Saturday, September 7, 2019

More from Loy

Brethren, has not the thought sometimes entered your own hearts that you could do something to render yourselves acceptable to God? Have you not now and then given ear to the suggestion that, after all, a man must acquire some righteousness of his own before he can be accounted righteous in the court of heaven? Has not occasionally the idea entered your mind and been entertained, that the holiness in which you purpose to live in the future will make some amends for the sins committed in the past, and that God will cancel the accumulated guilt in consideration of the acquired merit? The self-righteous thought and feeling finds such easy access to our souls, that if we are not constantly on our guard it will take possession and banish all claims of grace.

From. Loy, Matthias. Sermons on the Gospels for the Sundays and Chief Festivals of the Church Year. Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, 1888.  From the 4th Sunday after Advent.  This rare book from the beloved teacher and professor was a generous gift from a reader.  It is being scanned and cleaned up, and will be released as an ebook by [](

No - The Boa Constrictor Does Not Squeeze Things To Death - They Just Keep the Victims from Inhaling Fresh Air.
The Left Does the Same

The big myth about boa constrictor snakes is their habit of squeezing people to death - the fatal hug. But their habit seems to be more of letting the victim exhale and constricting down to that point. Scholars are divided, but that seems to be the reason why animals and humans succumb - no new oxygen, no more inhaling, nothing left to exhale.

The Left-wing Lutherans (ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC sic) do the same thing, and they are very good at it.

  1. The Bible - The KJV and its modernized versions are no longer mentioned in a list of translations. No one is going to debate forgotten topics. Bringing up the KJV is like mentioning the murders or lawsuits in those synods.
  2. Women's ordination - There is likewise no debate, just a steady progression toward the inevitable. Long ago, Brug claimed - without Biblical support - that there was nothing wrong with women's ordination. WELS was not ready for it...yet. WELS dubbed the feministized Martin Luther College their "College of Ministry," so all graduates are already ministers. Larry Oh!'s Staph Ministry further infected the synod. In addition, WELS and LCMS gladly worked under the stuporvision of ELCA women pastors in the Church Membership Initiative. Other follies have greased the slippery slope of the apostate sects. (Some slopes are indeed slippery.)
  3. Church Growth was a gift from Schuller, McGavran, and the Pentecostals. All the worst of Calvinism was gathered into one giant agenda and dogma. The synods oozed Fuller Seminary but said (like Wayne Mueller) "There is no Church Growth in our synod" or like Missouri - "We have studied it."
  4. Studies of anything in a synod is proof they have already embalmed it, preserving it like a mummy - the new ruling norm.
  5. Breaking new ground and making that normative. Mark and Avoid Jeske's 
  • Church and Change, plus 
  • Time of Grace, plus 
  • Change or Die! have been fertile piles of organic matter for his diabolical plans. 
Parachurch groups - like People of Grace - are so handy for getting things done without asking permission.

 The blind leading the blind - this is how helpful idiots like Jeske fix their synods until they are beyond repair.

The Colossus Corrodes

 Mark and Avoid has given the same "We ran out of Germans" speech for decades. Here is he inflicting brain damage on MLC students, held captive by their dungeon masters. The Mission Day speakers list is top secret in WELS - what are they ashamed of - the truth?
 This is an ELCA pastor whom Jeske promoted in his Change conferences.

 Church and Change, Change or Die - what does Jeske promote? Notice Parlow on the steerage committee? He has a D.Min. Call him doctor - he needs the affirmation. Kelm has one too - Dr. Kelm's D.Min. - so precious.

 Another Jeske cabal - but nobody objected, so the agenda was expanded into Sodom-by-the-Lake, Milwaukee's Marriott West.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Time of Grace Damage Control - Square Brackets Show What Was Erased Overnight

 This ELCA bishop did not appreciate my Photoshop, which was accidentally sent to him by a church leaving his pontificate in Illinois.
 Home of the lopsided smile.

Square brackets mark what was removed overnight.

Rev. Heidi BorkenhagenELCA Grace Lutheran Church, Grafton. ["RIC – What is (sic) needs to be done - complete an Affirmation/Welcome statement (to be completed by committee formed), hold Adult Forums on this throughout the year (options for meeting: – review what Bible does and doesn’t say; have families come in to discuss this; Bill Beyer 1st openly gay pastor in area come talk). Would be looking to have this completed by end of 2019 to have church vote on this at annual meeting. Committee formed could be short term to long term, based on what the committee chooses to do. Council recommends moving forward with presenting information to church leading to vote by end of the year. Pastor Paul, Linda 2nd, approved. Pastor Heidi will head up committee and start getting Adult Forums plan."]


This is the other Pastor Heidi, not the speaker Pastor Heidi. Last names are used by pastors for a reason. This is just one example.

"Hello! I'm glad you have taken the time to visit Grace's webpage. Grace Lutheran Church is filled with the Spirit of God and with many wonderful people. I look forward to getting to know you. Here's a little bit about me.

I was born in Iowa and also lived in Michigan as a child. I did most of my growing up in Homer Glen, IL, a southwest suburb of Chicago. I played the flute all through high school and college, but my real love turned out to be God and the church. I attended Luther College and through my experience in the classroom and in campus ministry, I decided to dedicate my life to sharing the good news of Jesus with others. I graduated from Luther with a degree in psychology and then spent one year as a live-in nanny for four children! I had 3 wonderful years at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and one great year doing an internship in campus and parish ministry in Saint Louis, MO. In May 2007 I graduated with a Masters of Divinity. I moved to Grafton in July 2007 and love living and serving here. I especially enjoy preaching, working with the high school youth group, leading women's groups and TNT (Grace's Young Adults Group)."


GJ - I suppose someone might use the Wayback machine to find the missing words. But this way, with the information gone from the Internet, someone can claim, "No, that never happened!" Or in WELS - "Who told you? Where did you read that?"

The evidence is clear. Overnight the hidden agenda was tucked away - where discerning eyes could not find it. Pastor Heidi on the Jeske Steerage Committee is once again the harmless newbie in the autobiography above - not the new hire who is carrying out the ELCA agenda against the laws of Nature and of Nature's God

She was clearly given a job to do, keep pressing the Reconciled in Christ agenda until the parish became a RIC congregation.

Perhaps the wise men from the East (Chicago-Milwaukee) felt fewer would come to a joint ministerial training meeting when the two lady pastors from ELCA symbolize what is worst about the amalgamated sect.

 Pastor Mike is taking over Time of Grace, and they are not far behind ELCA.

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