Saturday, June 23, 2018

Gideon - The Concordia St. Louis Professors Are Debating the Wrong Issues


Your post on Creation this morning was another very good post, if one takes the time to take it all in; you wrapped up the point very nicely at the end.  My take on it was simply this:  

"Guys (to the Concordia Profs) you're asking the wrong questions and debating the wrong issues.  If you are who you say you are.  If you believe what you confess, that is the the Inerrant Word and the Lutheran Confessions.  If the word is indeed efficacious then it would follow that creation account is exactly that what it says for God cannot lie.  Why all the crutches?  Why negotiate with liars?  God's Word will do exactly what God intends it to do (cf. Isaiah 55:8-11).  Did the prophets negotiate?  Did Jesus shrink and squirm before the Pharisees?  Peter?  Paul?  This stuff isn't negotiable."

I believe was Luther that said it best (I have no direct citation or quote, but it would be nice to track it down one day...), it is not our job to make people believe the Gospel.  That task belongs to the Holy Spirit.  Ours is to simply to proclaim the Word.  Scatter the seed.

Jackson Rose Farm, grown with Creation principles.

It is a ridiculous notion that belief is a decision anyway.  That is why Justification by Faith Alone is NOT fideism.  One cannot decide to believe this or that.  They either are convinced....or not.  I have believed 2 and 2 is 4 ever since I was convinced of that fact a young boy.  I can't disbelieve it now because I _KNOW_ it to be true.  Similarly the Gospel truth is a gift of knowledge of the Spirit.

What those Concordia profs are doing (negotiating) with creation is in itself an act of disbelief, not the action of God fearing men.  They may think they are doing God a favor, but where in the scripture has anyone, who thought they would go out on their own to do God a favor, has in that account gone well?  (King Saul comes to mind when he didn't wait for Samuel...)


By Norma A. Boeckler
From Alex Satin, Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry -
This one:
"It is a ridiculous notion that belief is a decision anyway. That is why Justification by Faith Alone is NOT fideism. One cannot decide to believe this or that. They either are convinced….or not. I have believed 2 and 2 is 4 ever since I was convinced of that fact a young boy. I can’t disbelieve it now because I KNOW it to be true. Similarly the Gospel truth is a gift of knowledge of the Spirit."

Never heard it presented so clearly. Well done Gideon!!!

Sermon for The Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Romans 5

 By Norma A. Boeckler

Two weeks ago I used Romans 4 for the sermon and posted it separately here. 

That exposition is essential for understanding Romans 5. The fanatical sects build their dogma on one verse or part of one verse, but the Holy Scriptures are one unit, one unified truth. Isolating a phrase, verse, or half-verse will always contradict the the Bible as the Book of the Holy Spirit (Luther).

Chapter 4 of Romans establishes Father Abraham as the example of being justified by faith, before he was circumcised. Thus he is an example for Jews and Gentiles alike, his later circumcision serving as a seal of what justification by faith had already accomplished.

Romans King James Version (KJV)

23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
Paraphrase - Genesis 15 was not written for Abraham's sake alone, that he was counted forgiven (righteousness was imputed).
24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
Paraphrase - But Genesis 15 was written for us too, and we will be counted forgiven, if we believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
Paraphrase - He was betrayed for our sins (Atonement) and raised again for our justification by faith.

  By Norma A. Boeckler

Romans 5

Romans King James Version (KJV)

5 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

The first two verses are a summary of Romans 4 and a transition to the meaning of a Christian's faith. And Romans 5 leads to Romans 6 as an essay on the Christian life, which is called sanctification.
"Therefore" is an important bridge between Abraham as the example of the righteousness of faith, Romans 4, and not righteousness through the Law. We can see how significant that was to Paul's audience, both Jews and Gentiles. The Jews thought of themselves as children of Abraham - their great claim, which seemed to exclude the Gentiles, no matter what. The Pharisees used this claim against Jesus in John 8.
But Paul shows from Genesis - and emphasizes in Romans 4 - that Abraham unites both groups through the righteousness of faith. The Law does not save either group because no one can be perfect through the Law. The Law is limited in that regard, but still the work of the Spirit and useful for all.
We have peace with God through Jesus Christ because we are justified by faith. The phrasing is wonderful, because Paul leads with justification by faith as the cause of peace with God through Christ. Word order is used for emphasis and the first word is - Since we are justified by faith...
With this one word (having been justified by faith -  (δικαιωθεντες) everything that has been said in 3:21 to 4:25 is concentrated and predicated directly of Paul and of the Roman believers
Lenski, Romans, p. 332.
Our peace is with God, because a guilty conscience plagues us and we feel God condemning us. The strongest person cannot bear the accusations of a guilty conscience, so peace and forgiveness always go together in the Bible. Peace is and has always been sought after, because emotional pain is the worst kind. That can keep someone from doing anything or thinking of anything else. That is because lacking faith in a gracious, forgiving God, our mistaken faith (really blindness) sees Him and angry, vindictive, and punishing - so He becomes what we imagine, though it is a false view, a blinding and stupifying view.
This peace with God comes through the agency of Christ. The little preposition dia has a lot of meaning. I used to wonder exactly what it was supposed to mean when I read in Light from the Ancient East that it was a common expression, for example, to send something dia (through) another person. Peace with God comes through the atoning death of Jesus Christ. He is the Person who made that possible. And His resurrection remains the ultimate proof of His divinity and victory over death.

Having been pronounced righteous by God means that God has established peace for us objectively, the condition of peace, shalom, Heilby removing all our sin and our guilt; all of his wrath is turned from us, all of his grace rests upon us. God is at peace with all the righteous, the justified. 
Lenski, Romans, p. 332.
 By Norma A. Boeckler

Access by Faith into This Grace
By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

This clears up the confusion caused by mainline Universalists and Lutheran UOJists alike, who claim that everyone receives God's grace, without the Gospel Word or faith. The word for access is very simple and can be used as entrance or approach. Is someone approachable? God is, because of Christ - through Him we have access to God's grace.
Faith and Grace Not Opposed, Except among False Teachers
We do not stand on our merits or works but the grace of God, faith in Christ. One is not opposed to the other. The modernist, rationalist theologians warn people, "Do not create a contingency, an if, for grace. No, grace must be without an if we believe." Who else warns that way? The UOJists, who say, "You are not a Christian. Your faith is not in Christ. Your faith is in faith. You are a faithian." That comes from the "conservative" Concordia, Ft. Wayne Seminary. 
We have faith in Christ because He died for our sins and the Gospel teaches this. That is why Luther and the Book of Concord used the term - Means of Grace, or Instruments of Grace for the Word and Sacraments. Grace does not just happen, except in UOJ-land and liberal theological books. The Spirit conveys Christ and His Grace through the invisible Word of preaching and teaching, the visible Word of the Sacraments.
Because of this grace we rejoice in the hope of everlasting life. In Christ we have heaven and earth, the blessings of God that overflow into all aspects of life.
 By Norma A. Boeckler

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
The Holy Spirit connects this glorious grace with glorying in tribulations, because difficulties must accompany faith in Christ. Luther said, "The Christian does not look for the cross. It is already on his back."
Tribulations work patience; patience works experience (dokime) - The word for experience is also used for the conditioning of a soldier, tried and not wanting, as Lenski says.  Going through the difficulties of the cross make a believer more patient, more conditioned, and this conditioning leads to hope of eternal life, which becomes far more important as we age and lose loved ones.
And that hope will never leave us ashamed.
James said almost the same:
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
"We are not ashamed seems an odd turn until we think about the hopes that were dashed and left us disappointed, embarrassed, ashamed, etc. But this is not true about eternal life because the Gospel is efficacious in converting us and filling us with a love of God, knowing (as John shows so often) that Jesus is the voice and will and face of God the Father, working in perfect harmony with Him. To love the Son is to love the Father, and this is conveyed to us by the Spirit.

For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

Verse 6 confuses the weak-minded, who ignore context and the content of Romans, not to mention the entire Bible. Romans - all the epistles - are written for Christians, so there is always an assumption of faith, even among the rather conflicted and dysfunctional Corinthians.
Christ died for the ungodly. - This simply affirms that Jesus died for sins of the entire world, for all time, not the absolution of the world - without the Gospel - for all time. For some reason the UOJ salesmen glory in unfaith and making the absence of the Gospel...their twisted Gospel for their little world. If someone is confused about this, he only need refer to Romans 4 - 
4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
This also seems to wind people back, at least to the Atonement, but even back to Adam and Eve. The atoning death if Christ is universal, but that does not make this verse a doctrinal statement in favor of Universal forgiveness and salvation. The point is God's grace and our lack of merit, certainly a major emphasis when the inclinations of Pharisaic Judaism were so strong. And that is good because the visible Church falls back into the same Pharisaical attitudes - look at my family, look at my synodical positions, look at my programs, all the good I have done.

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

What changed was Christ dying for the world - we were reconciled to God through the Savior. As Luther wrote so eloquently and the Confessions repeat, this Treasure of the Gospel remains true for all time. But the Treasure must be distributed by the Holy Spirit for us to have it for our own. Thus Gospel preaching distributes the Treasure, sin and death are vanquished, eternal life springs up.
"Receiving" is often used as a synonym for believing, trusting. The Atonement is the act of God, which moves us to faith, receiving the Treasure as intended for each and every one of us.

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

One can only marvel that people who claim, "I studied Greek!" would get this wrong. "Many" does not mean "all" but "many"! Greek is precise and eloquent. 

16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift [came] upon all men unto justification of life.
19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Here is another place where the best and brightest try to insert Universalism into Paul's message. If so, that means the Apostle veered away from a clear message of individual Justification by Faith into an implied doctrine of Universal Objective Justification.
That reminds me of many a liberal Biblical scholar marveling at how poorly written and slanted various new Testament books were. Good thing they could explain to us deplorables. 
If the UOJists are briliant, then Paul is confused and addled. But if Paul is brilliantly clear (as the Word always is) then they are mixed up, dishonest, and lazy-crazy.
Verse 18
the free gift [came] upon all men unto justification of life.
The verb is in brackets because it is not present in the text. Instead, various translators insert a verb, and any verb is someone slanted when none was present.
This is done for emphasis, so what is being emphasized? The free gift = justification of life, anarthrous, so more like free-gift-all-men-life-justification. This is nothing less than the Gospel being for the entire world, all peoples. How is that mysterious to the faux-professors on Mt. Zion, at Mordor, at the Copper Top Chapel, The Fort?
To reduce confusion and restore clarity, these mixed-up beta-men should study Romans 10 and see the plan of salvation for themselves in Paul's Means of Grace chapter. It is so clear than no one uses it at the leadership level. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Holding Steady by Being Lefty? Iliff Methodist Seminary

Denver's Methodist Seminary Holding Steady

At a time when theology schools and seminaries are downsizing, merging or closing, Denver’s Iliff School of Theology is holding steady.
The United Methodist-related school, tucked next to the University of Denver on South University Boulevard and East Iliff Avenue, is little known around the metro but has garnered a national reputation as a progressive theology school rooted in social justice causes. And that reputation might be what’s saving them.
Fewer students have been attending theological schools; enrollment dropped 9 percent in the U.S. and Canada from 2007 to 2017, when there were 72,896 students. That drop comes as Pew Research studies find that fewer Americans identify as religious, a change largely attributed to the growing number of millennials who aren’t members of any organized religion.
But despite the grim picture, the United Methodist seminary has been able to buck the downward trend, surviving in part because of its liberal theology instead of rigid doctrine that is more typical of many religious seminaries, administrators say.
“That is not Iliff’s future,” school President Tom Wolfe said of seminaries closing. “That is not even in our thinking. We are turning this exactly in the opposite direction.”

Students seek social justice

While Mina Nau pursued a career in fashion in Los Angeles, she stayed with a family friend whose son was in San Quentin State Prison.
She answered the phone once when he called. Nau could tell he needed advice, so she dropped a Bible verse. The two began writing and talking about faith. After the fifth letter, they began dating. They’ve been together for six years.
Nau’s boyfriend repeatedly urged her to study theology. He wasn’t the first to make that suggestion. Nau’s family is from Tonga, a Polynesian kingdom of South Pacific islands, and Christianity is one of the biggest tenets of Tongan culture. Eventually, Nau, 35, decided her boyfriend might be right.
“I really don’t know how I ended up (at Iliff) but I was spiritually led to be here and it totally makes sense,” said Nau. “It’s a social justice-oriented institution. It’s the perfect place for me because they care for people who are rejected and not accepted in society.”
Between 35 and 40 faiths are represented in the school’s roughly 300-person student body. Around 30 percent openly identify as LGBTQ.

Four Faculty Promoted to Full Professor

 Gail Murphy-Geiss, Sociology

Gail Murphy-Geiss, SociologyMurphy-Geiss earned her Ph.D. in religion and social change at University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology and became an assistant professor at Colorado College in 2004. She teaches Gender Inequality, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Family, Research Design and Thinking Sociologically. She also teaches courses in the Feminist and Gender Studies program and has taught the course, Contemporary French Society in Lyon, France. One student described Murphy-Geiss’s teaching as follows: “She worked to provide an alternative to the narrative that permeates our culture — the idea that everything around us can be traced back to individuals and their psychology, rather than social forces. At its core, this required constant (and frequently uncomfortable) critical thought. Given the nature of sociology, this also required us to think critically about our own lives and social positioning. It takes a special person to cultivate such a space for this. She always contextualized the need for such critical thought, as well.”
Since earning tenure in 2010, Murphy-Geiss has authored or co-authored three journal articles and two book chapters. The most recent article, “One Size Does Not Fit All: A Case Study of an Alternative Intimate Partner Violence Court,” was published in Feminist Criminology

Good Lutheran Congregations Are Still Active in the Means of Grace

Dear Pastor Greg,

This is the church that you had recommended that I give a try... This is probably one of the few genuinely Confessional churches left in the area, based on the observations of prior peregrinations through various Lutheran churches in the area.

Thanks again for your recommendation - I feel that for the first time at least in my adult life I belong to a Real Church - a blessing indeed! 

Yours, in Christ,


GJ - I edited the letter, so the message reminds people to look for a faithful pastor and congregation. That is the ideal, to be in a local congregation.

LCMS: The Neo-Quasi Lutherans versus the Neo-Quasi-Lutherans.
The Creation Fight Masks Universal Modernism

Lammerts developed the Queen Elizabeth and Chrysler Imperial roses, and - in spite of his PhD in genetics - advocated the Six-Day Creation, without modern improvements.

Christian News has been covering a fight about Creation in the Missouri Synod. The issue seems to be the Biblical account of Creation in Six Days (24-hour days) versus modifications that would remove a conflict between science and the LCMS. Concordia St. Louis was deeply offended at being questioned by two LCMS districts and fired off a faculty letter accusing those districts of slander, violating the Eighth Commandment, and torturing little kittens. OK, I added the last charge.

 We plant Queen Elizabeth roses everywhere we live, in memory of our daughters Bethany and Erin Joy. The rose is still so loved that people need to order early in the season.

Here Is the Real Problem
The LCMS is saturated with UOJ advocates, though they seldom lead with their weakest argument. Starting with the sex cult leader Martin Stephan, they have taught the anti-Reformation dogma of an Easter absolution of the entire world: without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith.

They almost always call this dogma from Halle University Pietism - Justification. They consider themselves heirs of the Lutheran Reformation but they utterly reject Luther's Biblical doctrine - Justification by Faith. The Terrible Twelve deny the efficacy of the Word - from

  1. Charles Arand to 
  2. Herman Otten to 
  3. Jay Webber to 
  4. Jon-Boy Buchholz to
  5. Frosty Bivens to
  6. David Valleskey
  7. Jack Cascione to 
  8. Steve Flo to
  9. John W. Montgomery to
  10. Paul McCain to 
  11. Rolf-Dan Preus to 
  12. Matt the Fatt Hisself.

In fact, Mrs. Harrison explained to me on Facebook - "There is Objective Justification and Subjective Justification." That Halle-derived face-plant is now featured in the new LCMS catechism (one more insult against Luther's 500th).

Lammerts developed the Chrysler Imperial rose, which outlasted the car it was supposed to promote.

Those named above are in the same modernistic, rationalistic camp, denying the efficacy of the Word. Although there are exceptions within the LCMS, the villains named represent the monopoly on dogma in the LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC, and ELCA.

The efficacy and power of God's Word is foundational and central to the Biblical witness. Often, it is in the background as the Holy Spirit working through the Word, but that does not mean slighting or denying the Word's efficacy leaves the remaining articles of faith untouched.

 Please read all of Romans 4 before making such idiotic claims.

Universal Objective Justification - in its various disguises (OJ/SJ; General Justification; the Justification of the World) - denies the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace.  UOJ claims that in some mysterious moment, never agreed upon, God absolved every single person in the world, all the way back to Adam and into the future. This absolution also means salvation, as Buchholz has written and WELS has proclaimed in a banner "You Are Saved, Just Like Me."

 Norma A. Boeckler
When will this Creation comparison sink in with the Neo-Quasi-Lutheran leaders?

If we deny the efficacy of the Word in Justification by Faith, then we are implicitly denying the efficacy of the Word in every article of faith. There is no grocery cart - all the articles are part of the One Truth taught by the Holy Scriptures. The modernists pick what they want, but they are like children given their freedom at Walmart. Kids load the unguarded cart with sweets and toys. The UOJ synods do the same with clown entertainment "worship", quota evangelism, and the latest from Satan's cloaca.

Walther and the Piepers did not convert their synods to UOJ entirely, but they damaged them enough to let the weeds take over in the future:

  • Modernism, 
  • Unionism, 
  • Pentecostalism, and 
  • The excretions of the holy men of Fuller Seminary, whose gross and disgusting output continues to be saved and worshiped as sacred relics.
The Terrible Twelve are all modernists? Take them at their words, their vocabulary, their objects of adoration:
  1. They say (Bivens/Zarling) that UOJ is the Chief Article of Christianity, not Justification by Faith.
  2. They teach (Harrison, LCMS) OJ and SJ, two peculiar ideas that completely avoid faith in Christ.
  3. They claim (Lazy Jay Webber, Kilcrease) that Luther taught OJ!  
Although Otten and McCain loathe each each other now, despite a warm and secretive friendship long ago, they agree in banning and silencing any mention of Justification by Faith, any criticism of their precious UOJ.

The Book of Concord, Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, Article III, The Righteousness of Faith, #6
This article concerning justification by faith (as the Apology says) is the chief article in the entire Christian doctrine, without which no poor conscience can have any firm consolation, or can truly know the riches of the grace of Christ, as Dr. Luther also has written: If this only article remains pure on the battlefield, the Christian Church also remains pure, and in goodly harmony and without any sects; but if it does not remain pure, it is not possible that any error or fanatical spirit can be resisted. (Tom. 5, Jena, p. 159.) 

 Aptly named - Concordia.

All in the Same Sinking Ship
If the Six Day Creationists cannot teach Justification by Faith, they are no better - even worse for masking their deception - than the worst modernists they denounce.

The question is not, Did God create in Six Days?, but do you teach the efficacy of the Word in all matters of faith? 

The efficacy of the Word answers: 
  1. The Creation in Six Days, 
  2. The Incarnation and Virgin Birth,
  3. The consecration of the elements of Holy Communion,
  4. Justification by Faith.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Gideon - On Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions

 Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions


This book, Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions which cost me nothing-- you gave it to me, has been a phenomenal read.  There have been many insightful portions of the text that made me simply stop and ponder...or in many instances when I thought I have previously had an original profound thought, it's here in the book.  It's really a textbook if you get down to it.

I've been taking the slow read through the book, and I find myself now in Part IV - Kokomo/LCMS Error - Forgiveness without Faith.  This is the stuff of which you write often in your blog, where you'll touch on this or that facet of the subject.  But here in the book, the topic is developed linearly.  J.P. Meyer has had a lot of press already, but these things really caught my eye:

1.  Page 236:

A history of the recent conflicts about justification would be interesting to read and large enough to fill several books, but it would not be edifying.  Too many articles have death with the recent history of the conflict.  Too often the discussion revolves around the latest opinions offered in America, as if Lutherans hold the quia subscription to the writings of Walther, Pieper, and synodical commissions.  As one minister wrote, "Are you calling Walther a false teacher?"  This attitude runs contrary to what Chemnitz states from the earliest history of the Christian Church, that we must return to the source when the discussion is murky.  The we must set aside the bulk of material and return to the Scriptures and the Book of Concord.  Otherwise, we fall into the folly of orthodoxism, where every single statement of each Synodical Conference author must be viewed as part of a seamless and infallible garment, invulnerable to criticism.  This attitude is exactly what we find in the Church of Rome."

Wow.  And, I've seen examples of this:  Young pastors who don't test the dogma.  I was told myself when Rydecki was expelled not to even investigate why.  Rydecki challenged the synod's view of justification, and that was all I should know.

2. Page 242: 

"Doctrinal Shorthand" where a correct statement is truncated and repeated until it was instituted:

A.  Correct -- We are saved in view of faith apprehending the merits of Christ.
B.  Incorrect -- We are saved in view of faith.  The shortened version made people think that faith itself was a virtue or a frame of mind generated by man."

Then the cries of Fideism arise out of the distortion of "B"

As genuinely helpful this book is, it is with sadness I write this email because this is an indictment against my former church body.  They got so much right, but this stubbornness as demonstrated in example 1 above, which basically says "This is the way Daddy did it, and this is the way we're going to do it"'s so insidious because while they think their are protecting themselves from liberalism by being staunch in their views, they don't realize that they could be slowly wrapping themselves in error.  Layer by layer by layer, like an old water heater or car radiator.  Any why?  For pride.

Ironically, if my understanding of the Wauwatosa theologians is correct, part of their mission was to get back to the source, as Chemnitz suggested.  They more or less eschewed the church fathers and wanted to go back to the Scriptures.  Since then the layers seem to have accumulated, and unfortunately CNC/CG layers have been applied lately -- with seemingly no way to remove them.  Such is the folly of "orthodoxism" (not orthodoxy)


GJ - That was going to be my last word on those topics, Gideon. I am glad people are still reading it, because the book is just basic Christian doctrine, as ignored and trashed by WELS, LCMS, ELS, CLC, and ELCA. 

I appreciate the continuous opposition because that has energized more study and more books.

Creation Software - The Impossible Trap for Rationalists

If we concede that God created over vast millions of years - not that I would - even then, an impossible trap remains for anyone side-stepping the Six Day Creation (six 24-hour days, not six billion years).

I will explain the trap first, then show how the concept harmonizes with the truth of Creation.

The Great Pyramid was sheathed in limestone and capped perhaps in gold, 481 feet high, 2.5 cubic meters in volume.

We all admire engineering. I am fascinated more than most, because the basics are far beyond me. The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man-made object on earth until the Eifel Tower was built, 40 centuries later. So I wonder - why did they take all that trouble? What was the purpose and the tools used?

 "Your car will not last," an attorney told me, 9 years ago.

Sassy says, "Oh?"

Our limo is a superbly engineered car. With all its troubles, due to 24 years age and 210,000 mileage, it still works well and floats through traffic. My car-building friend says that comes from the people who built it, taking great pride in their workmanship.

No matter how good the engineering of Creation is, all the moving parts need software to run them.

The moment the Shasta Daisies bloom, Tachinid Flies land on the flowers. I want this to happen because the flies destroy garden pests, especially aphids.

The same effect can be observed when Parsley attracts the Black Swallowtail Butterfly and Milkweed the Monarch. The complex software in the insect brains tells them where to feed as adults, where to lay eggs so the children will grow up strong. But flowers have no brains, so how do they attract the kind of attention they need for their own health?

Even more perplexing, recent studies show that the lowly fungus in the soil is sentient, building a self-serving network among the roots to ensure its growth - asking for carbon, giving water and nutrients in exchange. A flower seems quite complicated, compared to a fungus, genius level, but now we learn the fungus is the keystone of soil.

A few glimpses at the natural world tells me that nothing could have worked together if the software managing them developed over a long period of time.

So that becomes an impossible trap for the rationalistic compromise about the Six Day Creation.

Bonus Aha! Moment
Given all the wonders we can see, if we spend a little time gardening, weeding, and bird-watching, one more thing needs to be added to the software argument.

Creation heals itself when damaged by man or cataclysmic events. Destroyed soil will repair itself through weeds blown in or germinated from the energy of the sun. Volcanoes are epic in their violence, but they also create rich soil for some of the best coffee in the world.

When rabbits abound, hawks increase in number, fed by the many lagomorphs. As most biology students know, "nature" tends to build up by the predators taking the weak and diseased prey.

People speak glibly about the Wonders of Nature, but avoid what that includes - Genesis 1 and John 1:3.

 This pose was held by our granddaughter for the camera. No injuries, lots of laughter. Who gave animals a sense of humor? Sassy stepped in to be part of the photo.