No one on LutherQuest (sic) is capable of addressing Romans 3 - 5 on Justification by Faith. I offered a free course in Greek exegesis of Romans 1 - 5. They could have taken that in the privacy of their homes or reviewed the saved videos in their offices - in lieu of playing Tetris while talking on the phone.
CFW Walther is their Boba-Fett. If they admit he was a false teacher, felon, and scoundrel, they must dismiss the entire Synodical Conference mythology. |
In short, because they know little Latin and less Greek, they call every passage about God's universal Atonement "OJ!" Oh Jay, did you see this one?!" They are like the Shrinkers who kept discovering new Church Growth principles - "Oh. Oh. I just found another Church Growth principle!"
Any given quotation - ignored by the OJ salescritters -destroys their case. They ignore the sub-headings in the Apology, the content of Romans, even their own Justification by Faith publications. |