Wednesday, September 26, 2018

More Shocking Revelations about the Antiquity of OJ in the Synodical Conference

First of all, a correction: The Foreward to the 1966 ELS CATECHISM says that the text of the previous ELS Catechism was from 1905, not 1906 as I had said.  The 1966 Foreward says that it has been
"61 years" since the previous ELS Catechism, which I previously quoted as teaching JBFA.

In the following passages one will be able to note how the Synodical Conference synods Catechisms from 1966 to the present have consistently taught UOJ, whether or not they actually use the terms "Objection/General Justification" or "Subjective/Personal Justification."

Ironically, the Norwegian Synod/ELS English Language Catechism of 1905 was the first English language Synodical Conference synod Catechism, and it clearly taught JBFA; the 1966 ELS CATECHISM was the first English language Synodical Conference synod Catechism to teach OJ/SJ.

[GJ - I believe this is the heart of the Madison (OpgjoerSettlement issue. The Pieper OJ crowd want to be pure OJ, not OJ and JBFA. So the ELS marched off and took 1,000  OJ people from the Norwegian Synod to become the ELS or "Little Norwegians", a term they loathe. The Norwegian Preus clan adhered to OJ, so they imagined that made them orthodox rather than Pietistic. So when Jack and Bob Preus got fed up at Luther seminary, off to the ELS.]

All the following quotations will be taken from the Explanation of the Third Article, the Forgiveness of Sins of the different Catechisms; Bible passages are omitted: 

AN EXPLANATION OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM (ELS) 1966. "Qu. 254: How were you justified?  A: I was justified by God the Father, when by His grace He DECLARED ME RIGHTEOUS.  Qu. 255: How can God declare the sinner righteous?  A: God can declare the sinner righteous because, on the basis of the redemptive work of Christ, He has ACQUITTED ALL MEN of the guilt and punishment of their sins, and has imputed to them the righteousness of Christ; HE THEREFORE REGARDS THEM IN CHRIST AS THOUGH THEY  HAD NEVER SINNED.   Qu. 256: How does the sinner receive this justification?  A: The sinner receives this justification when the Holy Ghost, through the means of grace, leads him to believe that God has forgiven all his sins for Christ's sake.  [Note: Throughout these passages it will be noted that the teaching of "Subjective Justification" BY ITSELF is acceptable, but NOT when joined to the teaching of Objective Justification.]

AN EXPLANATION OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM (ELS) 1981.  "Qu. 206: Why do you "believe in the forgiveness of sins:?  A: I believe in the forgiveness of sins because the Bible assures me that God the Father has by grace FORGIVEN ALL SINNERS AND DECLARED THEM RIGHTEOUS.  207: How can God declare sinners righteous?  A: God can declare sinners righteous because, on the basis of the redemptive work of Christ, He has ACQUITTED ALL MEN OF THE GUILT AND PUNISHMENT OF THEIR SINS, AND HAS IMPUTED TO THEM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST; HE THEREFORE REGARDS THEM IN CHRIST AS THOUGH THEY HAD NEVER SINNED (GENERAL OR OBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION.)  Qu. 208: How do you receive this forgiveness or justification?  A: I receive this justification when the Holy Ghost through the means of grace leads me, the sinner, to believe that God has forgiven all my sins for Christ's sake (PERSONAL OR SUBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION.)" 

CATECHISM LESSONS PUPIL'S BOOK by Adolph F. Fehlauer (WELS) 1981.  "Lesson 49.  Forgiveness of Sins/The Third Article [I believe in] the forgiveness of sins.  What does this mean?  [I believe that in the Christian church the Holy Ghost] daily and fully forgives all sins to ME AND ALL BELIEVERS {Note: JBFA!!!  Then, note the teaching of OJ/SJ following:]...What did Jesus earn for all people?  Jesus earned forgiveness for all people.  On whom did Jesus put the sins of all people. (A. On Jesus)  God accepted Jesus' sacrifice for the sins of the world.  What did God do for all people?  (A. HE DECLARES THEM RIGHTEOUS.)  For whose sake does God declare ALL PEOPLE RIGHTEOUS?  GOD DECLARES THAT ALL PEOPLE ARE RIGHTEOUS FOR JESUS' SAKE.  What good news did Jesus tell the paralytic man?  (A. That his sins were forgiven)  What word do we use for the good news of forgiveness of sins?  (A. Gospel)  What does God offer through the Gospel?  Through the Gospel God offers forgiveness of sins.  Not all people accept this free offer of forgiveness.  Why didn't the Pharisee ask for mercy and forgiveness?  (A. He believed that he was just and needed no forgiveness.)  Why did the tax collector pray God to have mercy on him?  (A. He knew that he was a sinner and believed that God would forgive him his sins.)  Who gives us faith to believe in the forgiveness of sins?  The good news of forgiveness through faith is proclaimed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Who gives us faith to believe the Gospel?  The Holy Spirit gives us faith to believe the Gospel.  Summary: Jesus earned forgiveness of sins for all people.  GOD DECLARES ALL PEOPLE RIGHTEOUS FOR JESUS' SAKE.  Through the Gospel God offers forgiveness of sins.  The Holy Spirit gives us faith to believe the Gospel.  We receive forgiveness through faith in the Gospel.  What this means to me: In the Bible God tells me that all my sins are forgiven for Jesus' sake.  He is my holy and righteous Savior.  God looks upon Jesus' righteousness as my righteousness, and therefore He declares me just and holy (justified).  There is nothing I can do to earn my forgiveness and salvation.  Jesus has done all that can be done and need be done.  But in return for Jesus' love and God's mercy I will want to show my appreciation by thinking, praising, serving, and obeying my merciful Lord and Savior..."

LUTHER'S CATECHISM by David P. Kuske (WELS) 1982. "Qu. 253: How many people did GOD DECLARE RIGHTEOUS?  A: GOD DECLARED ALL PEOPLE RIGHTEOUS. (OBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION)...Qu. 255: Why is it important, then, that the Holy Spirit work faith in me?  A: It is important that the Holy Spirit work faith in me so that I do not trust in my own works but only in the righteousness God gives by grace in Christ.

MARTIN LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM: A HANDBOOK OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE by Pastor Mike Sydow (CLC) 1988.  "Qu. 208: Whom has God justified--declared 'Not guilty'?  A: GOD DECLARED ALL PEOPLE IN ALL THE WORLD 'NOT GUILTY' OF THEIR SINS.  THIS IS SOMETIMES CALLED UNIVERSAL JUSTIFICATION (OR OBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION)  For Personal Justification, cf. question 210...Qu. 210: How do the benefits of Christ's death become our own?  A: The Holy Spirit provides the benefits of Christ's death by giving people faith.  THIS IS SOMETIMES CALLED PERSONAL JUSTIFICATION (OR SUBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION).  Personal justification is believing that God has declared me 'Not guilty.'"  [Note: Same text in 2000 and 2006 (current) editions.]

LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM WITH EXPLANATION (LCMS) 1991.  "Qu. 180: Why do you say, 'i believe in the forgiveness of sins'?  A: I believe in the forgiveness of sins because through Christ God has DECLARED PARDON AND FORGIVENESS TO ALL SINFUL HUMANITY...Qu. 182. How is it possible for a just and holy God to declare sinners righteous (justification)?  A: GOD DECLARES SINNERS RIGHTEOUS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, THAT IS, OUR SINS HAVE BEEN IMPUTED OR CHARGED TO CHRIST, THE SAVIOR, AND CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUSNESS HAS BEEN IMPUTED OR CREDITED TO US.  Qu. 183: Where does God offer the forgiveness of sins?
A: God offers the forgiveness of sins in the Gospel.  Qu. 184: How do you receive this forgiveness of sins?  A: I receive this forgiveness through faith, that is, by believing the Gospel."  (Note: Does this sound similar to the 1981 ELS Catechism, but without the use of the terms "OJ/SJ"?)  (Same explanation in both 1991 LCMS Catechism with the NIV and the 2005 LCMS Catechism with the ESV.)

AN EXPLANATION OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM (ELS) 2001:  (Note: "Qu. 210-212" are virtually the same as the 1981 ELS Catechism "Qu. 206-208."  2018 edition of 2001 ELS Catechism using the WELS/ELS  Wartburg Project's Evangelical Heritage Version translation has identical Explanation to the 2001 ELS Catechism.)

LUTHER'S CATECHISM: THE SMALL CATECHISM OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER (WELS) 2017: "Qu. 218: What did our gracious God do to overturn the judgement against our sin?  A: GOD RECONCILED THE WHOLE WORLD TO HIMSELF, THAT IS, HE DECLARED THE WHOLE WORLD NOT GUILTY.  Qu. 219: How is it possible that God, who is holy and just, would declare sinners righteous?  A: GOD CAN DECLARE SINNERS RIGHTEOUS without violating his justice because he declared Jesus to be guilty of every sin that has ever been or will ever be committed.  God made the only one who was without sin to be sin for us.  On the cross, Jesus was punished for every sin.  BECAUSE OF THE CROSS, THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN DECLARED TO BE NOT GUILTY.  THIS IS TRUE, NOT BECAUSE PEOPLE BELIEVE IT BUT BECAUSE IT TRULY HAPPENED (UNIVERSAL/OBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION)...Qu. 222: How do we receive the forgiveness of sins that God DECLARED FOR ALL PEOPLE?  A: We receive the benefits of what CHRIST DID FOR THE WORLD when the Holy Spirit works the gift of faith in our hearts.  WE BELIEVE THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH, THAT GOD HAS DECLARED THE WHOLE WORLD JUSTIFIED BECAUSE OF JESUS' SACRIFICE.  THE PERSONAL POSSESSION OF FORGIVENESS BY FAITH IN JESUS IS CALLED SUBJECTIVE JUSTIFICATION."

LUTHER'S SMALL CATECHISM WITH EXPLANATION (LCMS) 2017: (Note: As with the 1991 and 2001 ELS Catechisms, the 1991 and 2017 LCMS Catechisms are very similar, not using the terms "OJ/SJ," but whereas the 1991 LCMS Catechism says in Qu. 180 "God HAS DECLARED..." the 2017 LCMS Catechism says in Qu. 206 "God DECLARES..."  

This 2017 LCMS edition of the Small Catechism frequently quotes from the Lutheran Confessions, the only English language Synodical Conference synod Catechism to do so since the J.C. Dietrich Small Catechism, printed by CPH for the LCMS.  However, when a quotation is given to support the teaching of the Forgiveness of Sins in the 2017 LCMS Catechism, the quotation which is given is FC Ep III:4, which says (LCMS CONCORDIA Edition, p. 480) "Our righteousness before God is this: God forgives our sins out of pure grace, without any work, merit, or worthiness of ours preceding, present, or following.  He presents and credits to us the righteousness of Christ's obedience [Romans 5:17-19].  Because of this righteousness we are received into grace by God and regarded as righteous."  What is NOT quoted is what DIRECTLY FOLLOWS in FC Ep III:5: "3. WE BELIEVE, TEACH AND CONFESS THAT FAITH ALONE IS THE MEANS AND INSTRUMENT THROUGH WHICH WE LAY HOLD OF CHRIST.  So in Christ we lay hold of that righteousness that benefits us before God [Romans 1:17], FOR WHOSE SAKE THIS FAITH IS CREDITED TO US FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Romans 4:5)."

In summary: Before 1966 no Synodical Conference synod Catechism taught Objective/Subjective Justification.  That changed with the ELS Catechism of 1966.  The 1981 ELS Catechism influenced the 1991/2017 LCMS Catechisms as well as the 2001 (current) ELS Catechism.  The WELS Catechisms have been the most open in teaching Objective/Subjective Justification.

You've all heard of the fact that Mormons have to go to their "temples" for certain "ordinances" which teach "secrets" kept from both the "Gentiles" and other Mormons who haven't been to the "temple" themselves, thus creating a "dual Mormon membership," some of whom learn the "secrets" while others don't, and those who don't can't progress to "godhood" without "temple ordinances."  Why is it that the Synodical Conference synods taught Objective/Subjective Justification through their English language college and seminary doctrinal theology texts (e.g., A. Graebner, Th. Engelder, J.T. Mueller, EWA Koehler, F. Pieper ) since 1910 (and in their German and Latin language texts before 1910,) but only in their Catechisms for their laity and their children since 1966, if OJ/SJ is such a precious, necessary doctrine to know?  --Warren

WELS - Will My Grandchildren Have a Place To Worship the Synod?

 Together, they destroyed more congregations than the Chicago Fire, but they made a lot of money doing it. Give them that much.

The WELS money-grubbing letter from Jonathan Hein is a hoot, to paraphrase Steve Spencer. Ever since the sect embraced the Church Shrinkage Movement (now called Attritional), they have lost members faster than Sears has lost customers. What have they done in response? The sect has pumped up the volume of praise bands, pipe organ bashing, sermonless rants, and munchies during the sneaker service (imitating that prince of a man, Hybels, Willow Creek).

 Mirthless Mark Schroeder went to Appleton to bail out Ski, as Engelbrecht bragged in writing. However, I was the cause of all the troubles in the Anything Goes District. Did I write and post the infamous Ski sermon? Ha.

Let us pause to consider the pastoral care offered by Glende and Ski at St. Peter in Freedom, Wisconsin. When a long-standing member challenged them correctly about their plagiarized sermons, the DP backed up the Booze Brothers and Glende/Ski excommunicated the member. Open the back door - extend the Left Foot of Fellowship.

They were so full of themselves and the suds that they drove one staff member after another away - one pastor after a few months, Bishop Katy, and then the woman whose husband they sued four ways from Sunday. That was Glende's genius in Illinois, bullying members so he could get what he wanted. That is another WELS congregation closed instead of serving a university population. No one will say that, because the Boy Wonder is Brug's nephew.

That is just a microcosm of the abusive sect. The slander tossed at the Kavanaugh family now is a nice sample of what WELS clergy, DPs, and SP do when crossed. Do you think the evil lies against the judge are bad? WELS does the same to their workers, the families of the workers, and even the extended families. But it all depends, of course. If someone is from the right family, he can do no wrong and gets another call. If he knows the right people, the same is true. But the vast majority are treated like plantation slaves and cringe at the voice of the DP.

 Katy Perry lights the dreams of the Booze Brothers.

The WELS Tetzel says it is up to the congregations to increase in size. Pardon me while I reach for my oxygen hose. Laughing this hard makes my lips turn blue. This wonderful solution comes from the sect that has:

  1. Abandoned and repudiated Justification by Faith.
  2. Promoted the evil, false NIV on its members and publications.
  3. Choked the traditional liturgy to death.
  4. Mocked the Book of Concord while devilishly posing as Quia Marias in public.
  5. Allowed the Mark Jeske Crime Family to run the synod without being elected, skimming money from all the funds to lubricate their ELCA-centric agenda. 
  6. Welcomed the Odd Couple Ministry of Starr, Barefoot, and the Boys in the Band.
  7. Driven away faithful members and workers.
  8. Absolved felons (murder, child sex trafficking, love letters to children).
  9. Wasted money at Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity, and Willow Creek.
  10. Squandered the Schwan money, just as furiously as the MilCraft estate was ruined (which was the estate's fault, doncha know).
  11. Looked the other way when all the clergy and teachers were being trained that the only path to success was in following the anti-Lutheran, feminist, mainline growth hives. Management by Objectives - that is the cure - not the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace.
  12. Pretended to be awash in the Gospel when really legalistic, self-centered bullies of the worst kind, even when sober.

Jonathan Hein: "Open the front door and shut the back door." 

I am helpless with laughter. When I confronted DP Bob Mueller about his anti-Scriptural reign, he said angrily, "If you don't like it, leave." The solution in WELS is never to face their failure to follow the Scriptures and Confessions. No, "in our circles, orthodoxy means whatever we say it means." When they say "Write a letter," they mean, "Please take the first step in being excommuncated."

 Sadler - his graphic. Belch.
Alcoholism is a career enhancer in WELS.

"We have a program."

Has anyone heard that before? The Babtists always have a program of sanctification. This is going to cost a lot of money, I am sure.

"This is not about WELS. This is about souls."

They were soooo concerned, they let a healthy congregation in Illinois be ruined by Tim Glende, and he urged everyone to close the parish after he abandoned it - so everyone could forget.

"We need your prayers, your service, and your moolah."

WELS had the biggest charitable gift ever, the Schwan Foundation, gushing all kinds of money. The bosses hired their buddies and doubled the staff at the Love Shack. They spent money like Congressmen and the results were even worse.

The WELS executives get the highest salaries and benefits, doing the least work in the Means of Grace.

Mordor in Mequon does not have a single Lutheran professor.

 Martin Luther College - looking for a few good men, cuz
"We make a good man better."

Martin Luther College is openly LBTQ, but shhh, do not tell anyone. They have to be, to get their gubmint money. It too is failing, shrinking, but still staggeringly expensive.

 WELS/ELS could not get enough of this genius.
They love adulterous false teachers.

From the Secure, Undisclosed Warren of the Ichabunker

 Martin Chemnitz, like Luther and the Concordists, considered themselves
Theologians of the Augsburg Confession.

I just received from CPH my copy of the newly-published translation of the APOLOGY OF THE BOOK OF CONCORD from 1583, which defends the teachings of the BOOK OF CONCORD of 1580.  It was written by Martin Chemnitz and Nicolaus Selnecker (two of the six authors of the FORMULA OF CONCORD) and by Timothy Kirchner.

The APOLOGY was primarily directed against the Reformed Church's rejection of the Scriptural doctrines of the Two Natures of Christ and of the Real Presence of Christ in the
Sacrament of the Altar, and therefore it does not deal directly with the doctrine of the Justification by Faith Alone.

However, on page 428 of the APOLOGY I did find this confirmation of the precious doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone with the citation of John 3:16 against the Reformed doctrine of Election apart from faith (caps added):

"We are also not unaware that all who are truly repentant are elect and that such people certainly ought to conclude that they are elect and the children of God in and through Christ ON WHOM THEY BELIEVE.  Whomever God GIVES ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH FAITH (John 3 [:16]) must certainly be elect and God's dear child.  We also know that the question about salvation does not begin with the question about eternal election.  Rather, we follow the order of St. Paul in his letter to the Romans, where he first leads us to repentance or the knowledge of sins, then to FAITH IN CHRIST, then to the cross and suffering; then, when we have studied in this school for a while and have been tested and humbled under the cross and all kinds of temptations, we ourselves find how useful and beneficial it is that we are elected in Christ to eternal life and that no creature can separate us from His hands (Romans 8[:38-39])."

From the Research Arm of Team Ichabod - Loehe Small Catechism

Loehe Small Catechism quotations

278) Where do you find a description of Creation?
In the first two chapters of the Bible.
279) In how many days did God make heaven and earth?
In six days.
 I am so impressed with the loyalty of so many Dead Last Lutherans, who imitate their idol CFW Walther in covering up for gross clergy sexual abuse of members, collecting their rewards for that malfeasance, moving along praising themselves, world without end. Some of them are Roman Catholic; some of them are not. Not one is a Lutheran, according to Loehe's standards.
Scheer madness.

418) And which is the true Church?
That which teaches and confesses God’s Word purely, and administers the Sacraments according to the institution of Christ. John 8:31; 10:27.
419) What Church does this?
The so-called Lutheran church, to which therefore the titles Christian and Apostolic belong especially.
420) How can you find out what the Lutheran Church teaches?
From her confessions, which no Lutheran preacher dare contradict.
421) What are those Confessions?
The three General Creeds, the Augsburg Confession and the Apology, the Schmalkald Articles, the two Catechisms of Luther, and the Formula of Concord. They are all printed together in the Book of Concord, published in 1580)

43) What may be the meaning of the two tables of the Law?
The human heart, in which the commandments of God ought to be written.
44) What may be the meaning of the first tables, which God Himself made?
The human heart, as it was created by God.
45) And of the tables which Moses made?
The human heart, as it was made by man through his fall.

Reminds me of Ezekiel:
And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: Eze 11:19
The Watherians and their thralls would have us believe that CFW is the standard of Lutheran orthodoxy, but they clearly oppose and repudiate the Biblical doctrine of Justification by Faith, replacing it with the faddish Objective Justification of rationalistic Pietism.  These pompous blowhards hate each other and get along like Calvinist factions (which they are), not only ignorant of the true Gospel but archenemies of it.

Tim Glende Keeps Moving On - New Call to Iowa.
Hasn't Iowa Suffered Enough?

Tim Glende created a healthy and happy Eastern Orthodox congregation, by selling his paid-for building and shopping for one that matched his ego.

 The mission board said Glende could not sustain this new building, but he created a healthy, growing Babtist congregaton by skipping town before it was finished. The Babtists grew so fast they added to the building (above)! Glende wanted to close his newly established parish so everyone would forget how he drove it into insolvency.

 Glende escaped to St. Peter in Appleton and suddenly became the senior pastor, based on his ability to create two healthy congregations from his two previous disasters.
Ron Ash, the senior pastor, was head of Jeske's Church and Change or Die political lobby, which still runs WELS. The replacement for Ski is another Jeske pal, Pastor Mike.
As insiders know, Glende/Ski/Katy all worked at Jeske's congregation/business. Glende featured Katy Perry in her onesy as his profile photo on Facebook - for a long, long time. Note Glende's overuse of bronzer. Tch. Tch.
 Pastor Mike is both the new Ski and the new Jeske at Time of Grace.
Why did the new pastor leave Glende's parish in haste? Link here.

The Booze Brothers launched four lawsuits against one of their victims - linked is the report from the lawyer they excommunicated for telling the truth about their plagiarism.

Call Report – September 24, 2018 

Rev Timothy GlendeSt Peter LC – North Campus
Appleton WI
Good Shepherd LC
Cedar Rapids IA

 Synod President Mark Schroeder, DP Engelbrecht, DP Zank, and DP Kudu Don Patterson - five WELS poentates - teamed up to rescue Ski from his follies.