Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Radical Left, The Objective Justification Fanatics, and the "Conservative" Synods Are Very Much Alike

 They can't preach or teach, but y'all keep re-electing them.
These Calvinist OJ Clowns - cuddling with ELCA - represents everything the typical Lutheran loathes and avoids - abortion on demand, pan-sexualism, denial of all Scriptural truths, mockery of Luther, elimination of Means of Grace worship.

The more Q team unravels the plans of the Left, the more obvious are the traits of the Objective Justification fanatics and the  "conservative" Lutheran leaders. That is why the faux-conservatives are so friendly with ELCA and so close behind them in expressing the same radicalism and pan-sexualism. The spineless leaders have surrendered to the feministica brigades.


  • Humorless, vindictive, and always angry.
  • Raging against any imagined slight, never contrite.
  • Anything goes - amoral and unethical, always lying - but so holy and righteous in attacking anyone to their right (most of America).
  • Lazy, greedy, and not very bright.
  • Unable to form a coherent argument, they endlessly repeat whatever is the agenda for the moment.
  • Logic limited these fallacies - Personal Attack, Circular Reasoning, Popularity (everyone does it), Straw Man (constructing a deliberately false picture of the opposition), False Authority (Walther, Pieper, but not the Scriptures), Guilt by Association (wrong if quoted on Ichabod with the citation) etc.
  • Networking by intimidation and bribes, manipulation and convenient memory loss.
  • Who told you? See the logical fallacies above.