Thursday, May 9, 2019

Two Lists of Resources - For and Against Justification by Faith

Books for Understanding Justification by Faith

Augsburg Confession, Article 4 and 5

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Justification by Faith

Chemnitz (senior editor of the Book of Concord) – his works

Formula of Concord, Article III, The Righteousness of Faith

Gausewitz, Small Catechism, original edition

Jackson, The Lost Dutchman’s Goldmine

Jackson, Thy Strong Word

Jacobs, Henry Eyster 
KJV Small Catechism, Concordia Publishing House

Krauth, The Conservative Reformation

Lenski, New Testament Commentaries

Luther’s Sermons, Lenker Edition

Luther’s Galatians Lectures, Recommended in the Formula of Concord

Preus, Robert, Justification and Rome

Schmauk, The Confessional Principle

Books Promoting Objective Justification

Preuss, Edward, The Justification of the Sinner

Pieper, Francis, Christian Dogmatics

Kuske, David, WELS Small Catechism

Knapp, Georg Christian, Halle Theology Lectures, English and German

Meier, JP, Ministers of Christ, WELS

Mueller, J. T., Dogmatics

Confessing the Gospel – CPH

LCMS New Small Catechism – CPH

Plus - anything by David Scaer