Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sassy Antics Entertain Everyone

 The floor photos, especially the top one, displays Sassy's "You are crazy" look. Why is everyone on the floor, even the photographer?
Some people who love great coffee wrote about enjoying the Sassy posts. This morning's walk guaranteed a new entry. Sassy loves morning and afternoon walks, and the morning one is non-negotiable.

I decided to get ready in stealth mode, which meant finding my shoes and socks, putting them on quietly...Success! I did not make a noise. Sitting next to the rocker was Sassy, so quiet that I never noticed her while putting on my loafers.

Her walk ended with the taunting of the pits, the pit bulls at the home of the Four Esses. Each daughter's name begins with an S. Each one has loved Sassy and now she is on the youngest one's list. Sassy usually settles the hash of noisy dogs by charging them and ignoring them from that moment on. They rage at her behind their fences and her snubbing only makes them more frustrated.

The pits are another case. She often runs along their fence snarling at them, saying roughly - "I am free and you are imprisoned. Deal with it." They go from barking and howling to wails and sounds of slaughter, amusing Sassy. I have warned her to stop, so she walks many feet away, then turns sharply to port and runs along the fence again. The pits get in trouble, with pans struck and orders to shaddup! Sassy is not tired of winning. Fortunately, the owners are cheerful and used to Sassy's prank.

Sassy has greetings for people who come to the door. She barked at the Schwan delivery man when I wondered out loud who was there. We could hear him laughing. She loves to hear Ranger Bob scratching on the door.

When we are outside on a warm afternoon, Sassy sets up her watch in front of the porch. She scans 180 degrees and listens constantly.