Ministries of Bethany Lutheran Church, Springdale,
Traditional Lutheran Worship and Hymns, The
Lutheran Hymnal, King James Readings
We broadcast, “from the spare room of a rented
house,” wrote one critic, inadvertently referring to the Bethlehem stable,
where angels preached the sermon, to be repeated until the end of time. The
live broadcasts and saved services are found on the Internet, using IBM Ustream
We also provide Wednesday evening mid-week services
and New Testament Greek lessons. Greek has included the complete Gospels of
John and Mark, plus Romans 1-5. Every worship service and teaching lesson is
saved at the link above.
Christian Art and Illustrated Books from Norma A.
Boeckler, Our Artist-in-Residence
Our artist-in-residence has reached the world with
her art, Scripture and hymn graphics, her own books, and illustrated books from
our congregation. Her Amazon page is:
Her art website is:
The Lutheran Library and the Lutheran Librarian,
Alec Satin
When Alec Satin joined our congregation, he saw the
need for free ebooks written by important Lutherans from the past. The great
writers from ELCA’s past are ignored by their radical leaders and by those who
do not share their synodical history. Some examples are Krauth, Jacobs, and
Schmauk, but there are legions. More than 100 titles are available at –
A taste of printing books came from our joint
effort with Luther’s House Postils, so Alec began printing some of those
classics as the Lutheran Librarian. The rapid printing of these books, such as The
Error of Modern Missouri, has enhanced his reputation as the Spindletop of
Lutheran books. The print books are found here:
Books Written and Edited by Pastor Gregory L.
Jackson, PhD
The watchful dragons of ELCA-WELS-LCMS do not want
Lutheran books published, as illustrated by their disgraceful honoring of the
Reformation’s 500th Anniversary, by unified attacks on Justification
by Faith, Creation, and trustworthy translations of the Bible. To provide the
ultimate distribution of books, all titles (including the most popular) are
published non-profit and as public domain books anyone can copy, edit,
translate, or use as needed. Free PDFs
of the books – and Lutheran resources - are here:
The books are listed as Amazon printed books below,
but they are available at an even lower price by writing to The
Amazon price includes their profit, but the author’s price is the lowest,
directly from the author.
Bethany Lutheran Mission
We did not begin this mission, but they found us
through a mutual friend Lito Cruz, PhD, a Lutheran pastor and mathematics
Thankful to God for These People
Virginia Roberts helps in editing each volume,
volunteering for the eight volumes of Luther’s Sermons and for subsequent
The Bethany Scholars are a group of men who enjoy
discussing doctrinal issues and sharing good sources for additional research.
They are a constant source of encouragement.
Janie Sullivan is a university friend and colleague
from almost 20 years ago. She does the finishing work on each volume published,
plus Kindle and the free PDFs. She even merged eight volumes of Luther’s
Sermons and the Gems quotation book into one free PDF.
Norma A. Boeckler is a member who loves providing
Biblical artwork for every book, the beautiful covers, and graphics for Facebook
followers. She completes book illustration overnight by planning for them.
The members and friends of Bethany Lutheran Church
are found all over the United States and in other countries. They have been a
great support. One, just a stranger at first, made it possible to limit outside
work and create more books.
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Just think what we could do with boards, committees, strategic goals, buildings, camps, warehouses full of Luther trinkets! |