Friday, March 20, 2020

How I Enrolled at Harvard Medical School

 The Yale School of Medicine. Mrs. Ichabod worked there in research - at the Yale Child Study Center. I worked at the med school library, finding and xeroxing articles for doctors in a federally funded program. I also earned a certificate from Yale Medical School for taking a short course.

I am getting Harvard Health Beat newsletters free, so they invited me to enroll in their online educational course on blood pressure. It only costs $29.99, so I enrolled and went through the course.

How could I miss? Blood pressure is an issue for almost everyone over 65, and I have a family history of hypertension. Oddly enough, one frequent rider on Yale bus with me was a student wife we knew from our building. She was helping a doctor with his famous study of rats with high blood-pressure. Meanwhile, the author of Thornbirds was working there, as I discovered much later. The final irony is that our son's godmother is a medical editor there now, even though she earned her PhD in church history.

Blood-pressure, diabetes, and nutrition go together, so I am also looking over sensible guides to better nutrition.

The best treatments for high blood-pressure are losing weight and getting more exercise. Both are also good for blood sugar problems.

The first bonus for eating better is more energy. Yes, that is one of the great ironies built into Creation. Sugary snacks - and that includes diet sodas - decrease energy by pushing up blood sugar and even by leveraging the carbohydrate calories in food.

I could tell diet colas were bad, because the more I drank them, the more I wanted. They also add salt, as all the crunchy snack foods do.

I tried a good diet topped by ice cream, but that is like Church Growth from a Lutheran perspective, toxic self-delusion.

Since oranges are high in potassium, which is good for energy, I satisfied dessert cravings with oranges and walnuts. High blood sugar lowers potassium and energy, one might say.

I will work more on the nutrition post.

 The rain is gone for now, but the mud and clouds remain.