Saturday, September 28, 2019

Luther's Sermon - Incentive to Faith

 Norma A. Boeckler



MATTHEW 6:24-34.

KJV Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? 27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? 28 And why
take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


* Avarice and anxiety are the fruits of unbelief. 1.

1. This Gospel is a part of the long sermon Christ delivered to his disciples on the mount, in which among other things he especially warned and admonished his disciples against the infamous vice of avarice and anxiety for daily bread, the legitimate fruit and proof of our unbelief. This does great harm in Christendom when it takes possession of those in the office of the ministry, who should be occupied by nothing except teaching the Word of God and faith aright, and chastising the error and sin of the world; or when it possesses these it should confess God’s Words before all persons and be prepared to serve everybody for the sake of God, even if they be obliged on that account to lose their riches, honor, body and life.

2. Christ wishes also to teach here how he desires to have his kingdom distinguished from the civil life and government, that he will not govern his Christendom upon earth so that it be conceived and vested as a government where Christians are first of all to be amply provided with temporal goods, riches and power, and who need not fear any need or danger; but he wishes to provide them with spiritual treasures and what their souls need, so that they may have his Word, the consolation of his grace, and the power and strength of the Holy Spirit against sin and death unto everlasting life. Moreover whatever they need of temporal things for this life and the necessaries for present wants they are to expect also from him, and they are not to be terrified if they do not see this before their eyes and have it prepared for the future, and are tempted by want and need. On the other hand they are to know that their God and Father will care for them and will surely give them all if they with firm faith are only anxious about and seek how they may continue faithful to his word and in his kingdom, and serve him there.

3. Therefore Christ makes a distinction in this sermon, by which he separates his Christians from the heathen and unbelievers. For he does not deliver this doctrine to the heathen as they do not accept it, but to those who are already Christians. He does not however consider those Christians, who only hear his word and can repeat it, like the nuns do the Psalter. In this way satan also hears the Gospel and the Word of God, yea, he knows it better than we, and can preach it just as well as we, if he only wished to do so. But the Gospel is doctrine that is to be a living power and put into practice; it should strengthen and comfort the people and make us courageous and aggressive. Therefore they who only hear the Gospel thus, so that they know and can speak about it, are not to be classed among Christians; but those who believe and do as the Gospel teaches are righteous. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other: or else he will hold to one and despise the other.”

4. Now he, who tries to serve two masters, will do it in a way that cannot be called serving at all; for it will certainly be as the Lord here says. One can indeed compel a servant to do a certain work against his will and he may grieve while doing it; but no one can compel him to do it cheerfully, and mean it from the bottom of his heart. He of course does the work as long as his master is present, but when he is absent, he hurries away from his task, and does nothing well. Hence the Lord desires our service to be done out of love and cheerfully, and where it is not done thus, it is no service to him: for even people are not pleased when one does anything for them unwillingly. This is natural, and we experience daily that it is so.

Now, if it be the case among human beings that no one can serve two masters, how much more is it true in the service of God, that our service cannot be divided; but it must be done unto God alone, willingly and from the heart; hence the Lord adds: “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

 Norma A. Boeckler

5. God cannot allow us to have another Lord besides himself. He is a jealous God, as he says, and cannot suffer us to serve him and his enemy.

We find very few, who do not sin against the Gospel. The Lord passes a severe judgment and it is terrible to hear, that he should say this of us; and yet no one will confess, yea, no one will suffer it to be said that we hate and despise God, and that we are his enemies. There is no one, when asked if he loves God and cleaves to him, who would not reply: Dost thou take me to be such a desperate character as to be an enemy of God? But see how the text here closes, that we all hate and despise God, and love and cleave to mammon. For it is impossible that he, who loves gold and riches and cleaves to them, should not hate God. Christ here holds the two opposed to one another and as enemies, and says: If you love one of these two and cleave to the same, then you must hate and despise the other.

However well a man may live here upon the earth, if he clings to riches it cannot be otherwise than that he must hate God. And whoever does not trust in gold and worldly riches, loves God. This is certain. 6-36. F5 “Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For alter all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”

37. As I said at the beginning Christ delivered this sermon to his Christians, especially to those in the office of the ministry or to those who otherwise either had nothing or never could acquire and gather for themselves riches and mammon, as the rest of the world does; in order that they might know, from what source they could nourish and support themselves and their families. Yea, they are compelled to live in the danger of being robbed of the little earthly goods God gave them and thus they are without the least doubt compelled to live entirely upon the help that God sends them and they expect from him, since the world gives them nothing.

38. This is indeed painful to flesh and blood, and is very burdensome to them, yea, no one can bear or do it, unless he is a believing Christian. For the world is so disposed that it will not take the least risk in temporal matters for the future; but it must be sure of them, order beforehand and have in store and ready for use whatever it needs, as food, peace, protection and insurance, so that it can live and depend upon neither God nor the people; but as it is evident that the world enriches no one because of his faith and piety, they think they must act and live as others do, in order that they may nevertheless have also something.

39. Against this he herewith comforts and strengthens his Christians, and again repeats: They shall therefore not worry nor doubt nor wriggle in such unbelief, saying: Oh, what is to become of us? Who is going to give us anything? Where in this world are we Christians to get food, protection, peace? But they must know that their heavenly Father provides for this, and will also give it to them, he who for this very reason is called their Father (not the unbelievers’, although he feeds all the world, and gives everything), in order to show that he will also not leave his children, tie leads them into God’s high work of the whole creation, that they may see how he nourishes and supports all things which he creates, after having ordered and regulated each one, — also all the birds in the air, which, as you know, do not fret about their food nor know beforehand whither they shall take it. Aye, especially also the little flowers does he so deck and adorn that such beauty and :finery might more fittingly be supplied elsewhere; for does it not seem quite useless, since they only bloom for perchance a day? Must he not therefore much more think and care for his Christians, how they may be fed and clad, and where they might dwell and stay as long as they have to live on earth?

40. This he admonishes them to believe; and to impress them most strongly with it, not by many but by earnest words, he suddenly breaks off after having held up to them the examples from daily life and God’s work among his Creatures; and closes with these words: Shall he not much more do such things for you, O ye of little faith? He wishes to say: Well, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves, if you are Christians and know that you have a Father in heaven, to let me do so much preaching about this! Yes, ashamed you ought to be, and not permit that such things be said of you.

But must I not say it, that ye are so small and have so little faith, and that ye so little confide without doubt and care in the living God, who gives you his Word and promise and has chosen you as his children — that he would nourish and support your body and life? How then Will ye stand without shame and disgrace, not alone before God but before all his creatures, if that is to be said of you, and you yourselves by your own confession must testify that you, having so plentifully God’s word and grace, so little trust him with caring for your miserable maggot-sack and stinking belly?

 Norma A. Boeckler

41. Still more strongly does he speak to them by saying: “After all these things do the Gentiles seek” etc. This ought surely to deter a Christian, when he hears the public and terrible verdict spoken that those who worry and hanker after mammon are heathen, that is, people who really have no God; who, instead of God, serve mammon, in which there is only God’s name and naught but lies and vanity; who therefore are wholly cut off from God, deprived of all divine knowledge, comfort, grace and bliss. These are none other than the most miserable, most unfortunate, condemned people, who have never any salvation or comfort to hope for.

42. Here you see the world pictured, what sort of a thing it is, namely the big, mighty crowd — excepting a very few Christians — who, as soon as they have grown up, turn altogether away from God and serve mammon, the god of lies. Him do they hold as the great, aye, the only god, because the crowd that follows him is so great; nevertheless he is nothing, a mere powerless name. So a Christian should truly be horrified and shocked, when thinking of such blindness and misery of the world; he should with sighs and tears strive and work for it to be far removed from such shameful practices, and run from it, as run he can, as it were out of a fire, aye, out of the midst of hell.

43. Thirdly, in order in the most loving and comforting way to entice us to believe he again says: “Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” Is he not your father, and only your father — not the birds’, the geese’ or ducks’, nor the godless heathens’ father! Then trust him to be so loving that he will as a father care for you and neither forget nor leave you; aye, that he has long before known what he should give you, and has provided therefor ere you yourselves think of it or feel your wants.

For who but he has before known or thought what you would be or need, ere you were born into this world? Therefore honor him so far as to believe that he sees and knows such things and, knowing them, will act with you as a father. “But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

44. That is the chief passage in this sermon, and states the right rule and manner how we are to proceed in order to get both the divine or eternal gift, and what we need for this life. Would you rightly and well take care whereof it behooves you to take care, then let this be the first, aye, indeed, your only care, that you strive according to God’s Word to do your duty, to serve him in his kingdom as his Word teaches you — for in this consists the righteousness belonging to this kingdom — and to prize this more highly than all pertaining unto this temporal life.

If you do this you have done and provided well and need not take any further burdens upon you nor cherish any cares in your heart; indeed, it should be much too small a thing for you to care for so slight a matter as the wants of your belly, and therefore to aggrieve yourselves. Rather do this for the honor of God, and furthermore for your own use and benefit, that you strive after the great and eternal good; which if you attain and keep, the rest will surely take care of itself. Neither can you in any better way arrive at obtaining it from God, than in this wise that you first seek and ask of him the great things.

 Norma A. Boeckler

45. For this is to his liking, that we ask great things of him, and that he be able to give great and many things. And for the reason that he gladly gives great things, he will also not stint the small things, but throw them to boot into the bargain. This God has constantly caused many pious people to experience, who, following this rule and precept, have striven to help in building God’s kingdom, have served the church, furthered God’s Word, and given thereto of their means. He then on the other hand has richly blessed them with goods, honor, etc. This is evidenced by the old examples not only of the Scriptures, but also by the history of some of our pious kings and princes, who, first having given plentifully for parishes and pulpits, for the support of the holy ministry and for schools, have thereby not become poorer, but were much more richly blessed and endowed by God, so that they have reigned in good peace, with victory and good fortune.

46. This he would gladly still do, if the world could or would haply for its own good follow the well-meant advice which he here gives, and not with unbelief, greed and unchristianlike scheming rage against his Word, to its own harm and ruin. So must he turn this Word with her and prove the contrary; that he who will not strive after God’s kingdom and his righteousness, but despises the same and reckons to provide for himself, against God’s will, by means of his own wisdom and plotting, must be deprived both of the eternal and of the temporal, and either not obtain the temporal or at least not be satisfied and happy with it. “Be not therefore anxious for the morrow; for the morrow will be anxious for itself Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

47. The world is always anxious about the future, and therewith thinks to assure its fate and to bring this much about that it may be removed from danger, protect and support itself. They see not the vanity thereof, and that their projects go wrong; that it be true, and experience testifies, as Christ here says, that each day brings its own misfortune and evil. Thus it comes to pass that, with such plottings and prudence of their own, whereby they mean to ensure themselves and to forestall all coming danger, the world only causes the more woe and harm. For whenever they see that things do not go as they expected, or that an accident happens, then they begin to despond, think of one remedy and another, and imagine they must, wherever and as best they can, look for help, protection and safety; thus they patch for themselves and think to help matters by all sorts of strange craftiness and practices, whereunto they are driven by unbelief, against God and their conscience, thus to carry out what they have in mind, albeit they see that God does not prosper such things. Hence springs so much misfortune, misery, murder, war, and all mischief and misdoing of the wicked world. Each one means to carry out his affairs without God, to oppress and choke whosoever would hinder him, and rather to throw all things higgledy-piggledy on a heap than to desist from his mind. Thereby in all affairs and governments all good things perish and naught but evil grows; as all history and daily experience more than amply show.

48. Against this Christ would caution his believers, that they may not waver nor stake their affairs on that which is uncertain, vainly caring for the future, but at all times and daily do that which is right; that they may not worry how things will come out, nor permit themselves to be swerved by future and uncertain good or evil things; but rather commend care to God, and then take everything that occurs to them in good part and overcome it with faith and patience. For it cannot be on earth otherwise than that each one daily in his office, estate and calling meet with other things than he gladly welcomes, which causes him much trouble and labor.

Hence does also Christ call this life daily evil or misfortune, that is to say, all sorts of misfortune, resistance, hindrance; that we may know it and be prepared for it, so as not to be frightened by any of them from doing good, neither yet to hanker after the world and become partakers in its unrighteous and evil affairs, — thereby leading ourselves and others into ruin and damnation.

 Norma A. Boeckler

Matthias Loy - On Biblical Doctrine.

From. Loy, Matthias. Sermons on the Gospels for the Sundays and Chief Festivals of the Church Year. Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, 1888.

1. Not Only Ministers
It of course refers to ministers, but not to these exclusively. The pastor is commanded to take heed unto himself and to the doctrine. The Word is committed to him as the minister of the Lord.

“Let a man so account of us as the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” 1 Cor. 4:1.

As such stewards they must needs watch that the truth be not perverted, but be maintained for the glory of the Lord and the welfare of souls. Therefore the hearers are commanded:

“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account.” Heb. 13:17.

But such obedience is commanded only because they are bound to preach the Word of the Lord, so that he who heareth them hears His Word. Hence it is said to ministers:

“I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things.” 2 Tim. 4:1-5.

They are bound to guard the doctrine and resist all corruptions, contending earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints. But it would be dangerous as well as false to maintain, that they alone are to guard the purity of the Gospel. If that were the case the hearers would be subject entirely to the preachers, and the way would be opened for all the tyranny which Rome has practiced and to all the slavery to which it subjects the people. Then the ministers would justly claim the authority to decide what must be believed. and to dictate their faith to the people, instead of preaching the Word and urging the people to search the Scriptures, whether these things are so, that they may be convinced. from the infallible record. Those who urge that the doctrine is altogether a matter for preachers to determine and that others have nothing to do with it, know not what they do. They make the pastors lords over God’s heritage instead of ministers of the Lord and of the church, who are to preach His Word and give account to Him for the fidelity with which they declare and preserve the truth given by inspiration of God and written for our learning.

Optimism Comes from the Fruit of the Spirit - Experienced Many Times Over

Norma A. Boeckler graphic

Tis funny how the non-believers of Fuller Seminary fame always want people to work, to plan, to do something. I have endured various church exercises that amount to nothing more than corporate planning, manipulated by the leaders for the correct outcome.

In contrast, the Scriptures teach God doing everything through the Word, just as He created everything through the Logos (Genesis 1, John 1) and nothing apart from the Logos. The Son is the Logos, the Word. The Word in Hebrew is not a concept but the combination of God's thought and action combined. In contrast, a man who says "You have my word on this," may be telling the truth or stalling.

Last night I was discussing some of the intricate details of treating diabetes with insulin rather than magic pills. The more I experience this disorder, which is only one issue of many for our health, balancing blood sugar, the more I see its complexity within a host of complexities.

I do not have diabetes, but Christina does. Every day we discuss how to balance food and insulin and the variations. Her specialist argued persuasively that insulin is the key ingredient in treatment and measuring blood sugar is essential. Our church member reflected on how complicated this one issue is, among all the other systems in the body. And yet some cling to evolution.

We also laughed about Sassy's need to make a nest every night, like her distant cousins the wolves. She has a manic grin on her face. When we ask her to stop, she stops, and then paws the sheets some more to make her nest, still grinning.

 Institutional power is the craving of mankind, but not the will of God.

The kids across the street brought me a bird's nest, light as air but crafted with great internal strength. The birds have to make their nests - just because the Word created them to do that. They do not reflect on their daily lives but pursue each task, even learning how to fly once their little wings grow strong.

The Word of God has instilled all these skills and strengths in His Creation. The one thing needed is the Word, as Jesus taught Martha.
Luke 10:41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Our tendency is to think more of our work will give us more results. But the Biblical reality is that trust in the Word will bring about God's results.

Relatively few have tried this because not many have relied on the Word. The old joke is the congregation wants to call a wealthy pastor who tithes. Bada-bing! (Pause for laughter) Why? Because they think their problems are solved by money, troubles caused by lack of money. In fact, many congregations and institutions die with big bank accounts, savings, certificates of deposit, endowments, and blocks of useless land where people no longer come.

Whatever woes we have brought upon ourselves, we have the free use of the Word of God, which can be spread simply and easily by the Internet.

Friday, September 27, 2019

WELS SP Schroeder - "WELS Is Becoming More Confessional."

 "WELS is becoming more confessional." - WELS SP Mark Schroeder. Pictured - ELCA Pastor Heidi Neumark, Jeske's Change or Die! speaker, 2019.

Dishonest Conversation Has Become the Norm - Church and State

 The Three Stooges could look quite serious at times. No, I am not comparing them to synodical leaders. You jumped to that conclusion - confess your sins against the Eighth Commandment and Matthew 18.

I reposted about WELS as an abusive cult here.

ELCA Exposed provided this link about the collapsing membership figures of the mainline denominations. The article is poorly written, but the figures show what the Left and its precious Church Growth Movement have done.

How many have considered the covert success of Church Growth, which is truly ecumenical? The Roman Catholics have used it too. The result of Church Growth activism has been an exodus of members from their own denominations. LCMS-WELS are just as Leftwing as their pretend enemy, ELCA.

The results are clear - the Left owns the schools of higher education, the denomination's properties, and the denomination's financial assets. The apostates have total control and the means to stop any small group from taking back power.

So fierce - and yet shivering while he barks furiously.

ELCA could consolidate its seminaries on one campus, but so could LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). Mark Jeske has already taken the next step toward ELCA owning the chihuahua synods, so named for their tiny size, their nasty barking, and their lack of bite.

ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) leaders have excommunicated Justification by Faith, the Creeds, the Book of Concord, and liturgical worship. Anyone who remembers Howdy Doody can recall how all of this has taken place before their eyes.

Dishonest conversation has accomplished the improbable, a bloodless takeover of church institutions, parallel to what has happened to American education.

 If the Thought Police in the synod have not admonished you, then you are not doing any thinking on your own.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Seven Signs WELS Is a Cult - From 2014

 Jeske - the ELCA womanist and Thrivent abortion enabler - was probably giving his "We Ran Out of Germans!" lecture to the long-suffering Martin Luther College students. Their degree costs $80,000+.
I was talking to someone who appreciated the article below - on WELS as a cult. I should add - abusive cult - just to be clear. I may add some notes on the personality of the typical WELS person, not at all charming.

Many have contacted me about the panic retreat of the "conservative" Lutherans from anything resembling the Christ-centered Means of Grace. That is because the leaders are Calvinists who favor the Prussian Union, which allowed the Lutheran name without Biblical, Lutheran doctrine, yielding to the flotsam of Objective Justification and Election without Faith.

Figs do not grow on thistles and the fruit of the Spirit does not develop apart from the True Vine (John 15).


Cult leader  

The Seven Signs You're in a Cult

A former member of a tight-knit college prayer group describes his community's disintegration—and how one of its members ended up dead.

1. Opposing critical thinking
2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving
3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture
4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders
5. Dishonoring the family unit
6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)
7. Separation from the Church


GJ - Let's go over those seven signs.

1. WELS does not allow any critical thinking. Everything is true based on the authority and purity of WELS.  Corky K. was "brain-damaged"  because he opposed Church Growth and the closing of Northwestern College. A former seminary president was "senile" because he was against Dr. Martin Luther College swallowing NWC.
2. The WELS cult drives away those who are suspected of thinking on their own. After they succeed in this, they trash the person for leaving. This happens even when the individual stays in WELS. He or she is forever tainted for doubting Holy Mother Synod.
3. WELS takes great pride in its absurd cultic dogma - chiefly justification without faith/UOJ. They have gone beyond previous errors to make this salvation without faith (Buchholz). Did anyone in the synod oppose Jon-Boy? 
4. Anything done by an official, even a circuit pastor, is directly from the Holy Spirit. To question their actions is an attack against the Holy Spirit.
5. WELS will destroy a marriage or family to assert their power over the lives of others. They specialize in "divide and conquer."
6. Clergy and teachers imagine they have ownership rights over women and children. This had led to many scandals they cover up or excuse. See the Top Ten Crimes of WELS. They will not post the news when a church worker murders his wife.  It took an FBI raid and nationals stories for Schroeder to admit to Hochmuth's crimes, which he denied took place at WELS headquarters. But Hochmuth was absolved by the synod president on the cult websty.
7. Everyone in the WELS cult is afraid to mention my name. If they try to address an issue, they are accused - "Did you get this from Greg Jackson?" All the "Intrepid Lutherans" were smashed into sullen obedience and cooperation with the WELS cult. After agreeing to keep on publishing their blog, the only one who does post is Pastor Rydecki, who was kicked out and given no support from the fellow Intrepids. Note that criminals remain in WELS while the cult kicks out certain individuals (inconsistently).

The LCMS has some cult circles, such as the Preus-UOJ fanatics. They are just as goofy and rage-filled as the WELSians.

WELS is like the Democrat Party. The synod has adopted the feminist agenda but still treats women like dirt.

If you are a WELS member and furious about this post, you are also a cult member. Own it - live it - love it. 

A blog that tells the truth about WELS and other agents of apostasy must come from a monster.

 Hybels collapsed for his sexual abuse of the women around him. Driscoll was a little too blunt about leaving piles of bodies outside the church. Weakland had his gay scandal, and Andy Stanley endorsed gay marriage. All these and more have been heavily promoted by WELS-LCMS. Wagner admitted that Church Growth principles do not work.
Read this about membership collapse - fits WELS-LCMS-ELS too.

Luther says this about false teachers:

False Doctrine Tolerated

"And such false teachers have the good fortune that all their folly is tolerated, even though the people realize how these act the fool, and rather rudely at that. They have success with it all, and people bear with them. But no patience is to be exercised toward true teachers! Their words and their works are watched with the intent of entrapping them, as complained of in Psalm 17:9 and elsewhere. When only apparently a mote is found, it is exaggerated to a very great beam. No toleration is granted. There is only judgment, condemnation and scorn. Hence the office of preaching is a grievous one. He who has not for his sole motive the benefit of his neighbor and the glory of God cannot continue therein. The true teacher must labor, and permit others to have the honor and profit of his efforts, while he receives injury and derision for his reward."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VII, p. 110f. Second Sunday in Lent. 2 Corinthians 11:19-33; 12:1-9. Psalm 17:9.

God Punishes Ingratitude by Allowing False Teachers

"In the second place such teachers are disposed to bring the people into downright bondage and to bind their conscience by forcing laws upon them and teaching works-righteousness. The effect is that fear impels them to do what has been pounded into them, as if they were bondslaves, while their teachers command fear and attention. But the true teachers, they who give us freedom of conscience and create us lords, we soon forget, even despise. The dominion of false teachers is willingly tolerated and patiently endured; indeed, it is given high repute. All those conditions are punishments sent by God upon them who do not receive the Gospel with love and gratitude."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VII, p. 111. Second Sunday in Lent. 2 Corinthians 11:19-33; 12:1-9. John 5:43.

False Teachers Flay Disciples to Bone

"In the third place, false teachers flay their disciples to the bone, and cut them out of house and home, but even this is taken and endured. Such, I opine, has been our experience under the Papacy. But true preachers are even denied their bread. Yet this all perfectly squares with justice! For, since men fail to give unto those from whom they receive the Word of God, and permit the latter to serve them at their own expense, it is but fair they should give the more unto preachers of lies, whose instruction redounds to their injury. What is withheld from Christ must be given in tenfold proportion to the devil. They who refuse to give the servant of truth a single thread, must be oppressed by liars."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VII, p. 111f. Second Sunday in Lent. 2 Corinthians 11:19-33; 12:1-9.

Avarice in False Teachers

"Fourth, false apostles forcibly take more than is given them. They seize whatever and whenever they can, thus enhancing their insatiable avarice. This, too, is excused in them."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VII, p. 112. Second Sunday in Lent. 2 Corinthians 11:19-33; 12:1-9.

They Lord It Over Us

"Fifth, these deceitful teachers, not satisfied with having acquired our property, must exalt themselves above us and lord it over us...We bow our knees before them, worship them and kiss their feet. And we suffer it all, yes, with fearful reverence regard it as just and right. And it is just and right, for why did we not honor the Gospel by accepting and preserving it?"
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VII, p. 112. Second Sunday in Lent. 2 Corinthians 11:19-33; 12:1-9.

We Are Dogs and Foot-Rags

"Sixth, our false apostles justly reward us by smiting us in the face. That is, they consider us inferior to dogs; they abuse us, and treat us as foot-rags."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VII, p. 112. Second Sunday in Lent. 2 Corinthians 11:19-33; 12:1-9.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - How Did That Happen?

 Mark Spitz' gold medals
Mark Spitz now

I was looking at the news a little and a picture of Mark Spitz came up. Mrs. Ichabod said, "Remember Mark Spitz?"

I said, "How did that happen? He is so old!"

She said, "Have you looked in the mirror?"

Christina is such a comfort in my old age. The shock came from not hearing about Spitz for 50 years - his medals came in 1972 and 1976.

People ignore so many toxic emissions from their synod because of gradual change. That is why WELS-LCMS-ELS sell the book The Frog in the Kettle, written by George Barna, David Valleskey's favorite theologian.

The pretext is that a frog will stay in a gradually warmed kettle but jump out of one that is warmed quickly. That is ridiculous, so it is telling that Lutherans wanting change sell that book to their victims, their little frogs in the kettle. Unfortunately, sentient beings are much dumber than frogs - Lutherans stay until parboiled.

The so-called conservatives think a little witticism will lower the heat they are feeling. That only helps them adjust to the new temperature. They cannot imagine living apart from Holy Mother Synod and their dear friends.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thanks to Mark Jeske (WELS), Matt Harrison (LCMS), Mark Schroeder (WELS).
Change or Die! on October 10th, 2019 - ELCA Pays for Abortion Genocide.
LCMS-WELS - "No Problem!"

2019 Change or Die Conference

 The LutherQueasies finally noticed that one could register as male, female, or other. Did they notice "commitee"? I doubt it.

Greek Lesson Mark 12:18ff and Mark 13:ff

Parser tells us the I.D. of the word

Lenski's Mark Commentary - download as a PDF

Mark 12

18 και ερχονται σαδδουκαιοι προς αυτον οιτινες λεγουσιν αναστασιν μη ειναι και επηρωτησαν αυτον λεγοντες

19 διδασκαλε μωσης εγραψεν ημιν οτι εαν τινος αδελφος αποθανη και καταλιπη γυναικα και τεκνα μη αφη ινα λαβη ο αδελφος αυτου την γυναικα αυτου και εξαναστηση σπερμα τω αδελφω αυτου

20 επτα αδελφοι ησαν και ο πρωτος ελαβεν γυναικα και αποθνησκων ουκ αφηκεν σπερμα

21 και ο δευτερος ελαβεν αυτην και απεθανεν και ουδε αυτος αφηκεν σπερμα και ο τριτος ωσαυτως

22 και ελαβον αυτην οι επτα και ουκ αφηκαν σπερμα, εσχατη παντων απεθανεν και η γυνη

23 εν τη ουν αναστασει οταν αναστωσιν τινος αυτων εσται γυνη οι γαρ επτα εσχον αυτην γυναικα

24 και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις ου δια τουτο πλανασθε μη ειδοτες τας γραφας μηδε την δυναμιν του θεου

25 οταν γαρ εκ νεκρων αναστωσιν ουτε γαμουσιν ουτε γαμισκονται αλλ εισιν ως αγγελοι οι εν τοις ουρανοις

26 περι δε των νεκρων οτι εγειρονται ουκ ανεγνωτε εν τη βιβλω μωσεως επι της βατου ως ειπεν αυτω ο θεος λεγων εγω ο θεος αβρααμ, και ο θεος ισαακ και ο θεος ιακωβ,

Trinitarian implication. John 1.

27 ουκ εστιν ο θεος νεκρων αλλα θεος ζωντων - υμεις ουν πολυ πλανασθε

28 και προσελθων εις των γραμματεων, ακουσας αυτων συζητουντων, ειδως οτι καλως αυτοις απεκριθη, επηρωτησεν αυτον "ποια εστιν πρωτη πασων εντολη"

29 ο δε ιησους απεκριθη αυτω οτι πρωτη πασων των εντολων - ακουε ισραηλ κυριος, ο θεος ημων, κυριος εις εστιν

30 και αγαπησεις κυριον τον θεον σου εξ ολης της καρδιας σου και εξ ολης της ψυχης σου και εξ ολης της διανοιας σου και εξ ολης της ισχυος σου, αυτη πρωτη εντολη

31 και δευτερα ομοια αυτη αγαπησεις τον πλησιον σου ως σεαυτον - μειζων τουτων αλλη εντολη ουκ εστιν

32 και ειπεν αυτω ο γραμματευς καλως διδασκαλε επ αληθειας ειπας οτι εις εστιν θεος και ουκ εστιν αλλος πλην αυτου

33 και το αγαπαν αυτον εξ ολης της καρδιας και εξ ολης της συνεσεως και εξ ολης της ψυχης και εξ ολης της ισχυος και το αγαπαν τον πλησιον ως εαυτον, πλειον εστιν παντων των ολοκαυτωματων και των θυσιων


34 και ο ιησους, ιδων αυτον, οτι νουνεχως απεκριθη, ειπεν αυτω ου μακραν ει απο της βασιλειας του θεου; και ουδεις ουκετι ετολμα αυτον επερωτησαι

35 και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ελεγεν, διδασκων εν τω ιερω, πως λεγουσιν οι γραμματεις οτι ο χριστος υιος εστιν δαβιδ

36 αυτος γαρ δαβιδ ειπεν, εν τω πνευματι τω αγιω, ειπεν ο κυριος τω κυριω μου καθου εκ δεξιων μου εως αν θω τους εχθρους σου υποποδιον των ποδων σου

37 αυτος ουν δαβιδ λεγει αυτον κυριον, και ποθεν υιος αυτου εστιν και ο πολυς οχλος ηκουεν αυτου ηδεως

38 και ελεγεν αυτοις εν τη διδαχη αυτου βλεπετε απο των γραμματεων των θελοντων εν στολαις περιπατειν και ασπασμους εν ταις αγοραις

39 και πρωτοκαθεδριας εν ταις συναγωγαις και πρωτοκλισιας εν τοις δειπνοις

40 οι κατεσθιοντες τας οικιας των χηρων και προφασει μακρα προσευχομενοι ουτοι; ληψονται περισσοτερον κριμα

41 και καθισας ο ιησους κατεναντι του γαζοφυλακιου εθεωρει πως ο οχλος βαλλει χαλκον εις το γαζοφυλακιον και πολλοι πλουσιοι εβαλλον πολλα

42 και ελθουσα μια χηρα πτωχη εβαλεν λεπτα δυο ο εστιν κοδραντης

two lepta are not much and make up a quadrans, English term - widow's mite

43 και προσκαλεσαμενος τους μαθητας αυτου λεγει αυτοις αμην λεγω υμιν οτι η χηρα αυτη η πτωχη πλειον παντων βεβληκεν των βαλοντων εις το γαζοφυλακιον

44 παντες γαρ εκ του περισσευοντος αυτοις εβαλον αυτη δε εκ της υστερησεως αυτης παντα οσα ειχεν εβαλεν ολον τον βιον αυτης

Mark 13 

1 και εκπορευομενου αυτου εκ του ιερου λεγει αυτω εις των μαθητων αυτου διδασκαλε ιδε ποταποι λιθοι και ποταπαι οικοδομαι

και ο ιησους αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτω βλεπεις ταυτας τας μεγαλας οικοδομας ου μη αφεθη λιθος επι λιθω ος ου μη καταλυθη

και καθημενου αυτου εις το ορος των ελαιων κατεναντι του ιερου επηρωτων αυτον κατ ιδιαν πετρος και ιακωβος και ιωαννης και ανδρεας

ειπε ημιν ποτε ταυτα εσται και τι το σημειον οταν μελλη παντα ταυτα συντελεισθαι

ο δε ιησους αποκριθεις αυτοις ηρξατο λεγειν βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση

πολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες οτι εγω ειμι και πολλους πλανησουσιν

I AM - John, not I am he.

οταν δε ακουσητε πολεμους και ακοας πολεμων μη θροεισθε δει γαρ γενεσθαι αλλ ουπω το τελος

rumors (more the sense of hearing something) report, faith comes from hearing the Report, Is 53 and Romans 10.

εγερθησεται γαρ εθνος επι εθνος και βασιλεια επι βασιλειαν και εσονται σεισμοι κατα τοπους, και εσονται λιμοι και ταραχαι, αρχαι ωδινων ταυτα

seismograph, topology