Friday, September 4, 2020

Creation Garden Photos - Building a Picture Book for Alicia Meyer and Pastor Palangyos

 Alicia Meyer brought up the topic of a gardening photobook. Missionary Pastor Jordan Palangyos wants to see more flowers, so I began sorting photos into a new folder for a full-color book.

Army Ranger Bob takes Veterans Honor roses to the gravesite of his mother and step-father. His step-father was also an Army Ranger.

This hawk settled on the bird-feeding site, the recycle barrel and immediately decreased the bird traffic.

Elderflowers yield elderberries, and the bushes rustle with bird and squirrel traffic when the berries are ripe, shiny black.
Butterfly Weed attracts... right!

 Daisies attract a beneficial fly, which preys on rose aphids.
Bride's Dream is the biggest rose in the garden. This clearance rose cost me $5 for the plant.

 Falling in Love is bi-colored and fragrant. The spider helps keep the rose flawless.

 We enjoy keeping the Cardinals fed because they are so attractive. During mating season, the male feeds his future bride. We often see them feeding on the barrels, one on each. A yard based on Creation will be attractive to all creatures and provide abundance for them all.
 We put food out for the squirrel, but he wanted to audit my taxes too.