Saturday, July 6, 2019

Second Rough Draft - The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior - To Be Illustrated by Norma A. Boeckler.
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The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior

By Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Non-Profit, Public Domain

Illustrated by Norma A. Boeckler

Publishing Information
The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior has been written, first of all, for the Lutheran Mission in the Philippines, Pastor Jordan Palangyos. The plan is for Pastor Palangyos and associates to translate the English version into the language of his people. However, the booklet may also be used in English or translated into other languages without asking permission from the author. The illustrations may also be used for world missions or seminary training. Simply give credit to the original book, author, and illustrator.


What Is the Bible?

The Bible is the work of the Holy Spirit, who guided many human authors in revealing His loving nature and His Will.
The Bible is also called the Word of God, the Scriptures, and the Book of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible contains 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
The Bible has two natures, human and divine, much like Jesus. The Scriptures have the personality of its human authors, and the inerrancy of God, the Holy Spirit.

The Bible Teaches

God gave us the Scriptures for one reason – to create and build faith in His Son, Jesus the Savior. That is the purpose of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Old Testament prepared the world for the Savior He revealed His Promises, and told what would happen in the mission of His Son.

The Holy Trinity

The Scriptures reveal the Three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are Three Persons, but One God. We can see this Unity of the Three Persons from the beginning in Genesis 1. The Father commanded, and the Son carried out the commands. The Holy Spirit witnessed to Creation and to the Father/Son relationship.

Creation and the Word

John 1:3 teaches us that the Word – the Son – created every single thing in the universe – sun and stars, planets and comets, animals and plants, minerals and metals, Adam and Eve. We see the creating power of the Word everywhere.

Sin Entered the World

God created Adam and Eve, who lived in a beautiful Paradise. However, they sinned when Satan talked them into disobeying God. God forced them to leave that perfect garden because of their sin. Adam would have to work and sweat to support himself. Eve would suffer in childbirth. From Adam we have that sinful nature in being selfish, uncaring, and rebelling against God.

God Cursed the Serpent and Promised the Savior

God cursed the serpent, the disguise of Satan. But He also promised the Savior, who would crush the head of the devil. The Savior would pay for our sins, defeat death and Satan.

Jesus the Son of God

Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He took on our human nature and kept His divine nature.

Harmony Witnessed by the Holy Spirit

The Son obeys the Father’s will and teaches in harmony with the Father. The Holy Spirit witnesses to this harmony. Therefore, we know the grace, mercy and forgiveness of God the Father through the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God the Son. When Jesus speaks, God the Father is speaking to us. The Holy Spirit teaches us through the Bible, God’s Word.

The Holy Spirit Spoke Through the Prophets

God’s Spirit spoke through prophets, who told people to turn away from pagan gods, human sacrifice, and immoral religion. God promised His Savior in the Psalms and the prophetic books.

The Prophet Isaiah Portrayed the Mission of Jesus

Isaiah 53 showed such a clear picture of the cross of Christ that people call it the Old Testament Gospel.
Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.
Isaiah 53:5 He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter…
Isaiah 53:11 11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many…
This short chapter revealed how the Savior would die for the sins of the world, so we would have forgiveness and eternal life through faith in Him.

The Public Ministry of Jesus

Baptized by John, Jesus called His twelve disciples. He taught them for three years as He traveled on foot. Jesus healed many people and raised the dead, showing His divine power with His powerful teaching.

The Miracles of Jesus

The Savior revealed His power as the Creating Word. He changed water into wine, quieted the storm, walked on water, and fed the crowds with only a few fish and bread. He did this to show God’s help in time of need and to prove His divine message. He raised the dead, which showed Jesus to be the Promised Savior and Son of God.

Raising the Dead

Jesus raised the widow’s son and the official’s daughter from the dead. The biggest excitement came from Lazarus, the friend of Jesus, dead and buried in a tomb. Friends and relatives came to the funeral and stayed for days, mourning him. When Jesus came, He told the sisters, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though He die, yet he will live.” He called the dead man to life, and Lazarus came out of the tomb with burial clothes on.

Jesus, Lazarus, and Palm Sunday

Fear and opposition were building about Jesus. Lazarus came to Jerusalem with Jesus and the disciples, a short distance away, as a sign of God’s miraculous power. Roman authorities feared Jesus as a new king. Jewish authorities were afraid of His power and angry about Him being the Son of God. Jesus entered Jerusalem with crowds shouting and palm branches spread before Him. They cheered Him as the Son of David, the Messiah and Savior.

Arrest and Trials

Judas, a disciple of Jesus, turned his teacher over to the authorities. The armed men fell over backwards when Jesus said, “I AM,” which is the Name of God. They took Him to be tried, where He was denounced by the religious authorities. The soldiers insulted and slapped Him. Worst of all, they whipped Him with leather attached to metal. “By His stripes we are healed.” They condemned Him to death, and He carried His own cross to the place called The Skull.

Crucifixion – Cruel Death

The authorities nailed Jesus to the cross, a cruel and painful way to die. He quoted the Psalm, “My God, My God, why have you abandoned Me?” Jesus felt the wrath for the sins of the world and died being mocked by the same crowd that cheered him as Messiah days before. The soldier pierced His side, and He was taken down for burial, a rich man’s tomb, carved into the rock.

The Women, Easter Morning

The women came to honor the death of Jesus, to finish the preparation of His remains. Instead, the angel told them, “He is not here – He is risen from the dead.” Followers on the road to Emmaus walked and talked with the Risen Lord. He appeared to the disciples that evening and a week later. Jesus told them they would fulfill His first Promise – to become fishers of men.
Jesus appeared to 500 believers, who carried His Gospel message across the Roman Empire, using the Roman roads and shipping lanes. Persecution only expanded their reach.

He Ascended to Heaven

Jesus ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, sending the Spirit to help Christians in every way. The Spirit plants faith in our hearts through the Gospel Word. The Spirit dwells in us through Holy Baptism and helps us to pray.