Saturday, April 7, 2018

Luther's Sermon about Doubting Thomas - John 20:19-31


TEXT: John 20:19-31. When therefore it was evening, on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had said this, he showed unto them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore were glad, when they saw the Lord. Jesus therefore said to them again, Peace be unto you: as the Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.

And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then said he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and see my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and put it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Many other signs therefore did Jesus in the presence of the disciples, which are not written, in this book: but these are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name.

Jesus Appears to His Disciples, or the Nature, Fruit, and Power of Faith

1. This Gospel praises the fruit of faith, and illustrates its nature and character. Among the fruits of faith are these two: peace and joy, as St.

Paul writes to the Galatians, where he mentions in order all kinds of fruit saying: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control.” Galatians 5:22. Thus these two fruits are also mentioned in our text. In the first place, Christ stands there among the disciples, who sit in fear and terror, and whose hearts are greatly troubled every hour expecting death; to them he comes and comforts them, saying: “Peace be unto you.” This is one fruit. In the second place there follows from this sweet word the other fruit, that they were glad when they saw the Lord. Then he further bestows upon faith power and authority over all things in heaven and on earth, and truly extols it in that he says: “As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” And again: “Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.” Let us now consider each thought in order.

2. Faith, as we have often said, is of the nature, that every one appropriates to himself the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which we have already said enough; namely, that it is not sufficient simply to believe Christ rose from the dead, for this produces neither peace nor joy, neither power nor authority; but you must believe that he rose for your sake, for your benefit, and was not glorified for his own sake; but that he might help you and all who believe in him, and that through his resurrection sin, death and hell are vanquished and the victory given to you.

3. This is signified by Christ entering through closed doors, and standing in the midst of his disciples. For this standing denotes nothing else than that he is standing in our hearts; there he is in the midst of us, so that he is ours, as he stands there and they have him among them. And when he thus stands within our hearts, we at once hear his loving voice saying to the troubled consciences: Peace, there is no danger; your sins are forgiven and blotted out, and they shall harm you no more.

4. And this entrance the Lord made here through barred doors, going through wood and stone, and still leaving everything whole, breaking nothing, yet getting in among his disciples. This illustrates how the Lord comes into our hearts and stands in us, namely, through the office of the ministry. Therefore, since God has commanded men to preach his Word, one should in no wise despise a mortal man into whose mouth he has put his Word; lest we get the idea that every one must expect a special message from heaven, and that God should speak to him by the word of his mouth. For if he imparts faith to any one, he does it by means of the preaching of man and the external word of man.

This is going through closed doors, when he comes into the heart through the Word, not breaking nor displacing anything. For when the Word of God comes, it neither injures the conscience, nor deranges the understanding of the heart and the external senses; as the false teachers do who break all the doors and windows, breaking through like thieves, leaving nothing whole and undamaged, and perverting, falsifying and injuring all life, conscience, reason, and the senses. Christ does not do thus.

Such now is the power of the Word of God. Thus we have two parts, preaching and believing. His coming to us is preaching; his standing in our hearts is faith. For it is not sufficient that he stands before our eyes and ears; he must stand in the midst of us in our hearts, and offer and impart to us peace.

5. For the fruit of faith is peace; not only that which one has outwardly, but that of which Paul speaks to the Philippians ( Philippians 4:7) saying it is a peace that passeth all reason, sense and understanding. And where this peace is, one shall not and cannot judge according to reason. This we shall see still farther in our Gospel lesson.

6. First, the disciples sit there behind barred doors in great fear of the Jews, afraid to venture outside, with death staring them in the face. Outwardly they indeed have peace, no one is doing them any harm; but inwardly their hearts are troubled, and they have neither peace nor rest. Amid their fear and anguish the Lord comes, quiets their hearts and makes them glad, so that their fear is removed, not by removing the danger, but in that their hearts were no more afraid. For thereby the malice of the Jews is not taken away, nor changed; they rave and rage as before, and outwardly everything remains the same. But they are changed inwardly, receiving such boldness and joy as to declare: “We have seen the Lord.” Thus he quiets their hearts, so that they become cheerful and fearless, not caring how the Jews rage.

7. This is the true peace that satisfies and quiets the heart; not in times when no adversity is at hand, but in the midst of adversity, when outwardly there is nothing but strife before the eyes. And this is the difference between worldly and spiritual peace. Worldly peace consists in removing the outward evil that disturbs the peace; as when the enemies besiege a city there is no peace; but when they depart peace returns. Such is the case with poverty and sickness. While they afflict you, you are not contented; but when they are removed and you are rid of the distress, there is peace and rest again from without. But he who experiences this is not changed, being just as fainthearted whether the evil be present or not; only he feels it and is frightened when it is present.

8. Christian or spiritual peace, however, just turns the thing about, so that outwardly the evil remains, as enemies, sickness, poverty, sin, death and the devil. These are there and never desist, encompassing us on every side; nevertheless, within there is peace, strength and comfort in the heart, so that the heart cares for no evil, yea, is really bolder and more joyful in its presence than in its absence. Therefore it is peace which passeth and transcendeth all understanding and all the senses. For reason can not grasp any peace except worldly or external peace, for it can not reconcile itself to it nor understand how that is peace if evil is present, and it knows not how to satisfy and comfort a person; hence it thinks if the evil depart, peace departs also. When however the Spirit comes, he lets outward adversity remain, but strengthens the person, making the timid fearless, the trembling bold, changing the troubled into a quite, peaceful conscience, and such an one is bold, fearless and joyful in things by which all the world otherwise is terrified.

9. Whence does he receive this? From his faith in Christ. For if I truly believe in the Lord from the real depth of my heart, that my heart can truly say: My Lord Christ has by his resurrection conquered my need, my sin, death and all evil, and will be thus with and in me, so that body and soul shall want nothing, that I shall have all I need, and no evil shall harm me: if I believe this, it is impossible for me to be faint-hearted and timid no matter how much sin and death oppress me. For faith is ever present and says:

Does sin burden you, does death terrify you, look to Christ who died for your sake and rose again, and conquered every evil; what can harm you?

Why will you then fear? So also in case other misfortunes burden you, as sickness or poverty, turn your eyes from it, lock the door to reason and cast yourself upon Christ and cleave to him, so shall you be strengthened and comforted. If you look to Christ and believe on him, no evil that may befall you is so great that it can harm you and cause you to despair.

Therefore it is impossible for this fruit to remain outside, where faith is, so that peace does not follow.

10. From peace the other fruit now follows, as is taught in this Gospel.

When Christ came to the disciples and said: “Peace be unto you!” and showed them his hands and feet; then they were glad that they saw the Lord. Yes, to be sure they had to be glad, for that they saw Christ was the greatest joy the heart of man can experience. Hitherto we have been permitted to see our hands, that is, we have been taught to trust in our works; this brought no gladness. But to see Christ makes us glad. And this takes, place by faith; for thus St. Paul in Romans 5:1-2 says: “Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; through whom also we have had our access by faith into this grace wherein we stand; and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”

11. Thus we have the fruit whereby we know who are true Christians. For he who has no peace in that in which the world finds nothing but unrest, and is joyful in that which in the world is nothing but gloom and sorrow, is not yet a Christian, and does not yet believe. This truth is being also sung at this season everywhere in the hymn on the Lord’s resurrection; but hardly anybody understands it. He who composed it surely understood it aright. He does not stop at the Lord is risen, when he says: “Christ is risen from his Passion ;” as though this were sufficient, but brings it home to us and adds: Let us all rejoice in this. But how can we rejoice in it, if we have nothing of it and it is not ours? Therefore, if I am to rejoice in it, it must be mine, that I may claim it as my own property, that it may profit me. And finally he closes: Christ will be our consolation, that we can and shall have no other consolation but Christ. He wants to be it himself and he alone, that we should cling to him in every time of need; for he has conquered all for our benefit, and by his resurrection he comforts all troubled consciences and sad hearts. This the Gospel teaches concerning faith and its fruits.

12. Now follows the office of the ministry. The power of faith now develops love. For it does not yet suffice that I have the Lord so that he is mine, and that I find in him all comfort, peace and joy; but I must henceforth also do as he has done: for it follows thus in the text: “As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”

13. The first and highest work of love a Christian ought to do when he has become a believer, is to bring others also to believe in the way he himself came to believe. And here you notice Christ begins and institutes the office of the ministry of the external Word in every Christian; for he himself came with this office and the external Word. Let us lay hold of this, for we must admit it was spoken to us. In this way the Lord desires to say: You have now received enough from me, peace and joy, and all you should have; for your person you need nothing more. Therefore labor now and follow my example, as I have done, so do ye. My Father sent me into the world only for your sake, that I might serve you, not for my own benefit. I have finished the work, have died for you, and given you all that I am and have; remember and do ye also likewise, that henceforth ye may only serve and help everybody, otherwise ye would have nothing to do on earth. For by faith ye have enough of everything. Hence I send you into the world as my Father hath sent me; namely, that every Christian should instruct and teach his neighbor, that he may also come to Christ. By this, no power is delegated exclusively to popes and bishops, but all Christians are commanded to profess their faith publicly and also to lead others to believe.

14. Secondly, if you have exercised yourself in this highest work and taught others the right way of truth, then make up your mind to keep on and serve everybody. Then the example of your life and good works follows; not that you can thereby merit and acquire anything, seeing you have beforehand everything that is necessary to salvation. Furthermore Christ now gives a command, he breathes upon the disciples and says: “Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.”

15. This is a great and mighty power which no one can sufficiently extol, given to mortal men of flesh and blood over sin, death and hell, and over all things. The pope too boasts in the canon law that Christ has given to him power over all earthly things; which would indeed be correct if the people rightly understood it. For they apply it to the civil government; this is not Christ’s thought; but he gives spiritual power and rule, and wishes to say this much: When ye speak a word concerning a sinner, it shall be spoken in heaven, and shall avail so much as if God himself spake it in heaven; for he is in your mouth, therefore it has the same force as if he himself spoke it.

Now it is always true, if Christ speaks a word, since he is Lord over sin and hell, and says to you: Thy sins are forgiven; then they must be forgiven and nothing can prevent it. Again, if he says: Thy sins shall not be forgiven thee; then they remain unforgiven, so that neither you, nor an angel, nor a saint, nor any creature, can forgive your sin, even if you martyred yourself to death.

16. This same power belongs to every Christian, since Christ has made us all partakers of his power and dominion; and here his is not a civil but a spiritual rule, and his Christians also rule spiritually. For he does not say:

This city, this country, this bishopric or kingdom you shall rule, as the pope does; but he says: Ye shall have power to forgive and to retain sins. Hence this power pertains to the conscience, so that by virtue of God’s Word I can pass judgment as to what the conscience can cleave to, so that against and above that no creature can do anything, neither sin, nor the world nor Satan. This is true power. But thereby no power is given me to rule over temporal matters, over a country and people, externally after the manner of civil governments, but a much higher and nobler power, which can in no sense be compared with it.

17. Therefore we shall thank God, that we now know the great power and glory given us through Christ in his plain Word, as St. Paul also highly praises and extols it to the Ephesians, saying: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3. And again: “God made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus: for by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:5-10.

18. Observe, what great transcendent comfort we have in that God awakens in us also the same power he exercises in Christ, and bestows upon us equal authority. As he made him sit in heavenly places, above all power and might, and everything that can be named; so has he invested us also with the same power, that those who believe have all power over heaven and earth. This we have in the words he left behind him; and they are so powerful, that when they are spoken by us, they avail as much as if he himself were on earth and spake them in the majesty and glory in which he now exists. And this is the power we have from his resurrection and ascension; there he gives us power to. kill and to make alive, to consign to the devil and to rescue from him.

19. But in this matter one must proceed carefully, and not do like the popes. For they have reached the point to have the power, that however and whatever they say, so it must be, because they say it. Nay, this power you have not, but the divine Majesty alone has. it. They say thus: If the pope speaks a word and says: Thy sins are forgiven thee, they are blotted out, even though you neither repent nor believe. They mean by this, that they have the power to bestow and withhold heaven, to open or shut it, to locate one in heaven or cast into hell; far from it that it should be so. For from this it would then follow that our salvation depended on the works, authority and power of man. Therefore, since this is in conflict with all the Scriptures it can not be true that when you open or shut, it must be open or shut.

20. Therefore we must rightly understand Christ when he says: “Whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained ;” that this does not establish the power of him who speaks but of those who believe. Now the power of him who speaks and of him who believes are as far apart as heaven and earth.

God has given us the Word and the authority to speak; but it does not therefore follow from this that it must so be done, as Christ also preached and taught the Word, and yet not all who heard it believed, and it was not everywhere done as he spake the Word, although it was God’s Word.

Therefore Christ’s meaning is: Ye shall have the power to speak the Word, and to preach the Gospel, saying, Whosoever believeth, has the remission of his sins; but whosoever believeth not, has no remission of sin. But ye have not the power to create faith. For there is a great difference between planting and giving the growth; as Paul says to the Corinthians: “I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6. Hence we have no authority to rule as lords; but to be servants and ministers who shall preach the Word, by means of which we incite people to believe.

Therefore, if you believe the Word, you gain this power; but if you believe not, then what I speak or preach will avail nothing even though it be God’s Word; and if you believe not these words you are not treating me but God himself with dishonor and contempt.

21. Therefore, unbelief is nothing but blasphemy, which makes God a liar.

For if I say, your sins are forgiven you in God’s name, and you believe it not, it is the same as if you said: who knows whether it be true, and whether he be in earnest? by this you charge God and his Word with lying.

Therefore you better be far from the Word, if you believe it not. For when a man preaches his Word, God would have it as highly esteemed as if he himself had preached it. This then is the power given by God. which every Christian has, and of which we have already spoken much and often; hence this is enough for the present.

Early parole rejected for former Bishop Heather Cook - Baltimore Sun.
Shows No Remorse, Takes No Responsibility.
Three Examples of the Word Hardening Their Obstinate, Proud Hearts

 The Roman Catholic bishop who DUIed an Indian had no remorse,  and the ELCA bishop who DUIed a young mother likewise took no responsibility for his drunken hit and run.

Squiffed ELCA Bishop Burnside struck down a woman, drove away, and denied being responsible for her death, but finally repented a bit.
 Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien thought he struck a cat, ahem, when he struck and killed an Indian carpenter - and drove away.

Early parole rejected for former Bishop Heather Cook - Baltimore Sun:

"Jonathan M. Pitts
The Baltimore Sun
The Maryland Parole Commission on Tuesday denied the parole request of Heather Cook, the former Episcopal bishop who is serving a seven-year prison sentence for the drunken-driving crash that killed a bicyclist in 2014.

Commission chairman David Blumberg said the two commissioners who ruled on the case told him they denied Cook parole in part because she "took no responsibility" for her actions and displayed a "lack of remorse" during the 90-minute hearing at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women in Jessup.

Cook's attorney for the hearing, Hunter L. Pruette, left without addressing reporters and could not be reached for comment.

Cook, 60, pleaded guilty in 2015 to charges of vehicular manslaughter, drunken driving, driving while texting and leaving the scene of an accident in the crash that killed 41-year-old Thomas Palermo on Dec. 27, 2014."

Thomas Polermo and his children

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The Five Points of Waltherism - How LCMS-ELS-WELS-CLC (sic) Morphed into ELCA via Thrivent

I was doing my homework on the Five Points of Calvinism, often called TULIP, and I realized - "The Five Points of Waltherism!"

I.   CFW Walther founded the LCMS. Forget about the Loehe churches inviting the Perryville fanatics for a talk - or Martin Stephan, STD, being THE leader of the Saxon Migration.
II.  The Stephanites were orthodox Lutherans who left Europe for religious freedom, which is why Stephan left his wife in Dresden and took his mistress in a nearby cabin on the ship.
III. The Great Walther gave Stephan three options when they "suddenly caught Bishop Stephan in adultery." Walther followed the Biblical admonitions to 1) Steal the bishop's land; 2) Steal the bishop's gold and enormous collection of books; 3) Give Stephan a free, armed boat ride to Illinois.
IV.  Walther studied Luther! That gave him special insights which harmonized with his rationalistic training at Leipzig and his Pietistic training under Stephan. CFW did not know or teach the Scriptures, but he certainly knew the Halle University dogmatics notes.
V.   Anyone who denies Walther's beautiful and clear Objective Justification is a base heretic deserving to be horse-whipped. This sovereign grace allows WELS-ELS-LCMS-CLC (sic) to work with ELCA on all spiritual projects with Thrivent money mined from the pockets of the innocent and unknowing.

Thoughts after the April 6th Snowfall -
Chords or Fast Notes? - Creation in the Slow Harmonies of All Life

 It was not this bad, but there is snow on the ground
and perhaps more to come today.

The Horrible Snow Is Often a Plant-Saver
Those gardeners who fashioned snow forts in their childhood know that snow makes a warm blanket. I insulated roses with leaves in Minnesota, caged in chicken wire. Spring melted the snow into the leaves and left the roses with an energizing blanket of decomposing organic matter, plenty of carbon to feed the soil's fungus population.

A winter without snow, even in Arkansas, will wreck the bud union of the hybrid tea rose and produce a wild rose with no appeal.

Melting snow also spurs spring growth, especially since the cold tolerant plants grow so early. There is nothing like spinach planted in the fall, protected by leaves, then exposed to sun when snow is still on the ground. The plants grow well, have no insect damage, and are crunchy with moisture instead of being dry and gone to seed.

 I am the Johnnie Appleseed of roses. I cut roses for medical people and neighbors. I give the plants away whenever we can. Someone wrote about the Veterans Honor rose plants that we sent in memory of her husband. Roses make people gasp in awe, and no rose gardener - or rose farmer - becomes jaded by growing them.

Fire-vorks or Slow Moving Chords
Sometimes I listen to popular music on YouTube when grading assignments. The TV audiences seem to like the singing I abhor - the screaming and the acrobatics on each note - Whitney Huston forever and ever. But sometimes a singer will simply show the beauty of the human voice, holding notes with a purity of sound.

When I was in concert band, we all wanted to play the Gillette Fight Song and the Lone Ranger theme (aka William Tell). But the best band and orchestra music emphasizes chords rather than the skittering notes of those fast passages, the "fire-vorks" as my German flute teacher used to say.

People often say, "I cannot wait for spring, for summer, for the roses to bloom." Those anxious ones are missing the long, harmonic chords of Creation as we slowly move from winter greys to the beauties of spring.

For example, the very first sprigs of green are fun to detect. I saw a green weed poke out of the mulch, well watered and fed. Its roots are feeding the soil, so I am not going to yank it.

Creation Timing
Each plant knows its time. The Wild Strawberries set the tables for the birds so they have fresh fruit. They are a green carpet in the rose garden and backyard, even with a freeze coming on. They will bloom and fruit in the shade, too. In gratitude, the birds plant even more of them, by perching in branches, on the fence, and sharing while searching for worms.

The Crepe Myrtles seem to be on strike. They green up, bud, and flower late, but they show off their color most of the summer and tolerate the dry season. Then they feed the Cardinals their seeds.

But the roses from last year put out their red leaves early in the bitter cold, greened up with the rain, and will bud when we have more sun. The new ones are still barren of leaves, so the veterans calm my case of planter's panic. Roses almost always leaf out, and the Internet growers guarantee it.

I would like to work out a schedule that runs so smoothly. We went to the diabetics office, and they mistakenly dropped the appointment. I promise to get things done and various events and duties prevent that. The Daffodils not only came up on time, they came up through the pine needle mulch piled on top. Their leaves are now fashioning new flowers below ground to bloom next spring. The neighbors loved them so much I am planning some drifts.

Grape Hyacinths were first planted by another renter. Mulch does not slow them down. They bloom early, as if to show they can be very special in the early spring, even though they are neither grapes nor hyacinths.

Insects have not really arrived yet. It is too cold and the table is not set for them. They want nectar and pollen, so they wait to burst from their Lazarus state, to feed on plants and feed the birds.

We carefully planned a new addition to a church and forgot the windows would not open fully, thanks to the sloping roof. The rug was installed wrong, the way the committee insisted. Oh well.

Most building projects have their anomalies, like typos in publishing. But God's Creation takes care of its shortcomings and overabundance while making up for our mistakes.

Seminary Creation Gardens Needed
If every seminary professor worked a Creation garden, there would be no quibbling about God's six-day formation of the universe -through the Word.

 These Shasta Daisies will host the wonderful Tachinid flies
and plenty of spiders, unless the gardener bombs them with

Example - Tachinids
Here is a simple example of Creation engineering and management. I want Tachinid flies to attack the aphids on the roses. I cannot breed or round them up, "Here, Tachinids. I need your help. Please stay here and build a proper family."

All I have to do is grow some Shasta Daisies, which grow easier than Dandelions and also come up quickly in the spring. Once they bloom, the Daisies display Tachinids feeding there on the blooms - all the time. I do not need to order them over to the roses. Good TF parents lay eggs near the aphids to let the children devour those miserable parasites.

 This is Norma A. Boeckler's garden and her design
for the cover of Creation Gardening.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Name That Theologian from His Concepts about Grace

The scholar in his study

God issued a decree (nota bene - we are not sure when) - either before Adam sinned or after Adam sinned - that some would be saved by grace but most would be damned to Hell for eternity.

God's election is without faith, because it is based purely on His own sovereign will. His Holy Spirit may attend the preaching of a sermon or not. If not, the sermon will have no effect.

Those who disagree with this system are always called Arminians, a pejorative term.

God decreed (nota bene - we are not sure exactly when, since this decree was not recorded in Holy Writ) - that all people for all time were pronounced forgiven and saved. This took place at the death of Christ, at His resurrection, or possibly at the angelic announcement of His birth - "Peace on earth, good will to men."

God's election is without faith, because faith would reduce salvation to a work of man. Therefore, election without faith glorifies His grace.

Those who disagree with this system are accused of Intuitu Fidei (alternatively Inuitu (sic) Fidei, Fox Valley), Calvinism, and Arminianism.

 Calvin was reborn 200 years ago.

Test Answers - Do Not Peek
I. The first theologian is John Calvin.

II. The second theologian is CFW Walther, who argued ferociously for election without faith. He consistently taught what he learned from Halle-trained Bishop Martin Stephan -

  • the Easter absolution of the world, 
  • aka Objective Justification, 
  • aka General Justification, 
  • aka the Justification of the World, 
  • aka Universal Objective Justification. All are extra-Biblical divine decrees divorced from the Word, the Spirit, and faith.
Both systems are taught apart from and against the Scriptures. Both systems can be explained without any mention of Justification by Faith and the Means of Grace. In fact, the classical terms from the Book of Concord, written above in a dignified blue font, are avoided the way mobsters avoid taxes.

Both men were influential and divisive at the same time. The saying about Calvinists is just as true about UOJists, because both argue from human wisdom and pure rationalism -

"Young Calvinist - Old Unitarian."

If the readers enjoy rationalism, consider the ways Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect justify themselves for working with the pro-abortion, pro-ELCA Thrivent Insurance and Planned Giving Company.

 Carroll Herman Little (1872-1958),
Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Ontario, now ELCA related.

Amnesty Program

Thus objective justification may be specifically defined, again, in the words of Dr. Little: “Objective justification is God’s declaration of amnesty to the world of sinners on the basis of the vicarious obedience of Christ, by which He secured a perfect righteousness for all mankind, which God accepted as a reconciliation of the world to Himself, imputing to mankind the merits of the Redeemer.” (Dr. C. H. Little in Disputed Doctrines, p. 60, quoted by E. W. A. Koehler in A Summary of Christian Doctrine, p. 147).
Quote contributed by a Junior Achiever

Opinion | The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is a Genius - The New York Times

Opinion | The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is a Genius - The New York Times:

"Last week Roseanne Barr — who, with the hit reboot of her show, has become one of the most prominent Donald Trump supporters in the country — tweeted that the president has freed hundreds of children a month from sexual bondage. “He has broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere,” she wrote. (The tweet has since been deleted.)

Barr’s tweet, puzzling to the casual observer, was a reference to QAnon, an expansive, complicated pro-Trump conspiracy theory."

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Our Obligation Is Not to Institutions But to the Revealed Word of God

Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement

The Quenstedt quotation linked here is essential in theology but easily and oftenly ignored. When I sought to prove the foundational truth of the efficacy of the Word, the idle chatter about Lutheran doctrine became quite apparent. Like the chatterboxes on a Facebook forum, the Lutheran leaders simply talk and write in PowerPoint slides.


-Q- Quenstedt Bible source of peace
source: Schmid. Doctrinal Theology. (Thanks Alec Satin)

Further (I, 36): 
"Divine revelation is the first and the last source of sacred Theology, beyond which theological discussion among Christians dare not proceed. For every doubt concerning religion in the mind of a true Christian is removed by divine revelation, and by this the faith of the believer grows so strong, and is so firmly established, that it frees his mind from all fear and suspicion of deception, and imparts to him a firm assurance."


Any lawyer would ask, "What is the evidence or warrant behind their claims?" Their arguments do not stand up to scrutiny. The UOJ con artists pretend to be against the gross hyperboles of JP Meyer - the Koko-Mogul - but they repeat his errors endlessly and praise themselves for winsome homage to their Father Below. The two most entertaining clowns in this category are Jon-Boy Buchholz and Oh! J! Webber.

Perhaps some readers, always looking for mistakes, are howling with rage about the incidental humor of the opening. They do not like my colorful descriptions of their idols or my "tone." It is time to get out my Eighth Commandment graphic.

Distractions aside, I am trying to get people to do research on their own, first from The Source, the Word of God, and then from the best and most faithful authors.

That is why we must continually thank and praise such intellectualoids as David Valleskey, Paul Kuske, Waldo Werning (RIP), and Roger Kovaciny. Their ruminations inevitably put most people into a comatose suspension of thought, but the rest of us into persistent pursuit of the principles of Biblical research.

The Book of Concord, on its own, is a reference work largely ignored by almost all Lutherans, universally despised by Lutheran leaders. I doubt whether anyone could get appointed or elected today without loudly repudiating the Confessions in the right company.

However, the Book of Concord is a powerful guide to the Scriptures when the false teachers are making their arguments for the latest, best, and most lucrative programs ever offered.

Alec Satin observed about Vance:
He makes an excellent point in chapter 1, which is that Calvinism's main strength is its insistence that the only choices are Calvinism (true Christianity) and Arminianism (Romanism).  Vance writes:
"...the weapons of Calvinism are ignorance and intimidation.  When everything contrary to Calvinism is labeled Arminianism and Arminianism is presented in the worst possible light, it is no wonder that so many men have claimed to be Calvinists... It is clearly evident that without the name of Arminius to use as an epithet of condemnation, the Calvinists would have a much harder time getting men to join their side."  pp. 9-10

Sovereign Grace Baptists
Someone directed me to Vance's The Other Side of Calvinism, where the author meticulously examines the influence of the Geneva Reformer.

I am doing my homework in preparation for Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith. Vance shows how influential Calvin is among the Baptists, often indicated by a great emphasis on grace. Mutatis mutandis (allowing for certain changes), the Calvinistic Baptists sound just like the UOJ Lutherans. They are always crowing about grace but tear down the Means of Grace.

Bob Burns popularized the bazooka, which then became
the name for an anti-tank weapon. Arkansas culture.

Listening to a UOJ artist trying to incorporate Justification by Faith or the Means of Grace into his blabber is like hearing a concerto played on a bazooka by a cow. Impressive? Yes. Funny - even more so. But only those know who have studied the Scriptures on their own and read the Lutheran classics.

Dr. Lito Cruz first wrote to me about how Calvinistic the UOJ gurus sounded to him, and he had a lot of experience with the Geneva tribe. Later I will try to describe this effect. Perhaps some know that the Germans of the old Missouri Synod were very fond of Calvinism and used their need to study English as an excuse for reading Calvinism. That is rather funny, considering the rest of the Lutherans had extensive publications in English, and they were far more Lutheran than the Walther-Pieper disciples.

In Thy Strong Word I quoted a Missouri author criticizing his colleagues for reading Calvinism. I will look that up later.

 Name him not.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Theologian criticized in Benedict’s letter had ‘seismic’ influence on Amoris Laetitia: report -

 German theologian Peter Hünermann

Theologian criticized in Benedict’s letter had ‘seismic’ influence on Amoris Laetitia: report -

"Theologian criticized in Benedict’s letter had ‘seismic’ influence on Amoris Laetitia: report
03/31/2018 at 11:27 AM Posted by Mary Anne Hackett

By Dorothy Cummings McLean

March 27, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The theologian criticized by Pope Emeritus Benedict in his recent controversy-causing letter to the head of Vatican communications is a major influence on Pope Francis’s theology of marriage.

German theologian Peter Hünermann, 89, was mentioned by name in Benedict’s letter, which was on the topic of an 11-volume series on Pope Francis’ theology which Benedict declined to read. The Pope Emeritus expressed surprise that Hünermann had been asked to write a volume. This section of the letter was originally omitted from the public by the Vatican.

Hünermann had led “anti-papal initiatives,” Benedict stated in his letter, and “virulently attacked the magisterial authority of the Pope [John Paul II], especially on questions of moral theology.”

“Additionally, the ‘Europäische Theologengesellschaft’ [European Society of Catholic Theology], which he founded, was initially conceived by him as an organization in opposition to the papal magisterium. Later, the ecclesial sense of many theologians blocked this orientation, making that organization a normal instrument of encounter among theologians,” Benedict added."

'via Blog this'

 It has been claimed that the Soviets were placing their agents in the Jesuit order to undermine the Catholic Church. If so, Francis is hiding out in the open.

Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis is ‘increasing the confusion’ (FULL INTERVIEW) | News | LifeSite.
This Is Where UOJ Leads - Webber (ELS) and Buchholz (WELS) Agree -
Everyone Is Forgiven and Saved

"We don't need a Pope in WELS/ELS.
We have Jay Webber and Jon-Boy Buchholz."
Jay Webber: "This video shows the harm that can come to innocent souls when the sound and Biblical teaching of their pastor and synod is twisted and distorted into something bizarre and unrecognizable, and far different from the comforting evangelical teaching that their pastor and synod actually hold to. The WELS teaches (to quote WELS DP Jon Buchholz)..."

 Read and weep, blind followers of blind guides.
WELS proudly reprinted this monstrosity.
Former Mordor President Panning served as editor.

Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis is ‘increasing the confusion’ (FULL INTERVIEW) | News | LifeSite:

"Diane Montagna / LifeSiteNews

Thu Apr 5, 2018 - 1:16 pm EST

Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis is ‘increasing the confusion’ (FULL INTERVIEW)
Diane Montagna Follow Diane

Catholic , Pope Francis , Raymond Burke

ROME, April 5, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis is “increasing the confusion” in the Church, and the College of Cardinals constitutes a de facto check against papal error, Cardinal Raymond Burke has said in a new interview.

Speaking to the Italian Catholic news agency La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, Cardinal Burke said the alleged ‘interview’ on hell with Pope Francis, published on Holy Thursday by his 94-year-old atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, “went beyond what is tolerable.”

Burke also called the Vatican’s response to the “scandalized reactions” from across the globe “highly inadequate,” because it failed to reassert the Church’s teaching on the immortality of the soul and the existence of hell. He said it also failed to assert that Pope Francis repudiates the “erroneous and even heretical ideas” attributed to him.

“It has been a source of profound scandal not only for many Catholics but also for many people in the secular world who have respect for the Catholic Church and its teachings, even if they do not share them,” he said.

“This playing around with faith and doctrine, at the highest level of the Church, rightly leaves pastors and faithful scandalized,” he added.

Cardinal Burke said the situation is further aggravated by the silence of so many bishops and cardinals, some of whom “pretend there is nothing serious going on.”"

 It will be a great comfort for all the UOJ Enthusiasts to be greeted by guilt-free saints in Hell, including the citizens of Sodom.

'via Blog this'

Another Q - Quenstedt - On Divine Revelation.
This Q Is Rumored To Be Alec Satin, Prolific Publisher of Lutheran Classics

-Q- Quenstedt Bible source of peace
source: Schmid. _Doctrinal Theology_
Further (I, 36): 
"Divine revelation is the first and the last source of sacred Theology, beyond which theological discussion among Christians dare not proceed. For every doubt concerning religion in the mind of a true Christian is removed by divine revelation, and by this the faith of the believer grows so strong, and is so firmly established, that it frees his mind from all fear and suspicion of deception, and imparts to him a firm assurance."

Our Church Attorney Glen Kotten Has Renewed the 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status of Bethany Lutheran Church

Lito Cruz earned a PhD in math and is a rostered Lutheran pastor. He encouraged Bethany to obtain a PayPal account for international giving and convenience.

Click on the graphic for the account.
The mailing address for Bethany Lutheran Church is -

Bethany Lutheran Church
1104 Letha Drive
Springdale AR  72762

email -

Bethany Lutheran Church is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. 
Our tax-exempt status is managed by Attorney Glen Kotten, Sleepy Eye, Mankato, Minnesota.

I have finished setting up this account. Many people like PayPal.

This is where you set up your own Pay Pal account, to transfer funds. Many use it on e-Bay to provide goods for the online garage sale. Others use it for all their payments online.

You do not need a PayPal account to send funds. You can use any of the following:


If someone lives in another country, getting a draft in US funds is very awkward and also expensive, as I understand.

Donations will go toward supporting Bethany Lutheran Church, worship services and publishing. People can use various forms of payment, including credit cards, to send funds via PayPal.

The Bethany Lutheran Church account was set up a long time ago, when the congregation was established as an ecclesiastical corporation in Minnesota, a favored state for denominational headquarters.

Dr. and Mrs. Lito Cruz

Former Arkansas College President Pleads Guilty to Fraud.
Oren Paris III Received Largest Tax Grant in the State,
Will Testify Against Partners in Crime

Former Arkansas college president pleads guilty to fraud:

 Shelton and his lawyer leaving an earlier session.

"Neal, a Republican, pleaded guilty to a conspiracy count on Jan. 4, 2017, for his role, admitting he took two kickbacks totaling $38,000 in exchange for directing grants to two nonprofit groups. He has not been sentenced.

The indictment doesn't give a total figure of what Wood is accused of receiving in kickbacks because portions of it were reportedly paid in cash.

Ecclesia College is still listed by the U.S. Department of Education on a watch list affecting its cash flow, according to the department's website. And the school is a defendant in an ongoing Washington County Circuit Court lawsuit over its refusal to release financial documents concerning the Improvement Fund grants.

Paris had tried to distance himself from Woods since the indictments were handed up March 1, 2017. He asked for a separate trial on April 24 of last year -- a month after the indictments were served. Paris argued the indictment against Woods alleged wrongdoing outside of the Ecclesia grants. Brooks denied the request."

'via Blog this'

Timeline - same source

Former state Sen. Jon Woods of Springdale faces fraud charges in a federal indictment. Woods is accused of taking kickbacks from Oren Paris III, president of Ecclesia College in Springdale, in return for directing state grants to the college. Randell Shelton of Alma is accused of being the middle man who passed the bribes to Woods through his consulting firm in return for a share.
Paris and Shelton are also charged with wire fraud. All three are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit fraud. Woods is also charged with one count of money laundering.
Woods faces one count of fraud involving a second nonprofit, a job training program called AmeriWorks. The nonprofit was incorporated by Rusty Cranford, a onetime executive for Decision Point, a Bentonville-based drug treatment program.
The following timeline is based on federal court records, records from the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District and reporting by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
• Feb. 18: Woods files and sponsors bill to steer state money to the Northwest Arkansas Development District in Harrison, which would later distribute Improvement Fund grants.
• March 18: Woods votes to OK $2 million disbursement to the development district for improvement fund grants.
• April 22-23: Woods votes to appropriate the $2 million previously OK’d.
• June: Woods tells Rep. Micah Neal, R-Springdale, that Rusty Cranford of AmeriWorks will give 20 percent kickback on improvement fund grants.
• June 26: Cranford emails Decision Point employees telling them to fill out application for AmeriWorks for $250,00 and assuring them it will be approved. Cranford represents Decision Point as a lobbyist.
• July 9: Cranford sends Decision Point employees a revised application increasingy the amount to $400,000.
• July 26: Neal emails development district to say he’s partnering with Woods to give AmeriWorks $400,000.
• Aug. 5: Paris hires a female friend of Woods as an assistant at Ecclesia College to be paid $43,000 in salary and a $4,000 hiring bonus. The college’s improvement fund application is drafted.
• Aug. 7: The college increases the grant amount requested from $105,000 to $130,000. The friend of Woods’ who is hired has her hiring bonus increased to $7,000.
• Aug. 19: Woods texts Paris to increase request to $200,000.
• Sept. 3: Cranford applies to district for $400,000 for AmeriWorks.
• Sept. 22-27: Paris hires Shelton as consultant.
• Sept. 26: Cranford receives $275,000 from Woods and $125,000 from Neal in grants. Checks made out to Decision Point doing business as AmeriWorks.
• Sept. 26: Shelton incorporates Paradigm Consulting.
• Sept. 27: Paris signs grant agreement; pays Shelton $50,000; Shelton opens Paradigm account at bank and deposits $50,000.
• Sept. 30: Checks deposited in AmeriWork’s account.
• October: Cranford pays Woods an undisclosed amount of cash. Woods pays Neal $20,000.
• Oct. 1: Shelton wires $40,000 to Woods’ personal account; Woods withdraws $33,000 and buys a cashier’s check.
• Oct. 3: College deposits $200,000 into its account; Paris gets $25,000 bonus payment from college’s board of directors.
• Oct. 15: Cranford writes check for $16,500 to his consulting business from AmeriWorks account.
• Aug. 13: Federal officials interview Cranford about his dealings with Woods. Cranford returns grant money, saying he couldn’t acquire the necessary facility.
• November: Development district tells Woods and Neal that AmeriWorks returned its grant. They agree to send $200,000 to Ecclesia.
• Feb. 11: Woods files bill, which later becomes law, making millions more in Improvement Fund money available to work study colleges. Ecclesia was the only college in Arkansas that qualified for the money.
• June 2: Paris submits two grant applications for $33,000 and $250,000.
Oct. 23
• April 13: U.S. Attorney’s office subpoenas Northwest Arkansas Development District, AmeriWorks, Cranford and any entities associated with him; also for records of any grants involving Paris and Ecclesia College.
• Jan. 4: Neal pleads guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit fraud.
• January: Cranford replaced as executive director of Arkansas operations for Decision Point and related groups.
• March 1: Woods, Shelton and Paris indicted.
• April 19: U.S. Attorney files revised indictment.
• May 23: Remarks at a pre-trial hearing reveal the federal investigation is still underway and more indictments are expected of other parties before Woods, Paris and Shelton’s Dec. 4 trial.
• Sept. 13: A second revised indictment is filed against Woods, Paris and Shelton, adding a count of conspiracy to commit fraud.