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Joe Krohn is always blowing his horn, sometimes on key. |
"Dear Pastor Glaeske,
Peace in Jesus.
The Voting Assembly of Holy Word Lutheran Church made disposition of our membership/ fellowship upon the recommendation of the pastor, elders and council to terminate fellowship with us in their meeting of August 28, 2011 on the grounds that we reject the teaching of Objective Justification as the WELS teaches it; when in fact we have held to the belief that the way Pastor Patterson is preaching and teaching it, with full support of the elders and council is in error according to the Scriptures and even the Wisconsin Ev. Luth. Synod. Pastor Patterson has maintained that per his sermon of January 30, 2011 that all men are forgiven of their sins, even before they were born; before hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17); before being convicted by the Holy Spirit through the Law and subsequent contrition and repentance also worked by the Holy Spirit through faith (also worked by the Holy Spirit) for the sake of Christ’s redemptive work. (See Second and Third Articles of the Apostles Creed & Luther’s explanations)
We feel that there is no need to ‘reinvent the wheel’ so to speak and that the letter of appeal that you received prematurely in June (as well as the copy sent to Holy Word) is still viable in this case.
We add to the attached letter the following; that the behaviors of Pastor Patterson, the Elders and the Council President of Holy Word have acted in a deplorable fashion by:
· Conducting ‘bible classes’ designed to create a consensus against what we (the Krohns) believe to be the true teaching of justification as presented in the Bible and even in the WELS.
· Telling members publicly that they are not judging whether we have saving faith or not and then telling members privately that the Krohns have fallen away from the true faith and angrily so.
· By their letter of May 21, 2011, they refused to discuss the doctrine of justification with us going forward and insisted to only meet with us to discuss the subject of fellowship (which we refused since fellowship was not the issue); while the Council President, attorney Brad Johnston falsely declared in the Voters Meeting that we were offered to have a doctrinal discussion and that we refused. This was a blatant misrepresentation of the facts.
We pray for an expeditious and God pleasing conclusion as we appeal the decision by Holy Word Lutheran Church.
In His Grace,
Joe and Lisa Krohn"
Here is the formal letter we submitted in June:
"June 18, 2011
Pastor Vilas Glaeske
District President
South Central District of the WELS
C/O Grace Lutheran Church
6788 Farm Road 115
Scroggins, TX 75480
RE: Appeal to the Termination of Fellowship
Pastor Vilas Glaeske
District President
South Central District of the WELS
C/O Grace Lutheran Church
6788 Farm Road 115
Scroggins, TX 75480
RE: Appeal to the Termination of Fellowship
Dear Pastor Glaeske:
I am writing to you as a matter of appeal in reference to our expulsion from Holy Word Lutheran Church, Austin Texas and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod on May 21, 2011. We had taken issue with certain practices and teaching at Holy Word that were leading the church farther away from what is taught in the Bible and the Book of Concord. These practices included abolishing Confession and Absolution in some worship services; selection of music not Biblically sound; calling and installing a female with proper title (Deaconess) which denotes an authority; public preaching and teaching of God’s Word by non-ordained men; poor stewardship of finances; questionable leadership practice and shepherding of the flock; a dropping of the name ‘Lutheran’ in the school name for the sake of marketing the school; and a closer look at the non-confessional practices happening at Holy Word’s sister congregation, Christ the Rock.
Furthermore, Pastor Patterson is teaching an extreme doctrine of Objective Justification whereas the entire world has been forgiven their sins prior to faith by the work of the cross; even before they were born. This is in direct conflict with the scriptures as confessed in the Third Article of the Apostles Creed where the work of the forgiveness of sins is ascribed to the Holy Ghost through faith and the hearing of the Word of God. We were excommunicated for denying the doctrine of Objective Justification when in fact we were objecting to his understanding and teaching of the doctrine namely; that the forgiveness of sins takes place apart from the Means of Grace...
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Pastor Vilas Glaeske
June 18, 2011
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...The devil will war against Christ’s Church until the end of time and certainly these times are not pleasant. But with God’s help we must stay vigilant for the truth in worship, practice, teaching and preaching.
In His Grace,
Joe and Lisa Krohn
CC: Pastor Patterson, Elders of Holy Word"
...The devil will war against Christ’s Church until the end of time and certainly these times are not pleasant. But with God’s help we must stay vigilant for the truth in worship, practice, teaching and preaching.
In His Grace,
Joe and Lisa Krohn
CC: Pastor Patterson, Elders of Holy Word"
Pastor Glaeske responded on September 5, 2011:
"Dear Joe and Lisa,
Grace and Peace in Christ.
Before I set the panel of review in place I want to be sure you understand what the panel will be charged to.
The panel will only consider whether proper procedure has been followed in arriving at the decision reached by the congregation.
The District Constitution states: ARTICLE XXIV
Section 3. The constitution for the districts affirms that “in intracongregational matters the district shall have purely advisory authority” (Article “ IX, Section 2). The review shall be conducted, therefore, to determine whether the process leading to the disciplinary action and the doctrinal basis of the disciplinary action were scriptural.
Section 4. The conduct of the review shall rest solely with the District Board of Appeals. The board shall have the right and power to examine all documentary evidence and to require such testimony that, in its judgment, is relevant.
Section 5. The district Board of Appeals shall submit its decision in writing to the appellant with a copy to the disciplining body, circuit pastor, and district president. The decision of the District Board of Appeals shall be the final disposition of the appeal.
Section 6. Within 30 days of the board’s decision, the complete records of the board shall be filed with the district president, who shall act, if necessary, in accordance with his responsibility for the district’s doctrine and practice.
It is important that you understand this from the outset. I would like you to affirm this before the onset of the panel’s work.
It is important that you understand this from the outset. I would like you to affirm this before the onset of the panel’s work.
A second point that I would like you to affirm is that you have not joined a congregation of another fellowship, or have been communing in a congregation of another fellowship. I would also like to have you answer in one way or another before the panel is put to work.
I am praying that a brotherly solution can be reached.
In His service,
Vilas R. Glaeske,
President – South Central District, WELS"
From Luther's Small Catechism; Originally edited by C. Gausewitz; Copyright 1956 NPH:
'The Forgiveness of Sins (Pages 153-156)
254. Which is the most precious gift that the Holy Ghost by the Gospel bestows on the Church?
The most precious gift is the Forgiveness of Sins or the righteousness of Christ, by which we are justified before God. (Justification) Rom. 4:7-8, Rom. 1:16-17
260. Why do we say that the Holy Ghost forgives sins, whereas we are made righteous before God through the redemption of Christ?
The Holy Ghost brings the righteousness of Christ to us by the Gospel and gives us the faith to believe it. 1 Cor. 12:3, 1 Cor. 6:11, Acts 2:38
261. To whom does God forgive sins?
262. Where are sins forgiven?
Sins are forgiven in the Christian Church on Earth.
263. Why do we say, In the Christian Church on earth?
We say this because Christ has given the Gospel to His Church on Earth; in the Gospel we have the forgiveness of sins."
To say there is forgiveness of sins (righteousness) and justification outside of the church apart from the Holy Spirit is heresy. Christ's objective righteousness and justification is His to distribute through faith and we know that Christ is in His Church with the Means of Grace in Word and Sacrament.
LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "WELS Is an Un-Appealing Sect: Those Kicked Out Can...":
"to determine whether the process leading to the disciplinary action and the doctrinal basis of the disciplinary action were scriptural."
That's what you'd call 'fine print'. We knew we were dead meat right there. Then to add insult to injury, they slap you with joining another church in the meantime...as it drags on and on while they wait for you to 'reconsider your position' to kiss the ring.
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UOJ makes everything possible - Ask ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS-Fuller. |
From Jester (Joe Krohn) - on LutherQueasy
"But don't claim that they do not express the fullness of justification by grace through faith."
Not justification by faith through grace. I think that's where the deniers are. That's where "in few of faith" ends up. Grace first, not faith. If there is not grace first there is nothing for faith to grasp.
GJ - Objective Justification floats on a sea of if/then clauses, using their own presuppositions to support their conclusions, without any Biblical evidence.
Krohn does not address Genesis 15:6, Romans 4, or the Justification by Faith epistle that Paul wrote to the Galatians.
To quote the Jester - "If there is not grace first there is nothing for faith to grasp."
That reminds me of Luther. They talk about grace all the time but tear down the bridge to grace - the Means of Grace.