WELS-ELS favorites: Andy Stanley below promotes homosexual unions; Archbishop Weakland, beanie, known homosexual, spoke at Wisconsin Lutheran College - public program, including priests; Hybels at Willow Creek, above Andy, retired early for chasing women staff members around; McGavran, above left of Hybels, was a mainline liberal, Disciples of Christ; Leonard Sweet, upper right off McGavran's ear, Leftie weirdo mainline guru; Stetzer, dead center, Fulleroid Babtist; C. Peter Wagner, right of Stetzer, Pentecostal Fuller faculty and always behind true flapdoodle snake oil ministers; 12 o'clock, Mark Driscoll, Ski-Glende fave - failed but retreaded cult minister known for his violent language; left at 11 o'clock, another Ski-Glende fave, Craig Groeschel, mainline producer of much-copied themes, sermons, graphics, as found at The CORE. |
Note the above experts - WELS has been heavily involved with them for decades, which is why the sect is no longer Lutheran. Their teachers and leaders are trained by the Enthusiasts above, most of whom have made a shipwreck of their faith.
People at the WELS church I used to attend (and readers of my
blog at the time) became UNHINGED (emphasis in the original) when
I provided details of Thrivent funding Planned Parenthood and by
application, WELS responsibility for funding abortion. There was
no argument with the facts, just what they meant.
When I said that WELS gave to the United Nations, some went bonkers and demanded proof. Do they demand proof for WELS-LCMS lies? Never. So I provided the year and page number of the Michigan District grant to a UN program, about $5,000, as I recall. No apologies followed, of course. |
Thrivent gives LCMS $50 to $60 million a year, so ELCA probably gets $100 million for promoting a rather drab insurance company. Thrivent dollar-matched abortion fans on the staff (charity, you know). ELCA is one big abortion lobby and actually hires lobbyists with World Hunger Fund donations. They are all in it together, trotters in the trough - pennies for the local church, millions for abortion on demand and doctrinal apostasy. Herman Otten applied for and received a Thrivent grant. |
But wait, there's more. Jeske uses his Thrivent board membership to fund his favorite charities, often involving Mark and Avoid Jeske. He gathers ELCA women pastors to lecture LCMS and WELS-ELS pastors on how to be Change or Die! ministers. |
I have played Whac-A-Mole many times, except I was always the mole. |