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Start with John 16 - or - |
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Isaiah 55. |
If someone can get the dogmatics statements past these two anchor points of the Bible, well done! But the mountain of garbage being foisted on Lutherans today cannot pass the test.
The Holy Spirit passages judge everything written or taught by man.
The neo-quasi-semi-demi Lutherans want to talk about Jesus, but what does Jesus say about sin and forgiveness? The foundation of sin is unbelief. Forgiveness comes through faith in Jesus.
What is the work of the apostles, the Church, the Holy Spirit? Their work is to preach against unbelief. Hold that stick of UOJ-margarine up to the light of the Scriptures, and the faux-spread melts away, looking more like paint than food.
Appeal to their felt needs (Kelm) - No. Gather friends for them (Valleskey) - No. Teach them they were born forgiven (LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC sic) - No.
If we are utterly convinced from the Word that the Spirit is always at work in the Word and never apart from the Word, we know to use the only powerful and effective Shield and Weapon.
The Spirit passages of the Bible are also in harmony with the passages about the Word. Our confidence grows in the Spirit-Word combination when we see its astonishing power. Pious, flabby milquetoast synod officials fly into a rage, and the blind-in-doctrine see. Uncountable blessings follow and so does the cross.
The clergy have been taught and seduced into thinking that blessings will follow their obedience to Holy Mother Sect. I have seen them dart their eyes around in fear when something forbidden was discussed - like apostasy, DP and SP crimes. What if someone hears me? They are afraid of DP Jellybelly but not God! DP Jellybelly will feed him, but God will walk away?
I want all the SPs to be re-elected until their work crumbles around them. No one seeking office will make anything different, but the power of the Spirit in the Word is so great that the Word alone can do what God wills, often in seconds, sometimes over decades and centuries.