Thursday, January 17, 2019

Herman Otten Criticizes Paul McCain in January 21, 2019 Christian News.
Otten Put McCain in the Purple Palace by Working with Paul Secretly and Lying

Herman Otten told me how Paul McCain, in his first and only parish, sent DP Al Barry's newsletter early to Christian News to publish and make a conservative hero out Barry. Both of them denied colluding, and Otten denied this in print.

McCain invited me to a personal tour of the Purple Palace. The phone rang and it was Otten's number. McCain did not answer it. He said, "If they knew I was talking to Otten, I would be fired."

So Otten got McCain into the Purple Palace and kept him there by denying their game after their plot succeeded. When Barry died, McCain sought grace and favor at the Shrine of the Immaculate Migration (Concordia Historical Institute) and next at Concordia Publishing House. He also had a much-praised (by McCain) blog, which was exposed later as plagiarized from Roman Catholic sources and his friends' blogs. McCain never apologized for his blog's dishonesty, but insists everyone has to apologize for offending him.

LutherQuest (sic) finally realized they were publishing McCain's links to plagiarized hagiographies from The Catholic Encyclopedia. They did not apologize to their readers or explain how easily they were fooled.

When Matt Harrison won the SP election in 2010, who showed up for a triumphant photo tour? Paul McCain.

 When Barry replaced Bohlmann, Bucky Hellwig said,
"At least Bohlmann's administration was polite to us." Was he suggesting that McCain was earning his nickname in Missouri - McNasty?

 Notice how papal Matt the Fatt is - "the official teachings of the Lutheran Church." That is a Roman view of dogma - why they cannot be wrong. The Book of Concord does not teach denominations but Biblical truths. 

 Buchholz is another inflated ego in a dying sect.
"How can you, little man, depart from the sacred truths of  our synod fathers? For that we extend - in Christian love - the Left Foot of Fellowship."