when Kohler was canned.

What is Sparky going to do with the topic of Justification? If he is faithful to the Scriptures, he will disappear faster than cases of beer at the dorm. Now that Gausewitz has been erased from synodical memory and Rydecki is anathematized, the Gospel can find no place to root on the flinty hearts of WELS.

Note the Twisted Use of Luther

August Pieper Reflections, 1922
"Make no mistake," Pieper insisted, "The secret of Walther's power lay in his clear, popular, joyful, and convincing presentation of objective justification. That was also Luther's power , Paul's power, and the power of the Gospel itself, the power of God which creates faith unto salvation." 

He goes on to explain -
In contrast to the justification scheme of later dogmaticians, Walther taught, not a justifying act of God in view of faith, but rather a faith in view of God's justification. God's act of justification [GJ - OJ] forgiveness of sin] precedes faith. It is not that the sinner must first believe [and only then that God forgives sin]. In this connection Walther repeatedly cited Luther's example of a royal castle that was actually bestowed on a beggar, whether he accepted it or not.

Jars of Clay, pp. 64-5

Classic Pietistic Blunder - Merging the Atonement and Justification

Walther was a wonder-boy, with all his energy and alpha-male leadership skills in bullying, threatening, and kidnapping. The Wunderkind confused the atoning death of Christ with God's declaration of forgiveness when someone believes. This is clearly stated in Romans 4, which the blind UOJists use as if it teaches their dogma.

May I mention that UOJ was decidedly advantageous in excusing the abuse of Martin Stephan, STD, and his loyal disciple until the disciple turned into Pope Walther?

Romans 4 KJV
13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.
16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:
20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

PS - Brenner's book includes a savage, accurate portrait of the many failings of Walther as a seminary president and professor, as experienced by Pieper and Kohler. In short, Walther was poorly trained in Biblical languages and announced his doctrine rather than teaching from the Scriptures and leading people into the Scriptures. See the pages following the UOJ propaganda - Brenner p. 65ff.

Navigation for the LCMS Mythology Posts.
Getting Back to Luther Starts Here

The Foundational Myth - Stephan/Walther

The LCMS Civil War Myth - Jack and Robert Preus

 Red Bud, Illinois - Final pastorate and episcopacy of Martin Stephan

The Herman A. Preus Myth - His Temporary Removal and Martyrdom

 Herman A. Preus, UOJ martyr. OK, he got his church back.
His seminary is now a failing ELCA school.
The Preus clan ELCA college, Luther in Decorah - ditto.

The LCMS Contribution to WELS UOJ.

The Insanity of Universal Objective Justification

Luther Wrote - The Most Rational Are the Worst False Teachers

The Foundational Myth of LCMS/WELS - Bishop Stephan and Pope Walther

This is the Immaculate Conception of CFW Walther.
According to LutherQuest (sic) and Christian News,
Walther is the Master and Prince, the judge of all books,
all Christian doctrine. 

Stephan-Walther Myths

  1. Stephan took his group to America for religious freedom. False - he had too much freedom. He was under house arrest for multiple adulteries and misuse of funds. He was already being treated for syphilis and gave that to his wife and children.
  2. Stephan was a faithful Lutheran. False - he was more Confessional than most, but he was a Pietist and given a Pietist congregation of Bohemians. He came to believe he was the sole Means of Grace in Europe.
  3. Walther did not sign the document making Stephan his bishop-for-life. False - Walther did sign the document and served as Stephan's enforcer of discipline, but was mistrusted as a "fox."
  4. The big scandal was discovering Stephan committed adultery. Haha. False - Stephan left Europe with his only healthy child in the ship and his main mistress in the next cabin, but did not take his sick wife and children (syphilis). Stephan was constantly in the company of young women in the middle of the night and a trial revealed that he considered himself the master of their souls and bodies. The Walther circle even admitted that the adultery confession story was false, but it is told and re-told to this day.
  5. The brave Walther dealt with the bishop and gave him three choices about his adultery. False. Barrels of laughs - Walther organized the mob that came down from St. Louis and also worked secretly with his Perryville pals. No one has three choices with a rifle pointed at him. The mob took everything the bishop had, which was very handy for a bankrupt cult. They forced the bishop across the river. The syphilis outbreak among the young women was the motivation for the riot. Few know today how horrible a disgrace that was, dooming the women to a slow death. Yes, the bishop was a rotten rat, but the enablers were so much worse for donning their halos far too late. Synodical leadership has not changed one little bit.
  6. Walther was a Luther unawares. False, getting acid reflux - I guess that Emmaus topic got pulled for some reason. Walther earned a BA in a rationalistic system that hated Pietists. How did he get his call? He must have double-talked the examining board. His real religion was Pietism, although his father was a rationalist (think ELCA). Walther almost died of extreme Pietism, mortification of the flesh, and clung to Stephan's UOJ, which "saved his life." Where he had freedom, Walther was a Pietist, associated with Pietists, and obeyed a Pietist guru - Stephan. 


 The Walther shrine, recently refurbished, which is appropriate, since Missouri and ELCA agree about UOJ.

To understand American Lutheran doctrine, one must hack through the brambles of American Lutheran mythology. As I wrote before, many of the UOJ fanatics are burdened with maintaining the Herman A. Preus myth, complicated by the Preus Clan myth. A young Preus must admit to himself that his entire family has left an indelible bad impression on Biblical theology by falling for Halle Pietism at its worst.

At the same time, the Preus youngling has to explain how the most articulate of the Preus family, Robert, repudiated the eternal verities of Universal Absolution and Salvation Without Faith, commonly known as Objective Justification, Universal Justification, General Justification, and Justification of the World. One phrase they cannot utter is Justification by Faith, but Robert advocated the Chief Article and abandoned UOJ in Justification and Rome.

The greatest burden of all is the Bishop Martin Stephan and CFW Walther myth. The two belong together because wily CFW crafted the origins story and kept people from telling the truth. Now the facts are known but denied. Missourians sound like the Roman Catholics who claim, "The Church has always taught the Immaculate Conception of Mary." QED - you are a dolt, a devil, or an evildoer.

In short, Bishop Martin Stephan was a Pietist cult leader who preyed upon young women and ultimately gave them syphilis, a horrible disease that he inflicted on his wife and his children (except the oldest son). They died in misery, the children in institutions. The Walther circle was 100% Pietistic and followed Stephan with utmost obedience. They knew he was an adulterer before he took them all to America. Walther bided his time and organized the mob to depose and rob the bishop, apparently when the syphilis broke out among the girls and shamed a number of families.

Suddenly, Walther and selected thugs were outraged,steamed down to Perryville, and
  • threatened the bishop's life (a felony), 
  • stole all his gold (a felony), 
  • took away his property (a felony), 
  • grabbed his enormous library and personal belongings (a felony), and kidnapped him at gunpoint (a felony), 
  • forcing him to live in Illinois (definitely a felony).
 1 Timothy 3:16 does not teach that the world was absolved of all sin, justified without faith, when Jesus rose from the dead.

Walther took over as pope, in his usual crafty and circumspect way, and began teaching the Easter Absolution of the World, which he learned from Stephan, a man too lazy to earn his minimal clergy credentials by graduating from the university. He did attend Halle, where UOJ was dominant. 

Walther divided Lutherans with his zany emphasis on election without faith, which was another way to prop up his flimsy Justification without Faith. As far as I can see, there was a lot of lying about "in view of faith," a lot of smoke blown in people's faces. I still read mentions of a catechism no one seems to own anymore. But the aftermath, besides all the division Walther caused, is an increasingly absurd group of dogmatic claims about UOJ.

The DNA of UOJ is easy to trace. Its contagion was slow but gradually reached the Synodical Conference through Walther's domineering influence. Nor was UOJ something unique to the Perryville cult. Pietistic rationalism across Europe came to the same conclusions. The first part of UOJ (forgiving the entire world) soon became the only message of modern mainline theology, thanks to Schleiermacher (Halle trained, Halle professor) and others.

Walther made sure Franz Pieper followed him as seminary professor, so St. Louis produced a steady supply of UOJists, with intermarriage concentrating the autosomal recessive gene. By forcing the Wisconsin sect into supplying pastoral candidates, another UOJ cadre was achieved within WELS, which established its own seminary again - with UOJ teachers.

That does not mean UOJ was foreign to Protestantism. Former Calvinists find the language quite familiar. The Knapp theology textbook, where OJ/SJ was enshrined in the comments, was dominant in 19th century America, remaining in print today. Likewise, the best-selling Barth-Kirschbaum dogmatics profoundly affected the weak-kneed Evangelicalism of today, dropping the SJ for OJ all the way. UOJ never had much to do with faith because the dogma is 99.9% world forgiveness and world salvation.

Like the unScriptural claims about Mary in the Church of Rome, UOJ has a wealth of books - if wealth is the right term - supporting its dogma, plus many articles published by those insiders who are either trusted for their names or related to the readers by blood.

Walther did a superb job of crop-dusting all those who might interfere with his leadership. They were all false teachers. However, someone could leave Concordia, St. Louis for the Church of Rome, argue for papal dogma, and still be honored by all the UOJists - Edward Preuss. Notre Dame gave him their highest award for his promotion of Marian dogma, but the UOJists cite him and quote him like he is a warm, comforting blanket of grace.

 Grand theft marked the triumph of the Walther mob that kidnapped Bishop Stephan and left him to die in Illinois. Stephan's mistress came across and joined him. Stephan's wife and children died in Dresden.