Saturday, June 22, 2019

Electrifying Thoughts - Errors - From John Sparky Brenner

The Election Controversy Among Lutherans in the Twentieth Century: An Examination of the Underlying Problems 
John Sparky Brenner - WELS
Marquette University - Jesuit

"The doctrine of election serves to guarantee salvation sola gratia and to give comfort to the sinner." p. 12

"Schmidt addressed the relationship of universal justification and the individual’s appropriation of justification in several of his theses." p. 61

"The topic was objective or universal justification (usually spoke of in Norwegian circles as the “justification of the world”). This doctrine had been a point of contention for some time. The Norwegian Synod taught that absolution “is a powerful impartation of the forgiveness of sins.” The Norwegian Synod, pointing to 2 Corinthians 5:19, taught that if the world was reconciled to God because he did not count men’s sins against them, then the world was justified or forgiven." p. 149