Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Lenker - Graduate of Hamma - Which Merged into Trinity Seminary ELC
A Recent Find by Alec Satin

The Christian Advocate, New York: The historic utterance of John Wesley upon hearing, in the gathering of Moravians in Aldersgate, the reading of Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, “I felt my heart strangely warmed,” will occur to the mind when taking up Volume V of Luther’s Church Postil on the Gospels, translated by Prof. J. N. Lenker, D. D.
The translation has been made in order to disclose to English readers what might be called the Gospel side of Luther’s writings. With the great mass of his writings upon the Gospel, filling over thirty volumes, it is strange that we have gathered a wrong impression of his thought. Dr. Lenker finds it hard to reconcile the high praise constantly paid to Luther with the general ignorance of his writings. He says that many who write on Protestant problems are better posted in the literature of “higher criticism” than in the classic writings of Protestantism; doubtless he is correct. With this carefully prepared Standard Edition of Luther’s writings that defect may be remedied.

Do not overlook the wonderful Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry, which delivers free classic Lutheran books, rather than expensive Fuller books.