Sunday, September 29, 2019

Now on the International Market - The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior - translated by Pastor Jordan Palangyos

The Kindle ebook version of The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior is available in Ilocano (ilocano) - one of the Philippine languages. Pastor Jordan Palangyos translated it for his mission work.

Norma A. Boeckler illustrated the book and designed the covers.

The printed, full-color version is NOT available. Amazon limits the number of languages they use for printing, and Ilocano is not on that list. However, here is the link for the completed book in full cover, translated by Pastor Palangyos.

Translated into Ilocano - The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior.

The main idea in using Amazon was to make the ebook available for only 99 cents, all over the world.

The mission has a computer printer for creating books locally. There are plans and hopes for using inexpensive tablets for literacy training and Christian teaching.