Thursday, June 20, 2019

Gottesdienst - The Journal of Objective Justification, Smells and Bells

Objective Justification - the fire in the belly of the smells and bells guys in the LCMS. Below is Beane's conduct on Facebook.

Pater Larry Beane Gregory, please use your own Facebook page for self-promotion. I charge $100 for ads.

You're getting to be like the embarrassing relative that drinks too much at Thanksgiving and passes out on the bed with all the coats on it.

Every family has members who want to hijack every expression of gratitude and joy, every real discussion and lighthearted banter, and even obvious humor, into a self-serving and dour political or doctrinal argument.

Gregory, you need to display better behavior from now on, or you won't be invited back.

To my other guests, I apologize. Hopefully your coats will not require dry cleaning.

 "Stop sending me ads for Opti-fast!"

Everyone had something to say about Pastor Herman Otten, but Matt the Fatt courted the CN editor to become Synod President.

Matt and his groupies went to New Haven, Missouri, to flatter Otten and sing a hymn of praise to him. Apparently, Matt played his banjo and sang. I am not sure because I was not invited. Doubtless Paul the Plagiarist McCain arranged the lovefest from behind the curtain at the Purple Palace.

The author of this doggerel is not listed, but Matt was leading the singing, trying to look cool. He only succeeded in looking like a funeral director one pint over his limit.

Everyone who questions a synod is called crazy. That is routine, because the fat cats cannot imagine risking their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, let alone their Thrivent goodies. I have been called crazy countless times, LutherQuest (sic) is only the most recent case. They erased and apologized when it became clear they were legally liable.

Begging for help, singing a love song, and then singing "insane" and a "liar" and "deceiver" - that shows the quality of leadership Harrison offers.

I used to think that McCain revealed Matt's dark side, but McCain is his doppelgaenger - obsequious when needy, back-stabbing when convenient. They remind me of a statement about Joe Kennedy - "I don't know why he is trying to destroy me. Joe was never a friend of mine."

 Not a photoshop. Repeat - not a photoshop.