Saturday, June 29, 2019

Working on the First Draft - This Is More of an Outline - For World Missions.
A Colorful, Illustrated Booklet, 10 - 20 Pages.
Illustrated by Norma A. Boeckler

The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior

By Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Non-Profit, Public Domain

Illustrated by Norma A. Boeckler

Publishing Information
The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior has been written, first of all, for the Lutheran Mission in the Philippines, Pastor Jordan Palangyos. The plan is for Pastor Palangyos and associates to translate the English version into the language of his people. However, the booklet may also be used in English or translated into other languages without asking permission from the author. The illustrations may also be used for world missions or seminary training. Simply give credit to the original book, author, and illustrator.


What Is the Bible?

The Bible is the work of the Holy Spirit, who guided many human authors in revealing His loving nature and His Will.
The Bible is also called the Word of God, the Scriptures, and the Book of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible contains 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
The Bible has two natures, human and divine, much like Jesus. The Scriptures have the personality of its human authors, and the inerrancy of God, the Holy Spirit.

The Bible Teaches

God gave us the Scriptures for one reason – to create and build faith in His Son, Jesus the Savior. That is the purpose of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Old Testament prepared the world for the Savior He revealed His Promises, and told what would happen in the mission of His Son.

The Holy Trinity

The Scriptures reveal the Three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are Three Persons, but One God. We can see this Unity of the Three Persons from the beginning in Genesis 1. The Father commanded, and the Son carried out the commands. The Holy Spirit witnessed to Creation and to the Father/Son relationship.

Creation and the Word

John 1:3 teaches us that the Word – the Son – created every single thing in the universe – sun and stars, planets and comets, animals and plants, minerals and metals, Adam and Eve. We see the creating power of the Word everywhere.

Sin Entered the World

God created Adam and Eve, who lived in a beautiful Paradise. However, they sinned when Satan talked them into disobeying God. God forced them to leave that perfect garden because of their sin. Adam would have to work and sweat to support himself. Eve would suffer in childbirth.

God Cursed the Serpent and Promised the Savior

God cursed the serpent, the disguise of Satan. But He also promised the Savior, who would crush the head of the devil. The Savior would pay for our sins, defeat death and Satan.