Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Objective Justification Hive - Scheduled To Swarm in Bloomington, Minnesota

Jack and Robert Preus, the Righteous Brothers, trashed WAM II because he taught Justification by Faith. It is not too late for Otten, Scaer and the Preus Crime Family to apologize. 

Dr. Walter A. Maier, who graduated in Semitics with a PhD, clearly teaches the basics of the Lutheran Reformation. Scaer, who got an in-house seminary doctorate, favors the universalism of CFW Walther, B.A.

 Scaer is not only a dunce in Lutheran doctrine - he is influential as well. The ELDONUTs were bamboozled by OJ when they attended his classes, but then again, Bishop Heister said he knew nothing of OJ until WELS gave Rydecki the Left Foot of Fellowship.

From the Digital Vaults of NSA-R-US:

A Congress on the Lutheran Confessions -2019 in Bloomington, MN? Dr David Scaer will talk on "Surviving the Storms" .  Rolf Preus -"Preaching Antinomianism" Andrew Preus on "The Atonement: When did Lutherans Start Denying It."  Andrew  Preus  - I would suspect certain persons who shall remain nameless, but their initials are Greg Jackson, et al.  

Andrew may not be mentioning anything to do with UOJ...[GJ - Andrew stutters on the term, OJ OJ OJ OJ.]

The title for the Conference is ANTIMONIANISM New & Old: The Return of Seminex Theology in Light of the Lutheran Confessions.
Oh yes, also: Dr. Jack Kilcrease will be discussing "Gerhard Forde and the Theology of Radical Lutheranism."  

 Alas, Kilcrease is not a master of language, because the clearest passages of the Bible remain darkness to him. No wonder he likes Furdur, who helped write the apostate Braaten-Jenson Dogmatics.

 Was Dr. Robert Preus an Arminian (Scaer's take on JBFA)
or a Calvinist (Radio jockey Wilken)?