Thursday, February 21, 2019

Two Kinds of Work - Different Pay

Liz Copeland's Clancy is an award-winning pet.
He loves to pose for his adoring owner.

He recognized the incredible privilege of his pay and status, but his anguish seemed genuine. “If you spend 12 hours a day doing work you hate, at some point it doesn’t matter what your paycheck says,” he told me.

That is an article about extremely high-paying jobs where the people are miserable. It fits the grumpy, vindictive, and destructive church officials I have known, too.

We have extremely low expenses, such as $30 a month for water. Even then, we are going to sell the limo for almost nothing, because a young couple could use a car that will not take 5 years to pay off.

Doing work all the time is the best part - enjoyable, satisfying, and eternal-life changing. Many people share the labor, which allows printed works to reach circulation in many different ways.