Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pastor/Editor Herman Otten - Please Read the Back of Your Book and Apologize to the Maier Family.
Rolf and the Preussian Reunion - You Are Next

 This is the front of the book, which Scaer says was based on Otten's research essay. Scaer said STM, but I thought Wash U. MA. Otten was close to the Dr. Maier's widow and the family.

 This is the back of the Otten book. The OJists would have us believe that everyone in the LCMS always believed in OJ. CFW Walter caught it from Bishop Stephan, but it was not as contagious as the bishop's syphilis, which he gave to many young girls in his sex cult. Missouri's 1905 German catechism and later KJV catechism only taught Justification by Faith.

 Walter Maier II is a jolly guy. I met him at the Rutz funeral.  This group picture seems to be 4 earned doctorates out of 4, maybe 3 out of 4, a good return. Have you noticed how grim and angry the OJists are? Brrr. The anti-Gospel cowardly Universalism of OJ bears no fruit. Hence, LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CLC sic have "fallen into ruin."

 Scaer's jealousy of the Maier family knows no bounds. This is his description of Dr. Walter A. Maier, who virtually invented radio evangelism, taught Justification by Faith as the capstone and inerrancy as the cornerstone of Christianity. Scaer: "Here was a potentially deadly potion of historical, theological, political, emotional and family issues." (p. 255, Surviving the Storms. Ha[Referring to Dr. Walter A. Maier, who earned a Ph.D. in Semitics at Harvard. Scaer failed his doctorate in Germany and came home to get one at Concordia, St. Louis.]