Saturday, October 26, 2019

Treasures from Luther's House Postils Soon To Be in Print and Kindle

The Lord’s Desire – That We Shall Not Forget Him
In this we can see naught but condescension and love; there is no anger here nor vengeance; yea, parents could not deal more kindly with their children. Christ’s chief desire, as He Himself declares, is that we shall not forget Him. It is His earnest intention that our whole being shall be impressed with the memory of His passion, that we may never forget how He died for us upon the cross and rose again from the dead.
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 5.

What the Words Mean

Listen to the words with which He gives the bread: “Take, eat, this is my body, which is given for you,” and with which, soon after, He gives the cup: “Drink ye all of it; this cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you, for the remission of sins.”
This declaration is the Christian’s most effective consolation; for he who really believes that Christ gave His body for him, and that He shed His blood for the remission of his sins, cannot despair, no matter what sin, the world and the devil may say. He knows that this treasure wherewith his sins have been canceled is far greater than all his iniquities.
But the consolation contained in this declaration stands not alone; Christ really gives us with the bread His body to eat, and with the wine His blood to drink, as the words plainly state, in spite of the devil. Volume Two, P 15
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 6.

Jesus’ Example – Not My Will

But let us learn still another lesson. Our dear Lord Jesus prays that His Father would let this cup pass from Him, and, as the true only begotten Son, He expects everything good of His Father. Yet He adds these words: “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” Let us do the same. Let us not on account of temptation and affliction think that God is angry with us; but turn to Him as the child turns to its father; for, because we believe in Christ, God will accept us as sons and as joint heirs with Christ; and let us call upon Him for help, saying: O blessed heavenly Father, see how hard it goes with me in this or that respect, – help, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, – suffer me not to remain in this distress or to sink under it, and so on. With this God is well pleased. Volume Two, P 52
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 1, p. 66.

Angel Anxious To Announce the Resurrection

The Resurrection
The great anxiety of the angel to announce the resurrection of Christ to the disciples, who were nearly drowned in unbelief and tormented with an accusing conscience, is a certain indication that the Lord is arisen for the consolation of those who are weak in faith, or perhaps unbelieving, that they, in the end, might seek and find Him their help and defense.
If we, therefore, discover that we are afflicted with similar weaknesses, with sin and unbelief, we should not despair, nor suppose that Christ will not accept us, but should remember how, in behalf of such poor, weak and miserable sinners, the angels came from heaven and quickly dispatched the women to tell them that Christ was arisen, that thereby they might be comforted and rejoice. For, as we have already heard, the resurrection of Christ brings consolation, joy and a good conscience, since it banishes sin, death and the wrath of God from our sight.
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 251f.

Escaping Demonic Attacks

The surest and best method of escaping these attacks is to live in the fear of God, to be earnest in prayer, and to love His holy Word. This is the true charm with which we can make ourselves secure from the attacks of the enemy. In that heart, in which the Word of God has its home, the devil cannot abide; he will trot off speedily. Thus the devil cannot make his home in the Church if Christ is there, and Christ has said: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there will I be in the midst of them;” hence we say that the devil must vanish when Christ comes. It behooves us, therefore, to hear God’s Word willingly, to meditate upon it and to converse about it often and gladly. But where falsehoods, slanders and other sins prevail and the conscience is violated, there Christ and His angels depart.
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 262.

Sin and Absolution

This is the true sin, which is such both before God and in our own sight. Thus David, after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba, was at first careless as to the sin of which he was guilty; it slept, yea it was yet dead. But when Nathan came and thundered into his heart the words: “Thou art the man who art guilty of death before God,” sin began to revive in David’s soul. Nathan however comforts him with the promise: “Thou shalt not die.”
Thus we see how the authority of the apostles is not applied in worldly affairs, which merely pertain to the outward life of man, nor only to such transgressions as the civil government judges and punishes, but that it exerts its power over sin, which is regarded and held as such by God and man. Yea, the sins of the whole world are thus under the control of the apostles and of all ministers of the Gospel, even of every Christian in case of necessity; so that we can be fully assured of the forgiveness of our sins when our pastor, or, in case of his absence, when any Christian declares it unto us in the name of Jesus Christ. Such a declaration will be as valid as if Christ were personally present to pronounce it, or had sent an angel from heaven to proclaim it unto us. Volume Two, P 188.
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 278.

Christian Church Seized by Its Fleece

No Christian can now reasonably complain that he is forsaken. It may be that one is in need of money and earthly property; another may be deprived of health; and a third may want something else, so that it might appear that we were in the midst of wolves and without a shepherd, as Christ also says: “Behold, I send you as sheep into the midst of wolves.” We can see it with our own eyes, every day of our life, how the Christian Church is in the condition of a sheep which the wolf has seized by its fleece and which he is about to devour. It may seem sometimes as if we were without a Shepherd. But thus it must be, else we would not seek our only comfort in our true Shepherd’s reed, which sounds so invitingly when Christ says: “My sheep know my voice.”

The Good Shepherd
If we obey this voice and follow it, we can then truly say that we know our Shepherd and that we are known of Him. Nor can the devil injure him who heeds and follows the Word of the good Shepherd. No matter what may betide our person under the providence of God, or our possessions, or our household, we will ever hear the voice of our Shepherd, who cheers us with these words: Ye are my dearly purchased flock who know my voice and who I am; I will not forget you. Such recognition has its foundation in the Word and in faith; on none other can it rest; therefore Christ declares: “I know them even as the Father knoweth me and I the Father.”
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 294.

What Is Sin?

What is sin? Is it to steal, to murder, to commit adultery, and the like? Yea, these are indeed sins, but they are not those which are most prevalent and most grave. Many persons are not guilty of these manifest sins; but of that chief sin of which the Holy Ghost reproves the world, no one is free, else the Holy Ghost could not reprove the whole world. This great sin is the unbelief of the world, the refusal to believe in Jesus Christ. Nor does the world know anything of this sin before the Holy Ghost reproves the people of it through His teachings; the world considers only such deeds sinful as are contrary to the second table of the law. It knows nothing of Christ, and much less is it aware of the sin of not believing in Him. But we need not talk of the world in this regard; we find many among the Christians who do not consider unbelief a sin, much less an original sin. No one but the Holy Ghost can teach the world that unbelief is sin; He reproves all as sinners, no matter how some may attempt to cover up their faults by good works or to pass themselves off as pure under the tinsel of self-righteousness.
The Holy Ghost, therefore, preaches this truth that all men, without an exception, are sinners and cannot of themselves believe in Christ. This is, of course, strange preaching for the world. The world of itself is perfectly ignorant of the duty of having faith in Christ, the Son of man. Men suppose that they have fulfilled their duty if they can say with the Pharisee, Luke 18, that they are no murderers, no adulterers and no unjust persons.
But the Holy Ghost teaches otherwise and tells man: I know that this one or that one may lead an outwardly upright life, but still the great sin of unbelief nestles deep down in the heart of every one. If we are not reproved of this sin by the Holy Ghost, we will never discover it.
We must then infer from this that “every thing not concluded in faith is sin,” whether it be monastic vows, or prayers, fastings, and giving of alms. Wherever faith in Christ is wanting, there the Holy Ghost must come with His reproof. There is no other way to be relieved from this sin but to believe in Christ Jesus the Savior. Volume Two, P 211
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 313.

Prayer and Faith

When Christ further says: “These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs,” He does not wish to say that these instructions had been given in dubious and difficult words; for His expressions are definite and clear; but He portrays in these words the condition of the understanding of His disciples. They had as yet no experience in these things, nor did they know what kingdom Christ was establishing; all this was dark before their eyes, and when He spoke of it to them they understood not His words. But the hour was nigh when this would be changed. He says: “The time cometh, when I shall speak to you no more in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.” When the Holy Spirit comes and fills the hearts with faith and confidence in the mercy and grace of God through Christ, then will follow the desire to engage in prayer, which will be a pleasure. Without the Holy Spirit it is impossible to pray.
Zechariah therefore calls this Spirit “the Spirit of grace and of supplication.” Both belong together. God must be recognized through faith as a merciful Father, because He gave for us His Son; but this faith is a gift of God, bestowed upon us through the Holy Ghost by means of the Gospel. Where this “Spirit of grace” dwells, there is also the “Spirit of supplication,” so that we will implore God for help in suffering and tribulation, firmly believing that He will hear us for the sake of Jesus Christ, His dear Son, and that He will be with us and bless us now and evermore. P. 225
Luther’s House Postils, Volume 2, p. 337.

We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Brothers - October 25, 1415.
Oxford, Pen Name - Shakespeare

He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say "To-morrow is Saint Crispian."
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say "These wounds I had on Crispin's day."
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words—
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester—
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd—
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Angel Needs His Wings - Here Is How To Help

When Alec Satin put together his Amazon Author's Page, an errant file and its graphic crept in, another version of

Amazon said, "Boost your version to make the interloper disappear."

That can be done with clicks on the correct link above and by writing reviews of the book - which I have done.

If you keep clicking on the link and add also your remarks about the book, that will push the stow-away back into the gloom of Amazon basement dwellers.

"But what if I do not have the print book?"

Solved - here is the ebook, click on it for the free PDF.

Devotional Readings from Luther's Works For Every Day of the Year

 Click here to write the review of Sander's, edited by Alec Satin.

 This is the correct version of Sanders to review.

PS - I see the bad guy is gone already from Alec's list. But do those things anyway for Search Engine Optimization. Why? - Because SEO moves a title up on the list of when people search for a given topic.

Dr. Walter A. Maier II Has Passed into Eternal Life. Did David Scaer Apologize to Him?

WAM II is on the left. Brother Paul is right of him (historian). DP Maier is in the blue shirt and WAM III (Ft. Wayne) is wearing the academic gown. Corrections and amendments to the caption are welcome.

"I just read that Dr. Walter A. Maier II, retired professor of Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne and past VP of Synod, has passed away. I had Dr. Maier as a professor and remember him as a kind and committed servant of the church. Dr. Maier is the son of the well-known Lutheran Hour speaker Walter A. Maier (speaker from 1930-1950), and the brother of Dr. Paul L. Maier, well-known author of many books including a biography of his father. His son, Walter A. Maier III still teaches at CTS-FW as a professor of Old Testament."
ALPB Forum

The Avalanche Began Some Time Ago - The Rumble Has Become a Roar

At some point the subtle becomes obvious. But first, let us step back and recall The Art of War.

 Deception is the key in making the enemy look in the wrong place for danger, helping the enemy ignore the real threat.

Deception is one of the key strategies in war. America used it often during WWII. We faked one landing site - Calais - and used Normandy instead. Germans bombed faked army strongholds in England. The English used painted murals  to fool German observation planes into thinking great damage had been inflicted on important buildings. Patton had a ghost army that Hitler considered the real invasion force. The Allies even "gave away" the details of the Calais fake invasion, using a dead body to make it seem real.

The Art of War works in the public sector too. Trump convinced most people that Attorney General Sessions was a cowardly, senile lion. Meanwhile, Sessions appointed Durham to start investigating the corruption in the Justice Department and FBI.

Sessions volunteered to resign if he was not wanted. He left office with a merry look in his eye. Barr took over. Many cases are exploding at once, notably the Flynn investigation. The Justice Department knew he was innocent from the start, but hid the exculpatory evidence, even altered the FBI 302, both actions being gross and criminal violations of the law.

Readers should ask themselves - why did Trump emphasize "his generals" when he became President? His presidency has clearly been a military operation from the beginning. The military plans backwards, not forwards. If something must be done in the future, then all steps toward that final act must be executed on specific dates beforehand.

As I wrote before, a military veteran spelled this out for me in one class and demonstrated how he could travel around the world and get his work done on time for the online class.

Those who follow independent news sources are fully informed about future events long before they are on the dull, obvious, slanted new reports - including Fox News.

Powerful attacks, like faux-impeachment, offer opportunities to use the violence of the threat against the opponent. As someone wrote,
"Trump is using impeachment to raise money for re-election." Meanwhile, the opponents are running through millions of dollars to get themselves nominated.

The General Flynn case is about to be turned upside-down, with the guilty Justice Department officials facing prison, Flynn being repaid for his costs (federal law). Durham is convening a Grand Jury to collect evidence and issue indictments.

The FISA court was used to justify spying on anyone who associated with Trump, even before the 2016 election, but also after. The data is there to show the warrants (reasons to allow spying) are false, criminal documents.

So, if readers doubt the Q military operation to set America free, then follow the independent news sources and watch the corrupt suddenly leave office to spend more time with spouse and children (Speaker Ryan), resign as CEO of a large corporation (lots lately), and go silent (Team Bush).

Good news sources are:

  1. The Epoch Times
  2. One American News Network
  3. Free Republic Current Q Thread
One sign of the end of our slavery - several important people have denounced Hillary and identified some of her many flaws. Previously, everyone was afraid of her.

Criminal liars are afraid of the facts.

 Earn a degree of confidence online and read the U. S. Constitution - all free in this Internet Age.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jeske - From 2013 - Past Proves the Future

Mark and Avoid Jeske may have horns by the next time he appears in the heavens. Do not overlook the Dollar Constellation captured by the gravity of the Jeske Gas Cloud.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Fox Valley Native Mark Belling Broadcasts about La...":

Dr. Jackson -

You said it all [well] when you stated in your reply to "Les:"

>>>>>>>>>> The new visibility of St. John made WELS look ugly, vindictive, and stupid. This theft is a way to get rid of Pastor Hastings, grab the building, and liquidate the assets.

WELS has some good members and pastors, but the leaders are an embarrassment to the Christian Church.

The DP who got rid of Pastor Hastings, long ago, and kicked out the mother church of the Synodical Conference, is also the same man protecting Mark and Avoid Jeske. >>>>>>

But, be that as it may - the Jeske pic is missing a couple of horns.......


GJ Update - Those who have been readers for a few years realize that I was too optimistic about Mark Jeske. He is more than a lapdog for ELCA - he is leading the charge against anything good, useful, noble, and faithful.

Where are the rest? They are going along for the ride. As Lyle Schaller said decades ago about his own Methodist Church - the easiest job in the world is being the pastor of a dying congregation. The money is enormous, the tasks few.

 ELCA meeting

 WELS - Martin Luther College. What is the difference?

When Karl Gurgel Was the New Vicar at Holy Word, Austin - From 2009

Karl Gurgel (left) at a high-church WELS service: no Geneva gowns!

From: Pastor Patterson
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:24 AM
Subject: [Holy_Word] Pastor Gurgel responds to call

Dear Saints,

Last Sunday in our quarterly voter's meeting we issued a call to Rev. Karl Gurgel to come and serve us in a "one year part time call" to help us continue our mission to reach the lost for Christ in the North Austin and surrounding areas.

Below is his letter of acknowledgement. Please keep Pastor Gurgel and his wife Barb in your prayers as they deliberate what God would have them do. It would be a wonderful blessing to have them among us for a year or more - but we know that God in his wisdom will make them a blessing wherever he sends them.

In Him,

Pastor Patterson

P.S. If you would like to send him an encouraging email just reply to me and I will give you his address.

No one else obtained more free vicars and hunting trips to Africa than Kudu Don Patters.


Dear Members of Holy Word,

It's a privilege to serve the Lord, recognizing in the Call of God's people, the Call of the Lord himself. It's encouraging to recognize in the Call you've extended to me, the pleasure God may still grant me to serve his people.

Your commitment to extend the reach of God's Kingdom beyond yourselves is obvious in your adoption of your ten-year plan. The growth in the Word of God you envision for yourselves continues to provide the foundation for all your future plans. If the Lord leads me to accept His Call administered through you, it would be a privilege and pleasure to serve the Lord among you.

I would ask you to continue to remember my wife, Barbara and me, in your prayers. God-willing we will arrive at a decision before the end of March. May God's blessings also rest upon you.

In His Service with You,

Karl R. Gurgel


GJ - Some of you did not realize I was on this email list, too. Church and Change is leakier than a meeting of GOP conservatives.

I wonder if Kudu Don Patterson got a grant for this special call. My intuition says, "Yes!"

The opposition is loading up their ammo for the 2009 WELS convention.

Consider this: Gurgel was Doctrinal Pussycat when his district was given the MilCraft estate (Golf) and they managed to run that into the ground. The widow was cheated out of a lot of money so she sued WELS in court and won. Gurgel had no trouble going to court to oppose a widow who lost everything. She won a million dollars.

Gurgel's next triumph was getting the Schwan money, the largest charitable gift ever, and running the synod into total insolvency. When the synod treasurer informed Gurgel that they could not spend designated gifts, Gurgel fired the treasurer and blamed the treasurer for the disappeared funds. That is the essence of the synod owing money to the synod. Some call it skimming. I call it the typical stewardship of the Church and Change crowd: spend Other People's Money on your own wild hare projects.

Read the Kuske Report, linked at the top left side of the page. Kuske failed to note that his Church Growth buddies were the ones who devastated the finances of WELS.

Gurgel once wrote that "denying I have the spiritual gifts of leadership would be false modesty." I have to commend someone who can do so much damage and still get a vicarage call.

"Sorry to stop you, but we are looking for the new vicar at Holy Word in Austin. We are told he is carrying How To Success in Business Without Really Trying and the other set of synod books,
the ones marked Wauwatosa Charities.
There they are in the back seat!
I'm afraid you'll have to go into town and talk to Interpol."

 Patterson hates one of my best Photoshops. Why?
He denied being Church and Change, and attended the "last meeting." He took staff to the Exponential! pan-sect conference.


GJ - One of my many sources says that the Ichabod exposure of free vicars has shut that spigot off. There are only 1,437 to go.

Remember, Ichabodians, the Church and Changers run on Other's People Money, not on the Word, so keep tightening those spigots.

 Who became Facebook friends? Kudu Don and Time Glende.

 Patterson boast real bunnies to pet at their gimmicky Easter service. He hid that the next year, and I found it again.
Year three - Internet silence! Church and Change did the same with their speakers at MLC.

A Thank You Note about All of You

 Pastor Shrader, Glen Kotten, and moi.

I am thankful to God for all of you. So many things have happened lately.

The trip to see the Howell and Shrader families (plus Glen Kotten) was a great experience, showing how the Faith brings us together and unites us.

 Here is a good close-up of Pastor James Shrader, who has a jolly rating of 10 (out of 10).

Having our Bethany Philippine Mission  teaching and preaching (with Glen Kotten present) is another example. He just arrived in Manila and had another seven hours to ride in a bus to Pastor and Mrs. Palangyos' home. The mission is some distance north from there and difficult to reach. Yet all that is done to reach people with the Gospel.

What members of Bethany (USA branch) are accomplishing in broadcasting the Word is also remarkable.

Glen Kotten, Chris Shrader, and Pastor Shrader

Every church body says, "If we only had money," when they only need the living Word of God, far more powerful than a stack of greenbacks. I keep looking at institutional histories that show a paradoxical relationship to wealth - the more they have, the worse they are in every respect. They die with golden teeth and jewels for food...painful. Glide Memorial Church is one famous example.

So I am thankful to God for all of you.

 Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his wife Amabel, a PhD in linguistics.

Rest in Peace, Norman Woehrle. American Soldier and Lutheran Warrior

Norman and Jean Woehrle were married 70 years.

Norman attended a recent church picnic.

Norman Woehrle
1926 - 2019

Norman William Woehrle, 4-17-26.(b) - 10-19-19( d), went to be with the Lord, and his two sons Bill and Bob on October 19 2019, after a short illness. "He was the bravest man I ever knew." He was employed for 34 years with AT&T. After retirement, he and his wife Jean traveled around the country for 25 years in an RV. 

During WW II, Norm served aboard the USS LST 18, making 14 landings on enemy islands. He served one year during the Korean War in charge of the rifle range at Cherry Point, North Carolina. He was a member of the NRA, American Legion, Marine Corp league, and the Ohio LST amphibs. which he was president for many years. He was very active in his church and strong in his faith. He was also an artist of various mediums. Norm is survived by his wife, Jean, having been married for 70 years; plus grandchildren, great grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. 

He was preceded in death by his 2 sons Bill and Bob. Visiting hours will be October 28, 2019, 9:30-11am at Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church, 520 Village Park Drive, Powell, Ohio 43065. A memorial service will follow visiting hours. Interment will be held at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, 5600 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio at 12:30pm. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory can be made to Mt. Carmel East Hospital. Remembrances can be shared at
Published in The Columbus Dispatch on Oct. 24, 2019***GJ - Norm and Jean joined Shepherd of Peace when I was the pastor. We had many discussions about doctrinal topics and political issues. Like many of that era, they were the first to volunteer for anything and often were ahead of the rest. They phoned the synod president when they objected to downward trend of WELS.

KJV John 11: 25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Greek Lesson - Mark 14:10-41

Parser tells us the I.D. of the word

Lenski's Mark Commentary - download as a PDF

Mark 14

10 και ο ιουδας ο ισκαριωτης, εις των δωδεκα, απηλθεν προς τους αρχιερεις ινα παραδω αυτον αυτοις

11 οι δε ακουσαντες, εχαρησαν, και επηγγειλαντο αυτω αργυριον δουναι; και εζητει πως ευκαιρως αυτον παραδω
a good or convenient time
12 και τη πρωτη ημερα των αζυμων, οτε το πασχα εθυον, λεγουσιν αυτω οι μαθηται αυτου που θελεις απελθοντες ετοιμασωμεν ινα φαγης το πασχα
Paschal Lamb
13 και αποστελλει δυο των μαθητων αυτου και λεγει αυτοις υπαγετε εις την πολιν, και απαντησει υμιν ανθρωπος κεραμιον υδατος βασταζων - ακολουθησατε αυτω
14 και οπου εαν εισελθη ειπατε τω οικοδεσποτη οτι ο διδασκαλος λεγει, "που εστιν το καταλυμα οπου το πασχα μετα των μαθητων μου φαγω?"
house despot - goodman of the house

15 και αυτος υμιν δειξει ανωγεον μεγα εστρωμενον ετοιμον εκει ετοιμασατε ημιν

upper, large, prepared (strewn)

16 και εξηλθον οι μαθηται αυτου και ηλθον εις την πολιν και ευρον καθως ειπεν αυτοις και ητοιμασαν το πασχα

17 και οψιας γενομενης ερχεται μετα των δωδεκα

18 και ανακειμενων αυτων και εσθιοντων ειπεν ο ιησους αμην λεγω υμιν οτι εις εξ υμων παραδωσει με ο εσθιων μετ εμου

19 οι δε ηρξαντο λυπεισθαι και λεγειν αυτω εις καθ εις μητι εγω και αλλος μητι εγω

20 ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτοις εις εκ των δωδεκα ο εμβαπτομενος μετ εμου εις το τρυβλιον

21 ο μεν υιος του ανθρωπου υπαγει καθως γεγραπται περι αυτου ουαι δε τω ανθρωπω εκεινω δι ου ο υιος του ανθρωπου παραδιδοται καλον ην αυτω ει ουκ εγεννηθη ο ανθρωπος εκεινος

22 και εσθιοντων αυτων λαβων ο ιησους αρτον ευλογησας εκλασεν και εδωκεν αυτοις και ειπεν λαβετε φαγετε τουτο εστιν το σωμα μου

23 και λαβων το ποτηριον ευχαριστησας εδωκεν αυτοις και επιον εξ αυτου παντες

24 και ειπεν αυτοις τουτο εστιν το αιμα μου το της καινης διαθηκης το περι πολλων εκχυνομενον

25 αμην λεγω υμιν οτι ουκετι ου μη πιω εκ του γεννηματος της αμπελου εως της ημερας εκεινης οταν αυτο πινω καινον εν τη βασιλεια του θεου

26 και υμνησαντες εξηλθον εις το ορος των ελαιων

27 και λεγει αυτοις ο ιησους οτι παντες σκανδαλισθησεσθε εν εμοι εν τη νυκτι ταυτη οτι γεγραπται παταξω τον ποιμενα και διασκορπισθησεται τα προβατα

28 αλλα μετα το εγερθηναι με προαξω υμας εις την γαλιλαιαν

29 ο δε πετρος εφη αυτω και ει παντες σκανδαλισθησονται αλλ ουκ εγω

30 και λεγει αυτω ο ιησους αμην λεγω σοι οτι σημερον εν τη νυκτι ταυτη πριν η δις αλεκτορα φωνησαι τρις απαρνηση με

31 ο δε εκ περισσου ελεγεν μαλλον εαν με δεη συναποθανειν σοι ου μη σε απαρνησομαι ωσαυτως δε και παντες ελεγον

32 και ερχονται εις χωριον ου το ονομα γεθσημανη και λεγει τοις μαθηταις αυτου καθισατε ωδε εως προσευξωμαι

33 και παραλαμβανει τον πετρον και τον ιακωβον και ιωαννην μεθ εαυτου και ηρξατο εκθαμβεισθαι και αδημονειν

34 και λεγει αυτοις περιλυπος εστιν η ψυχη μου εως θανατου μεινατε ωδε και γρηγορειτε

γρηγορέω - Gregory

35 και προελθων μικρον επεσεν επι της γης και προσηυχετο ινα ει δυνατον εστιν παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα

36 και ελεγεν αββα ο πατηρ παντα δυνατα σοι παρενεγκε το ποτηριον απ εμου τουτο αλλ ου τι εγω θελω αλλα τι συ

37 και ερχεται και ευρισκει αυτους καθευδοντας και λεγει τω πετρω σιμων καθευδεις ουκ ισχυσας μιαν ωραν γρηγορησαι

38 γρηγορειτε και προσευχεσθε ινα μη εισελθητε εις πειρασμον το μεν πνευμα προθυμον η δε σαρξ ασθενης


39 και παλιν απελθων προσηυξατο τον αυτον λογον ειπων

40 και υποστρεψας ευρεν αυτους παλιν καθευδοντας ησαν γαρ οι οφθαλμοι αυτων βεβαρημενοι και ουκ ηδεισαν τι αυτω αποκριθωσιν

41 και ερχεται το τριτον και λεγει αυτοις καθευδετε το λοιπον και αναπαυεσθε απεχει ηλθεν η ωρα ιδου παραδιδοται ο υιος του ανθρωπου εις τας χειρας των αμαρτωλων