Wednesday, July 8, 2020

LutherQuest (sic) Fails To See the Joke's on Them - Babylon Bee on ELCA

LutherQuest (sic)
The satire website, The Babylon Bee, posted this yesterday. If only it were true!:

ELCA Dropping All Problematic Words From Name: ‘Evangelical,’ ‘Lutheran,’ ‘Church,’ And ‘America’

CHICAGO, IL—The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a mainline protestant denomination that is home to some 3 million Lutherans, has released a statement declaring that the ELCA will be dropping all the problematic words from its name including "Evangelical," "Lutheran," "Church," and "America."
end of quote

The LutherQueasies have joked about ELCA many times and often cite the name as XXXA. What they fail to notice is everyone laughing at their pooled ignorance blog.

LutherQuest? They hardly ever consider Luther's doctrine - except when attacking it - but - when mentioning Walther - they sob and giggle like schoolgirls who just spotted Johnny Depp.

The biggest laugh of all - they all work with ELCA while considering themselves the judge of all. Thrivent is their headquarters. Thrivent sponsors abortion on demand, just like ELCA, but Missouri will not give up their addiction to that second-rate money machine.

Wasn't LutherQuest (sic) the Place Where Paul McCain Posted His Plagiarized Articles on Roman Catholic Saints?

 McCain even published an altered version of this painting, the statue of the Virgin Mary lactating for one of his favorite saints. True, the graphics department added Paul in the background - and the caption. LutherQuest (sic) never noticed the plagiarism, which they gladly linked.